• il y a 2 mois
Film pour la jeunesse réalisé par Hastings Peter.
Avec Christopher Walken (Reed Thimple), Stephen Tobolowsky (Norbert Barrington), Daryl Mitchell (l'officier Hamm), Alex Rocco (Rip Holland), Meagen Fay (madame Barrington).

Synopsis :
Beary Barrington, un ourson de onze ans élevé par une famille humaine, apprend qu'il a été adopté. Beary quitte alors la maison familiale pour retrouver ses origines. Il abouti au Country Bear Hall, dans le Tennessee, et sympathise avec les membres du défunt groupe les Country Bears. Cette formation musicale, très populaire dans les années 70, décide de se refomer....

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L'actualité du cinéma : https://www.telerama.fr/cinema
Les films de la semaine : https://www.telerama.fr/cine/film_datesortie.php

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00:00Hey Barry, dinner is ready.
00:04Barry Barrington was like any other boy.
00:07Sometimes I feel different.
00:11Like Dex and me, we don't look the same.
00:14He has freckles and I don't.
00:17I think.
00:18He was loved by his parents.
00:20Just remember son, the people who love you no matter what, that's your family.
00:24And sometimes his brother.
00:26This is my baby picture and this is yours.
00:33Mom, am I adopted?
00:35Of course not honey.
00:39I gotta face facts.
00:41I just don't fit in.
00:43He's run away from home.
00:45We knew you were gonna have to release him into the wild one day.
00:49Now Barry's about to discover his destiny.
00:54The Country Band!
00:57With four guys who are barely a band.
01:00I belong here.
01:02Welcome aboard kid.
01:04You're one of us man.
01:06Where are you going to find him?
01:08Does he have any extinguishing moths?
01:10Yeah, he's got thick brown hair.
01:12All over his body.
01:17You guys, they're right behind us.
01:20How about a little thing I call hiding in the car wash?
01:23So how does that work?
01:24We hide in the car wash.
01:26Way to go!
01:32Oh man.
01:35Your hair looks ridiculous.
01:38My hair?
01:40From Walt Disney Pictures.
01:42Disney's The Country Bears.