• 2 months ago
A man attempts to understand his own existence through reveries of guilt and nostalgia | dG1fR0ZVZURKdkFtRm8
00:00In my eyes I see nothing, the void of anything, human, love, guilt, nostalgia, there is nothing
00:39This blood might as well be mine.
00:45To die, to sleep, to sleep perchance to dream, life is so peaceful when you don't have to
01:00wake up the next morning.
01:03I hoped for the truth, but I fear the concrete I found myself on was no more the truth than
01:23Fragments of my past close in on me as if in response to my yearning.
01:48Will my crimes die with me?
01:51I thought I had reached my destination, but everything was the same.
01:55Perhaps I had gone too far with no map to guide me.
02:00It is only my flesh that will remain to torment my past.
02:04Grief is a virtue, but I am no hero.
02:14Even you are a skeleton, all your beauty now lost to the wind of time, your verdant leaves
02:20faded to brown, with your skin the grey of ash, still not cinder yet.
02:26The fire would be mercy for you.
02:44There is nothing more to be taken from me, except my life, except my life, except my life.
03:03I left that night hoping to never return, to fall asleep on a bench somewhere, the wind
03:09piercing my skin, never to awake even to the sirens of the next morning.
03:30I'm not sure if it was the faint laughter of the people gathered by the fire, the flicker
03:35of lights in the corner of my eyes, or the brief warmth I felt from the street lamp,
03:40but at that moment the world was so painfully beautiful.
03:50I've decided to suffer.
04:05I've decided to suffer.
