• 2 months ago
She thought she was going to be replaced by the pillow


00:00She would just stare at the cat wanting to play with her.
00:04She was just inching closer and closer to Silly.
00:07Silly didn't seem to care about her.
00:09Patchy would grab the octopus toy and try to bring it to her.
00:16It was very rare at the beginning that Silly would give Patchy the time of day.
00:21Silly kind of acted like the tough guy.
00:26She would watch from a distance.
00:29If she doesn't want Patchy close, Silly would bat at her.
00:34She just kept going at it for the past four months every day.
00:38Silly was a senior cat and she didn't have as much energy to play with her.
00:45We felt really bad for Patchy.
00:47We were trying to rack our brains and think of a way to help them build that relationship.
00:52Okay, so Silly is still not interested in playing with Patchy.
00:55So we got her the next best thing.
00:58A little Silly pillow.
01:01What's that? Oh, you like it?
01:04Her new best friend.
01:06Patchy was very excited.
01:09Now she has a pillow that looks like her best friend.
01:12We noticed that Silly was tentatively curious.
01:15She was just inching closer and closer to Patchy.
01:19She thought she was being completely replaced by a pillow.
01:22A few days after we got the Silly pillow, Silly was cuddling with Patchy.
01:26It was so exciting.
01:29It felt like kind of a breakthrough in their relationship.
01:33Silly is starting to be a lot more comfortable being really close to Patchy.
01:37Aw, you guys getting along.
01:39It was very sweet.
