• 2 months ago
TikTokers may lose a serious stream of revenue soon ... the social media site is set to be banned in the U.S. on Sunday, and many content creators are freaking out.


00:00Well, Zell, how are you?
00:01Hello, this is GloZell.
00:02Is you okay?
00:03Is you good?
00:04Because I want to know.
00:05I'm trying not to cry, because as you know, I live my life on social media.
00:11That's how I live.
00:12That's my bread and butter.
00:14I have a daughter that I have to take care of, and now y'all trying to take the food
00:17out my mouth.
00:18TikTok is, I just don't, I just can't believe it.
00:21It cannot be going away.
00:22So did you hear that like, you know, at first we had this like delayed, you know, thing
00:28where they were not going to terminate it or ban it this Sunday, but then, you know,
00:32Congress was like, oh no, we're going to go ahead and still ban it.
00:36I can't believe that it's banned.
00:37They were doing it back and forth.
00:38I'm like, oh, they just teasing.
00:40Somebody's going to buy it or something.
00:43Because that's a lot of money that they're losing, right?
00:47No, nobody care.
00:49Come on now.
00:50I mean, because just got to put it out there.
00:51You pay taxes from your YouTube or TikTok money, correct?
00:55I pay taxes off my TikTok money because, you know, I, that's how I make a living off of
01:00social media.
01:01So now what are we supposed to do?
01:03I mean, are you expected to lose like, I guess, thousands a month in TikTok income or?
01:07I'm expecting, my trajectory is more than thousands because I have skincare line, I
01:12have things coming out that are based on people seeing it on the TikTok, you know?
01:18So now what am I supposed to do?
01:20And my employees, you know, like this not just me.
01:23You have skincare on TikTok and you have employees based on TikTok.
01:25I sell a lot of stuff on TikTok and my skincare is coming out my TikTok shop.
01:31And plus you can find me and that's how I get jobs because, oh, this blew up on you
01:34on TikTok.
01:35Everybody's on TikTok.
01:36Now what are you going to?
01:37I just don't believe that.
01:38So, I mean, do you think, so, okay, let's say it is banned on Sunday, right?
01:42Do you think that President Donald Trump can get this reversed or figure out something?
01:48Do you think he's really going to do that?
01:51How confident are you in that?
01:52See, now President Donald Trump, former, future president of Donald Trump was on television
01:58So I think he understands, you know, social media.
02:01Wasn't he big on X and Twitter?
02:04So I'm thinking of all people that maybe he might, he might just save it and maybe, and
02:10then we'll be like, oh, we just love you so much, President Trump, we just love you.
02:13Because I would, I'll be the first one.
02:18Because honestly, he, you know, not only is he the president, he's been on reality TV.
02:22And he uses these platforms to promote his businesses too.
02:26So he's going to be losing.
02:27President Trump, where would he be without social media?
02:32I mean, he has been viral, more viral than I have with his, the things that he say, people
02:37want to tweet about his hair.
02:38They want to tweet about his skin.
02:39They want to tweet about like his golfing.
02:42Do you think social media has helped propel him in that he should try to save it because
02:45of that?
02:46I don't think he would be president without social media.
02:49So I think for number one that he's going to keep it, you know, he's, he's a reality
02:53star, you know, who become the president of the United States.
02:57That's a showing itself.
