• 2 months ago
The 73 Best Answers in 73 Questions


00:00Yeah, come on in.
00:05Hey Stormi.
00:07Joe, how are ya?
00:09Hey Alicia.
00:11Look who it is, Olivia Rodrigo.
00:12Hi, how are ya?
00:14Let's do this.
00:1573 questions, Nicki Minaj, this is happening, let's do this.
00:18Come on in, Vogue.
00:19What's something you could share about your co-stars, Tom Holland and Jake John Holland?
00:22That when they are together, no one else exists.
00:25What's the craziest thing a fan has ever done?
00:27Well, a fan has asked me to legitimately adopt them.
00:30What's your favorite curse word?
00:32Favorite curse word?
00:33Fuck ass.
00:35What's the strangest thing you've seen someone do at one of your shows?
00:39A middle-aged woman drink too much, pass out, then piss herself while she got carried out.
00:43Vegas, obviously.
00:45What's your guilty pleasure?
00:46My guilt is smelling my f***.
00:47Who would you say is the real-life gossip girl?
00:51Mark Zuckerberg.
00:52Can you show me a hidden talent?
00:54How do you feel about jumping in this pool?
00:56There is absolutely no chance in hell.
00:58I'm not even wearing my bathers.
00:59Just do it!
01:00Shut up, babe.
01:01Troy, I'm going to do this with you, don't worry.
01:03Okay, fine, I'm going in with my clothes on.
01:05Alright, 3, 2, 1, and that's going in the history books.
01:10When did you first hear the sound of your own voice on the radio?
01:17When I was working at Red Lobster, maybe 17 years ago.
01:25What's a phrase that you just say way too much?
01:28A little cringe.
01:30And what was your go-to order at the bodega?
01:33My go-to order at the bodega was ham and cheese on a roll with an orange drink, if you know,
01:41you know, and a small bag of chips.
01:45What's the least true rumor about you?
01:47They're all true.
01:48What's her favorite sport?
01:49I don't really like sports, but I'll say hockey, because they're, you know, hot.
01:52They look hot.
01:55Can we do the dance, because Vogue want to see it.
01:58You ready?
01:59That's right.
02:035, 6, 7, 8.
02:06You happy, Vogue?
02:07Who's the best dressed person that you know?
02:10Benito, do you like tongue twisters?
02:13Tongue twisters?
02:15Do you want to try them?
02:19How random.
02:21Tongue twisters.
02:22First in Spanish.
02:24Este diablo.
02:35Tres tristes trigres.
02:36Ah, ya me, ya me, ya me.
02:38Hombre, hombre.
02:39What's the strangest thing you've done to prepare for a role?
02:42Wax my ass.
02:43Who's the scariest villain of all time?
02:45Donald Trump.
02:46Hey, what would you say is the greatest fashion trend of all time?
02:50I'll probably get a lot of flack for this, but I'm going to say clothes.
02:53And could you please take your feet off the couch?
02:58Don't think Lenny's not going to hear about that.
03:01Do you ever go back and watch old episodes of The Suite Life?
03:04When I'm drunk or feeling really narcissistic, yeah.
03:07Now, what's the rest of your day looking like?
03:09I just have a couple Zoom meetings.
03:11You know, the ones where you only get dressed from here up.
03:13What would be your song to walk down the aisle to?
03:16What aisle are we talking about?
03:18You talking about the aisle to get some chicken wings?
03:23You talking about the aisle down the private jet?
03:26I like to walk down the private jet aisle.
03:30So, um, Shake That Laffy Taffy by D4L.
03:34What good is an interview if I'm not going to do a duet with you?
03:39Come on, let's get it.
03:40Okay, let's get it.
03:50Okay, what's the most outrageous thing you've ever worn, Michael?
03:52Um, what do you mean? What's the most outrageous thing I've ever worn?
03:56Oh, I know right away. It's that orange flag suit that you wore.
04:01Yeah, listen, I was trying to take a fashion risk.
04:05Who's one actress you're dying to meet?
04:07Jennifer Lawrence because we both fell down the stairs.
04:10What's one skill you wish you had but you don't?
04:12I wish I could sing.
04:15Can you say anything in a foreign language?
04:18Es complicado para explicar.
04:21Do you have a hidden talent?
04:23Yeah, I can make bird noises.
04:24Prove it.
04:29Alright, what advice would you give to anyone who wants to become a singer?
04:32Um, get a good lawyer.
04:33Priyanka, I heard that you perform your own stunts on set.
04:36What's been your most dangerous accident?
04:39I got electrocuted on set once, which was pretty crazy, and I cut myself today. Sorry.
04:45Who would you love to do a love scene with?
04:48The Rock. To finish what we started.
04:50Can you show me a magic trick?
04:51Yes. Okay, here we go. Ready?
04:56Man, what's your schedule like these days?
04:59Do you really want to know?
05:00This is going to be scary.
05:01Let's see.
05:03Okay, Google. Read me my last text.
05:06Gigi, your schedule is pretty easy. After your shoot, meet us at JFK, Free Paris, London, Berlin, Rome, Saint-Tropez,
05:13the island nation of Nauru, Antarctica, and Des Moines, Iowa. See you at the airport.
05:17There you have it.
05:18Okay, wow.
05:19Vine or YouTube?
05:21Can you show me your best magic trick?
