• 2 months ago
বছর আটের ছেলেকে খুন করে থানায় গিয়ে আত্মসমর্পণ মায়ের ৷ ছেলেকে খুন করে বিছানায় কম্বল ঢাকা দিয়ে রেখে দিয়ে বাড়ি থেকে বেরিয়ে যায় ৷


00:00What is the matter with you?
00:02Look at her!
00:04Are you mad?
00:11Do you know what you are doing?
00:13Come here.
00:15Why are you doing this?
00:17Get away from here.
00:19You are making a mess.
00:21You are killing the children.
00:23You are killing our family.
00:25You are killing our children.
00:27You are killing our family.
00:29I don't know how he has been able to go to school, in my school we are not able to see him in school.
00:38They were not able to go to school because of the riots.
00:44I went to Thangamah but don't know where his house is.
00:48His grandfather lives in Kala and it's in Thangamah, now we are in Gopalkota.
00:52He can't see his mother.
00:56I don't know where Gopal is.
00:58He said he won't go to school.
01:00He said he'll go to school.
01:02He said he'll go to school.
01:04He said he'll go to school.
01:06He said he'll go to school.
01:08He said he'll go to school.
01:10He said he'll go to school.
01:12He said he'll go to school.
01:14He said he'll go to school.
01:16He said he'll go to school.
01:18He said he'll go to school.
01:20He said he'll go to school.
01:22He said he'll go to school.
01:24They have been killed.
01:26They have been killed.
01:28They have been killed.
01:30How many children were there?
01:32Two children.
01:34A one and a half year old child was killed.
01:36His mother was killed.
01:38How many years ago?
01:40Two years ago.
01:42When we were coming to the village,
01:44I saw the child being taken out.
01:46I brought a bucket with me.
01:48I saw the child's face was cold.
01:50His throat was swollen.
01:52His hand was cold.
01:54His hand was cold.
01:56His fingers were already swollen.
01:58His mother was not well.
02:00They were looking for her.
02:02Everyone from the village came here
02:04and took the child.
02:06After sometime,
02:08his mother came with the police.
02:10They came here and took the child along.
02:12Then the police left.
02:14Did he go to Merigi police station?
02:16Yes, he went to Merigi police station
02:18and surrendered himself.
02:20The police came and took him away with protection, but they didn't let anyone touch him.
02:27They took him away again with protection.
02:29They are beating us.
02:33Two children died.
02:36Everyone is asking to leave them.
02:39The police beat them up.
