Estos momentos volvieron locos a los fans. Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos los momentos más impactantes del anime “Pokémon” y sus spin-offs que provocaron más indignación, alegría, memes o debate en Internet cuando se emitieron.
00:00But Charizard still wouldn't listen to me, no matter what I said!
00:05Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español. I'm G.
00:09Today we'll get to know the most shocking moments of the Pokémon anime
00:12and its spin-offs that provoked indignation, joy, memes or debate on the internet when they were broadcasted.
00:25Number 10. Charizard's fight.
00:28Trevor's Charizard is flying above the smoke cloud!
00:32Since it debuted in the anime and caused Ash a lot of problems, Charizard has been one of the fans' favorites.
00:38So when Pokémon X and Y came out in 2013 with two mega evolutions, we were very excited.
00:44Then the episode A League of His Own was broadcasted, which offered us the final battle of Charizard when X faced Y.
00:52Armed with the Mega Charizard X, Alain faced Trevor's Mega Charizard Y in the fight of the 64 best of the Kalos League.
01:00After an endless battle in which two monsters faced each other, Alain defeated his rival and eliminated the rest of Trevor's team to advance in the tournament.
01:16Number 9. Ash defies Mewtwo.
01:23But now I have my own purpose. My storm will create my own world, by destroying you.
01:31Old school Pokémon fans still remember where they were when they saw Mewtwo's incredible aura
01:36and his role in turning Ash into a stone in the 1998 Pokémon movie, released by Johto.
01:42Well, that changed in the episode Getting More Than You Battled For by Pokémon Journeys.
01:47Goh and Ash arrive on an island to look for Mew, but they found Mewtwo, the same from the movie.
02:02During the episode, Goh and Ash teamed up to fight Mewtwo and that the first one could capture him.
02:07However, he swept the floor with the two trainers in a majestic way, exciting the spectators with his epic return.
02:18Number 8. Tobias Overloaded.
02:29If you have played an online battle and you have faced someone with a team full of legendary and mythical, you know how annoying it can be.
02:36In the semifinal of the Sinnoh League, Ash faced the mysterious Tobias, who had a Dark Ray that devastated the competition alone.
02:43His team made a brave effort and even knocked him down, but Tobias threw a Latios that won the battle, although when he did it, he was knocked down.
02:57The audience was angry because of the cheap way in which the writers wanted a ridiculously strong trainer to prevent Ash from winning the tournament.
03:05The worst thing is that Tobias has not come out again since then.
03:13Let's celebrate the remarkable efforts of all our trainers.
03:18Number 7. The story of Pikachu.
03:25Since his debut in the first episode of the anime, Pikachu has led the entire franchise as his pet.
03:31However, in the series for more than two decades, his story before forming a team with Ash had been a mystery.
03:37We only knew a few parts.
03:39To welcome the new series, we discovered more about the origin of the electric rodent in the episode Enter Pikachu.
03:45Four years before becoming Ash's partner, he was a Pichu in a forest near Pueblo Paleta.
03:52Exhausted after several battles with wild Pokémon, he is adopted by a Kangaskhan.
04:01After some time, Pichu realizes that it is time to move on.
04:05When he says goodbye, he evolves and becomes Pikachu.
04:08As is understandable, many fans cried with this cute story.
04:15Number 6. The Lake of Rage.
04:23In 2016, Pokémon Generations was released on the Internet with short animations based on video game events.
04:30A particular episode, The Lake of Rage, caught the attention of the public and attracted a greater number of viewers.
04:36Lance from the Elite Four infiltrates the Rocket Team Laboratory in Pueblo Caoba,
04:41and we see how another favorite of the first generation becomes the coolest Pokémon that exists, Dragonite.
04:47Not only did he fight the iconic Garados Shiny, but he easily defeated five Rocket Team Pokémon at the same time
04:54and destroyed the laboratory in an impressive animation.
05:00Number 5. Losing the League to Kalos.
05:06Sincerely, Lance was not so necessary, since Dragonite did everything alone.
05:15Number 5. Losing the League to Kalos.
05:17In addition, when three of the Pokémon on one side are unable to continue, the battlefield will change.
05:47Number 4. Losing the League to Ash.
05:50Fans were divided about Ash's decision to lose.
05:53Some did not mind that he showed progress, but pointed out that losing to Lance meant that he would never defeat him, which was disappointing.
06:02Others were furious that they had been deceived by the promotional material of the episode and the translation of the Japanese title, which also insinuated Ash's victory.
06:17Number 4. The first kiss?
06:22Shipping is not a game thing. Fans love to debate about their pair selections, and Pokémon is one of the best examples.
06:29Every time Ash has a new partner, the audience argues about a possible romance, but Ash had few romantic moments beyond that lazy scene.
06:38Well, until the climax of the XYZ series.
06:41When Serena was about to leave for Hoenn, she climbed the mechanical stairs and, although it is not shown thanks to her faces, the movement of the feet and the reaction of the characters ...
06:51It is implicit that she kissed Ash.
06:53The Armored Shippers, as the fans who want Ash and Serena to be together are called, were delighted, but the Poké Shippers, fans of Misty and Ash, were surely less excited.
07:23Number 3. Ash Champion.
07:29After countless battles, capturing Pokémon, making friends with many people and creating too many memories for life, Ash had finally achieved what had been proposed ...
07:39Become League Champion.
07:41To make it even more impressive, he became the first winner of the Alola region. Although in the San and Moon series he caused division due to his artistic style change, everything was forgotten when Ash faced Gladion in the Manalo final.
07:54With his League and Rock in a twilight form facing the night form, he surpassed his rival to win his great League trophy.
08:01The only achievement close to this was the much smaller success of the Orange League. This Alola news even reached the main media, which published articles to celebrate the monumental event.
08:20Number 2. Gotcha.
08:22Number 1.
08:30In 3 minutes and 14 seconds, no music video related to Pokémon has captured as much nostalgia as this one.
08:37In 2020, the Japanese rock band Bump of Chicken turned their song to Kaisha into a beautiful Pokémon animated video to celebrate the DLC Crown Tundra for Pokémon Sword and Shield.
08:49Known as Gotcha, it toured the history of the video game, highlighting characters and forgotten and beloved creatures of the entire franchise, along with a catchy melody.
08:59Number 2.
09:05It was full of many easter eggs for fans to see each frame in search of secrets. At the moment, Gotcha has accumulated 82 million views on YouTube.
09:16In comparison, Celestial by Ed Sheeran of 2022 has 42 million and Electric by Katy Perry of 2021 has 52 million.
09:25Hey, we're not done yet, but almost. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and activate the bell to receive notifications of our latest videos. Surely you will like them.
09:41Now, let's go to the end.
09:43Number 1. Become a world champion.
09:56He had finally achieved what had been proposed since he entered Professor Oak's laboratory with a dream. Now he is a Pokémon teacher.
10:04After more than 1,200 episodes, during the Ultimate Journeys series, he entered the Tournament of the Eight Masters, where the best qualified trainers in the world competed.
10:16Bringing back powerful and beloved characters for a trip down memory lane, he went through the tournament to win it and beat Leon in the final.
10:26Once again, the main media celebrated the news as if Ash were a real-life athlete, which made the fans even happier. It was a perfect farewell.
10:46Shortly after, he retired from the anime as the protagonist of the series, allowing the franchise to evolve once again.
10:55What was your favorite Pokémon moment? Tell us in the comments and don't miss these other Spanish WatchMojo videos.