• 2 months ago
Delhi Polls 2025: গ্যাসে ৫০০ টাকার ভর্তুকি, মহিলাদের মাসে ২৫০০ টাকা! ইস্তাহারে বিরাট চমক বিজেপির



00:00In the LPG cylinder, our poor sisters, our poor families will be given a subsidy of Rs. 500 per cylinder.
00:12And at the same time, during Holi and Diwali, one cylinder each will be given for free.
00:25A free cylinder will be provided.
00:29In the same way, to give more strength to our maternal protection scheme,
00:43six nutritional kits will be provided.
00:48And at the same time, Rs. 21,000 per pregnant mother will be given under the Chief Minister's maternal protection scheme.
01:01In the same way, in Women Empowerment, maternity leave has been increased from 12 weeks to 26 weeks.
01:11And I would like to tell you that I have said it very quickly, 12 weeks to 26 weeks.
01:19But this is not an ordinary decision.
01:24We should understand how much this policy intervention gives a big change to maternal strength and the future generation.
01:35And in the same way, we have just decided that we, the Indian People's Party,
01:43have decided that under the Women Empowerment Scheme,
01:48Rs. 2,500 per month will be given to women.
01:55And in the first cabinet meeting, the Women Empowerment Scheme will be implemented.
02:03And the Indian People's Party has decided to give Rs. 2,500 per month to women in Delhi.
02:11I would also like to bring this to your record that in 2014, we made 500 promises.
02:19And out of which, 499 were delivered. It was 99.99%.
02:26If I talk about 2019, we had promised 235. We completed 225.
02:33And the rest were also at the implementation stage. It was 95.5%.
02:40In the same way, if we talk about resolutions,
02:46then we have made it our objective to bring poor welfare, administration, good governance,
02:54development, women's respect, mainstreaming of youth,
03:01mainstreaming of farmers, and bringing the labour force to the forefront.
03:11Today, we are happy to say that according to Niti Aayog,
03:17today, 25 crore people have crossed the BPL line,
03:22have crossed the below poverty line.
