• 2 months ago
Vandal Savage arrives in Central City and sets his sights on Kendra Saunders. After Vandal attacks Kendra and Cisco, the | dHNfRVBYM2NhMGR2WEk


00:00I would like to propose a toast. It's really great to see everyone. I wish it wasn't just the dark times that brought us together
00:07The man you're looking for is Vandal Savage. Who is he an immortal?
00:11This is a cycle that has played out for the last 4,000 years
00:14We're chasing down an immortal madman on a rampage against a reincarnated warrior priestess
00:20It's when did our life suddenly become an Indiana Jones, right?
00:25Priestess I grew up in Wisconsin as your memories come back to you. So were other things as well
00:30Savage is going to decimate Central City. What we need to do is get rid of him. You're not gonna get rid of him. Watch us
00:39Everyone in there is willing to die to protect us. It's what makes them all heroes
00:43My hate will follow you
00:47For all eternity
00:49Now Kendra!
00:55Flash and Arrow heroes join forces Tuesday, December 1st on the CW
01:02brought to you by AT&T
01:13AT&T is where our heart and soul is.
