Mumbai: Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar was recently spotted at Mumbai airport, making a stylish statement. He opted for an all-denim look, which made him stand out in the crowd. Karan Johar's airport look consisted of a blue denim shirt paired with matching denim jeans. He added a touch of contrast with a crisp white pair of shoes and funky blue sunglasses. The director looked super cool and confident as he made his way through the airport, turning heads with his stylish ensemble.
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00:00Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar was recently spotted at Mumbai airport making a stylish statement.
00:07He opted for an all-denim look which made him stand out in the crowd.
00:11Karan Johar's airport look consisted of a blue denim shirt paired with matching denim jeans.
00:17He added a touch of contrast with a crisp white pair of shoes and funky blue sunglasses.
00:22The director looked super cool and confident as he made his way through the airport,
00:27turning heads with his stylish ensemble.
00:29On the work front, Karan Johar is reported to next direct an untitled series for streaming giant Netflix.
00:36While details regarding the project have been kept under wraps for now,
00:39the production work is scheduled to commence shortly.
00:42Additionally, K. Jo will also be bankrolling the upcoming romantic entertainer
00:47Tumeri Main Tera Main Tera Tumeri under the banner of Dharma Productions.
00:52Made under the direction of Sameer Vidwans, the movie will feature Kartik Aryan as the lead.
00:58Tumeri Main Tera Main Tera Tumeri is likely to be released in theatres by 2026.