• 2 months ago
八点最热报 | 中国演员王星到泰国被拐到缅甸诈骗园区的事件发酵后,引起多国的重视。中国外交部长王毅前天在北京,会见东盟10个国家的驻华大使时指出,近期在泰国和缅甸边境一带频频发生网赌电诈案件,已经威胁并伤害到多国人民的切身利益,因此他希望相关国家能够负起责任,采取强而有力的措施,坚决打击网赌电诈。王毅说,中国愿意与东盟国家加强双边执法安全合作,维护周边国家交往合作的良好秩序……(主播:蔡心慧)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
01:01The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mohamed Hassan, said in a media interview before the UN Secretary-General's non-official meeting in France today,
01:08that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Eastern European countries will discuss China's proposals for joint countermeasures to cross-border cyber-blockade and electronic bombings tomorrow.
01:16He said that the Eastern European countries need to strengthen cooperation and jointly respond to relevant challenges.
01:20If the current global situation is turbulent, it will be a huge loss if the Eastern European countries cannot unite.
01:28According to the video, a man with a mental disorder accidentally knocked over a food stall yesterday,
01:36causing the food to fall to the ground.
01:38A few men grabbed him by the hands, dragged him on the road and kicked him.
01:43The police later arrested three men, including a vendor,
01:46and cited the Criminal Code of Conduct to investigate the case.
01:52This is crazy.
01:53You sell gas at home.
01:55If it's burnt, the whole village will be on fire.
01:57A local resident was arrested this morning by the Police Department.
02:00He assaulted a housekeeper.
02:02He exposed a woman selling gas to her neighbour at the price of 27 ringgit per barrel.
02:08The officer charged her with five barrels and four empty barrels.
02:12At the same time, he warned the woman that it was dangerous to sell gas at home.
02:16He also objected to the law.
