00:00bonjour madame c'est pour
00:02pour moi
00:04anglais, américain
00:06américain, beautiful, i like it
00:08new york, empire state building
00:10you like france, you like paris
00:12yes, it's so beautiful
00:14merci, vous avez pas encore mis le pied dans une merde de chien, c'est pour ça
00:16no, you haven't put foot
00:18in merde de chien, it's for ça
00:20merde ?
00:22non mais laisse tomber, it's not grave
00:24what do you want ?
00:26coke, yes
00:28no, coke is in front of the street
00:30you ask for Sergio Leborgne, very cheap tip
00:32he took over the business since his brother was incarcerated
00:34in january
00:36his brother is in jail but he sells good product
00:38good quality
00:40sorry, no, if you don't have coke, I'll just do a coffee
00:42ah, café ?
00:44Marwan, can you make a coffee for Meryl Streep please ?
00:46Meryl Streep ?
00:48it's a star, movie star
00:50you think I look like Meryl Streep ?
00:52I don't know, I don't know what they look like
00:54et voilà le café madame
00:56excusez, un café ?
00:58no, I wanted a coffee, is this a coffee ?
01:00no, this is a drop of coffee, I wanted a coffee
01:02ah, mais tu mentis d'un allongé, fallait le préciser madame
01:04allongé ? yes, allongé, big coffee
01:06why is everything so small in this country ?
01:08small, big, c'est pas la taille qui compte
01:10what ? non rien, donc un allongé
01:12yes, a big coffee with ice cubes
01:14ice ? ice cubes
01:16to put in the coffee, pour mettre dans le café ? oui
01:18je peux pas vous laisser faire ça madame, what ?
01:20no ice with coffee, sorry, it's sacrilege, blasphemy
01:22ok, fine, you know what, can I just have a glass of wine ?
01:24wine, ok, alors Red White s'en sert chablis pour Golden Code du Rhône au Riesling
01:28god damn it