• 2 months ago
शहर में गैस पाइप लाइन बिछाने व घरों में कनेक्शन करने का कार्य चल रहा है। इसमे मोची कॉलोनी, रामदेव रोड श्मशान क्षेत्र में गड्ढे खोदने के बाद वापस सड़क नहीं बनाने को लेकर पूर्व पार्षद जय जसवानी ने काम रुकवा दिया था। इस पर उनके पास कम्पनी के एक व्यक्ति का फोन आया, जिससे बातचीत का एक वीडियो वायरल हुआ है। उसमे कई लोग भी पूर्व पार्षद के साथ नजर आ रहे है। वीडियाे के अंत में पूर्व पार्षद कम्पनी के कार्मिकों को काम रोकने का कहते है।


00:00Why are you giving me money?
00:02For what purpose did you call me?
00:08Yes Mr. Narendra
00:10He is starting his work again
00:14He has a small work
00:16Right? Yes
00:18And I told Mr. Dhariv
00:20What did you tell him?
00:22That he will leave from one line
00:24He doesn't care
00:26No, I don't care
00:28I don't care
00:30What did you tell me in the morning?
00:34What did you say?
00:36One line is left
00:38You told me to give money or not
00:42So what will I do with the money?
00:44That is your money
00:46Will you give me money in God's name?
00:54It will be broken
00:56He will repair it
00:58It is a different part
01:00Will you give me money in God's name?
01:04I will talk to him
01:06Will you give me money in God's name?
01:08Will you give me money in God's name?
01:10Why not?
01:12I am getting pocket money
01:14How much will you give?
01:16How many companies are you giving?
01:18Not companies
01:20You take permission from Nagan Nizam
01:22And work
01:24Why are you giving me money?
01:28This is Nagan Nizam's area
01:32But still
01:34I am getting pocket money
01:36Okay, I will talk to him
01:38I will tell you when I meet him
01:42Give me
01:44He is giving money
01:46Where is he?
01:48I don't know
01:50Why are you giving me money?
01:52I don't know who he is
01:54He is the owner of the company
01:56Stop it
01:58I don't want to give you money
02:00I don't want to give you money
02:02Send me the video
