• 2 months ago
रीवा में नववर्ष मिलन समारोह का आयोजन किया गया. चुरहट विधायक अजय सिंह राहुल बोले भाजपा नेता कायदा कानून से उपर उठ चुके हैं.


00:00In celebration of the New Year, Rajendra Sharma ji was called for a meeting of the elders of the Congress in the entire district.
00:13Taking advantage of this, I would like to request all of you to spread the news through the media that on 27th January, in Mau, there will be a Congress program.
00:38Jai Bapu, Jai Bheem, Jai Samvidhan.
00:43I would like to request all of you to spread the news through the media that on 27th January, in Mau, there will be a Congress program.
01:13The program will go on for a year. It started on 27th January, on the eve of Ambedkar's birth.
01:27BJP leaders are being accused of corruption.
01:37What can we say about their conduct?
01:42BJP leaders are above the law. They have no fear. When there is no fear, such things happen.
01:56There will be a large number of leaders. The Chief Minister of Congress, PCC President, all of them have been called.
02:07I think that all the leaders of every age group will be present in Mau.
02:16There is always a danger in Samvidhan. If you still don't understand that there is a danger in Samvidhan, then it is very sad.
02:31BJP is trying to change the system at every level.
02:47Congress leaders are also being taken under their wing.
02:54Patel ji, Gandhi ji, all of them will be taken under their wing.
02:57In a few days' time, people will say that even Indira Gandhi was a BJP leader.
03:03Such a system is a threat to the society.
03:09It is unfortunate that in such a big issue, the investigation agency is also not able to see the bright side.
03:23How this whole system has been connected to corruption, its curtains are opening.
03:37And till now, only one person has spoken up to 100 crores.
03:44If it is fully opened, I don't know how many thousands of crores of corruption cases will come.
03:51There is not much hope.
03:54Because we have seen Vyapam, we have seen Honey Trap.
04:03For a few days, these things remain in the headlines.
04:06Then who and from where do they make compromises?
04:09This is God.
04:11And when it comes to the name of big people, then more big people start saving.
04:20It must have started.
04:22Otherwise, the diary should still be open, whose name has come from where.