05:23You want a magic trick?
05:25I mean...
05:26Lay it on me.
05:28Oh, the disappearing thumb thing. Come on, that's not your best magic trick.
05:32You don't like it?
05:34Like, it can't be your...
05:35Holy shit.
05:39Were you texting Justin when I arrived?
05:41Uh, no, I was actually ordering Postmates.
05:43If you could bring back one look from your 20s, what would it be?
05:45None. Have you seen those Spice Girls films?
05:49What phrase defines how you live your life?
05:51Uh, hashtag IDGAF.
05:54All right, now Iggy, follow me on this one. If your stage name was your favorite Disney character
05:58plus the name of your elementary school you went to, what would your stage name be?
06:02My stage name would be Ariel Mullumbimby.
06:05What goes through your mind as you're being photographed?
06:08Um, be fierce, be fierce, be fierce, but don't be too fierce, because apparently it really freaks people out.
06:14In sync or one direction?
06:17Harry Styles.
06:18Can you show me something awesome on this trampoline?
06:23That was, uh, pretty impressive.
06:26Yeah, and what's something interesting you're yet to try that you'd love to master?
06:30I've already tried, but I'd love to master a headstand. Let me show you.
06:37You're gonna need the practice.
06:39Big question. Which belt?
06:41It's a tough call. They're both so different.
06:44I'm sorry, who asked, who asked her?
06:48Can you say the most American thing in an American accent?
06:51Oh, uh, hey y'all!
06:55Can you show me your best lightsaber move with this lightsaber?
06:58I have to save most of them for the film, but just a little flourish, just like that.
07:04Not bad.
07:05What one celebrity is on the dream list to stop the car for?
07:11Which Italian word do you wish English speakers would stop saying incorrectly?
07:15Versace. Is Versace.
07:17True or false? You preferred wearing boys' uniforms when you were in grade school.
07:21Who's the cooler dad?
07:22I am.
07:24What's your favorite type of cuisine?
07:25Let me show you.
07:28That is a lot of Skittles.
07:30What are your favorite rap lyrics?
07:33We want a lady in the street, but a freak in the bed.
07:36Can you, uh, yell the answer to the next question outside of this window right here?
07:40Yeah, absolutely.
07:41What's your favorite dessert?
07:42I don't like dessert, okay?!
07:45What was a book you read because everyone else in the world was reading it?
07:49Fifty Shades of Grey.
07:50Can you show me a little salsa move?
07:52Oh, me turn first?
07:54No, you second!
07:56Can you still say that you are an introvert?
07:59Yes, which is why, um, a one-take, 73 questions situation is not necessarily in my comfort zone.
08:06What's your biggest pet peeve?
08:08Panty lines!
08:09Camila, can you tell me something about you that people do not know?
08:12Ooh, I can tell you three things.
08:14I don't know why I'm still speaking.
08:16Okay, um, I actually eat a banana with every single meal.
08:19It doesn't matter what it is.
08:20It doesn't matter if it's pasta, a sandwich, rice and beans, scrambled eggs, pancakes, pizza.
08:26I eat bananas with everything.
08:27I can only sleep with socks on because I feel like the boogeyman will lick my feet, if not.
08:33And, um, I had a tick in the third grade where I couldn't stop flaring my nostrils.
08:37And that, I have never confessed publicly before.
08:39Do your kids have any nicknames for you?
08:41Not that we can say in front of her.
08:44Who's the player that you dread playing the most?
08:46Uh, Rafa Nadal.
08:48Who would your three dream dinner party attendees be?
08:51Uh, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and Jesus.
08:54What's the Met Gala theme of this year?
08:57Uh, I think it's Oshkosh Bogosh or Retrospective.
09:00Okay, show me a hidden talent.
09:04You ready?
09:07Uh, uh, uh...
09:10And then...
09:12Okay, that is weirding me out.
09:14Did you ever find animal chin?
09:16No, why do you think I built this?
09:18Why do you think I'm still out here doing it?
09:20And what's an article of clothing you can't live without?
09:24I'd say a full body spank, one that goes from my toes to my neck.
09:27How close are the girlfriends?
09:29Oh, in real life, we're...
09:32They're through thick and thin!
09:35How do you describe yourself?
09:36I'm a six foot two giraffe from the loo.
09:40What's the most underrated band of the 90s?
09:47How do you suggest we drink this tea?
09:49Well, I'll be mum, shall I?
09:50I have no idea what that means.
09:52That means I'll pour.
09:54Who's the epitome of class according to you?
09:56Barack Obama.
09:57Can I get a raise?
10:00And who is a historical person that you would resurrect to enjoy a meal in that kitchen?
10:04Oh, the perfect person for these days is Albert Camus who wrote The Plague.
10:09What did six-year-old Greta think she would be when she grew up?
10:11A nun.
10:13What does it mean to be an American today?
10:14I'm always having to say, I am so sorry about that.
10:17Oh, so sorry.
10:18What do you have to say to your internet trolls?
10:20You guys seem to have a lot of f***ing time on your hands.
10:22Great. It's a cool day.
10:24Bye! Thank you for having me, you guys.
10:26I love you so much.
10:27This is a dream come true.
10:30Thanks for coming.
10:31Best of luck, J-Lo.
10:32Thank you!
10:34Do you want to have a little more charcuterie with me?
10:36I'm all yours.
