• 2 months ago
Lebih dari 100 atlet Olimpiade dan Paralimpiade melapor ke Monnaie de Paris soal medali yang didapat di Olimpiade Paris 2024 rusak.

Berdasarkan investigasi terbaru situs Prancis, La Lettre yang dilansir dari People, Kamis (16/1/2025), medali para atlet itu sudah tak berkilau di enam bulan setelah Olimpiade Paris 2024. Medali-medali itu diproduksi oleh Monnaie de Paris.


00:00Thank you for joining us.
00:02The 2024 Paris Olympic Games,
00:04which is supposed to be a celebration of the achievement of world athletes,
00:06is now facing a major controversy.
00:08More than 100 athletes have been reported
00:10to have returned their medals only six months
00:12after the last competition
00:14due to unsatisfactory medal quality.
00:30Complaints started from a skateboard athlete from the United States,
00:34Nyjah Huston, who won the bronze medal.
00:36He reported that his own medal began to show signs of damage
00:40only 10 days after the competition.
00:42The Olympic Games in Paris,
00:44which is supposed to be a celebration of the achievement of world athletes,
00:46is now facing a major controversy.
00:48More than 100 athletes have been reported
00:50to have returned their medals only six months
00:52after the last competition
00:54due to unsatisfactory medal quality.
00:56Complaints started from a skateboard athlete
00:58from the United States,
01:00Johan Endoyebouha,
01:02and Climont Siki,
01:04who shared their medal photos
01:06on social media.
01:08Endoyebouha even joked
01:10that the medal looked like it came
01:12from the 1924 Paris Olympics,
01:14not 2024.
01:16The Olympic medal,
01:18although considered the symbol of the highest achievement,
01:20is not entirely made of a noble logo.
01:22For the gold medal,
01:24the majority of the medals
01:26are made of silver.
01:28While for the silver medal,
01:30100% is made of silver,
01:32and the bronze medal is a mixture
01:34of copper, zinc, and tin.
01:36The bronze medal,
01:38which often contains metals with lower quality,
01:40is vulnerable to oxidation
01:42when exposed to air and moisture.
01:44The International Olympic Committee
01:46has expressed their awareness of this issue
01:48and cooperated with MONENDE Paris,
01:50an institution responsible
01:52for the production of Olympic medals
01:54to investigate the cause of the damage.
01:58The 2024 Paris team promises
02:00to replace all damaged medals
02:02with new ones that will have
02:04identical carvings with the original.
02:06This replacement process is managed
02:08by the National Olympic Committee
02:10of the affected athletes.
02:24For more UN videos visit www.un.org
