• 2 months ago
Watch him chase his Chihuahua sister all over the place ❤️ We talked to his mom Shannon about his amazing determination, and how cute his zoomies are!


00:00He was a spunky from day one.
00:03His mom dropped him in someone's yard.
00:06I brought our amazing mama mentor, Cinder.
00:10I wanted to make sure he had gotten some socialization in with other animals.
00:14She really helped foster his personality.
00:18No matter what he was presented with, he just did it.
00:21Hi, Harpo.
00:23When he was about two months old, I started teaching him how to use his first cart.
00:29Oh, goodness.
00:31He enjoys himself in his cart.
00:34He's full of spunk and vivacity.
00:40When he wants to do something, nothing gets in his way.
00:44Sometimes he likes to run with Charity, my little chihuahua.
00:48And they kind of race with each other.
00:53He'll look at me and be like, time to open a gate.
00:59I like to call him my feisty prenado of love.
01:07Oh, there you go. Oh, my goodness, there he goes.
01:14He also knows to take those moments, and he really just soaks in all the air and smells.
01:22He has taught me so much.
01:26He never ceases to amaze me.
01:28He's so fast-talking with me.
01:30Hi, sweet pie.
