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What's the most you've ever spent on a hockey mask? If you want the classic mask of Jason Voorhees in your collection – or any other of these iconic movie props – you're gonna need to move a scary amount of money around.
00:00What's up, everybody?
00:01Griffey here.
00:02If you're a huge horror fan and have an even huger bank
00:05account, here is a list of the most valuable horror movie
00:07props you can spend all that money on.
00:13There are many iconic horror movie killer costumes.
00:15Candyman's coat and hook, Pinhead's exposed nipple robe,
00:19Freddy's sweater and glove, which
00:21is why it's odd to me that it's in fact Jason Voorhees'
00:24costume that sold for more than any other killer's wardrobe.
00:27I know Jason drowned, but I didn't
00:29realize he had this much drip.
00:32What I find even more shocking is
00:34that out of all of the Jason costumes to top this group,
00:37it's the Jason costume from the 2009 remake.
00:41That's right.
00:41The remake that has Jason as a bud farmer
00:44and a string and bell enthusiast
00:45is the costume that sold for a whopping $45,000.
00:50If you're ranking the Jason costumes
00:51in order of what I would buy, number one, Jason lives.
00:55This is zombie Jason reborn by lightning.
00:57Two, I would take Jason X. This
00:59is Super Shredder Jason.
01:00That's just cool to have in your house.
01:02Number three, I am definitely buying
01:04Jason from the final chapter.
01:06That's right, where Corey Feldman lost his hair
01:08and we were promised that he would become Jason and never
01:11did, although maybe he is now if you're following
01:13him musically on TikTok.
01:14Watch out.
01:17Watch out.
01:18Watch out.
01:19Oh, yeah.
01:20Oh, yeah.
01:21Who wouldn't want to look in the cold, dead eyes
01:24and gently gasping lips of the creature from the Black Lagoon
01:27every day?
01:27Give him little fishy kisses.
01:30Just me?
01:31Apparently not.
01:32A Gilman mask sold for a staggering $70,000.
01:36And it's not even the original.
01:38It's a mask from the sequel, Revenge of the Creature.
01:41This movie was a 3D film that essentially asked the question,
01:44what would happen if you took the creature
01:45and put him in an aquarium?
01:47Like King Kong at SeaWorld.
01:49And nothing scary has ever happened at SeaWorld.
01:52The movie may not be quite the ride the original was,
01:55but the Gilman was still incredible as a movie monster.
01:58Designed by FX genius Bud Westmore,
02:00his family eventually sold this from his personal collection.
02:04If I was going to buy a prop from this era,
02:07it would definitely be the creature
02:08from the Black Lagoon suit.
02:10I would feel a little cheated that I could only buy the face
02:13and not the body because I want to wear this thing.
02:16I want to get in there.
02:17I don't care what it smells like.
02:19I don't care how tight it is.
02:20I'm sure that I'm not the shape of a Gilman.
02:22I want to get in that suit.
02:24My guess is, is that as they were building
02:26and making the monster for this creature
02:28from the Black Lagoon movie,
02:30they didn't realize that in the year 2025,
02:33there would be an overweight guy opining to buy that mask
02:36and how much money that would be worth.
02:38They probably thought they were just making
02:40another B-monster movie, not an all-time classic.
02:43I do want to wear that suit.
02:47That would be really cool.
02:56Alien is one of the best films of all time.
02:59A horrifying journey through space
03:01with a gang of space truckers that run afoul
03:03of the universe's most perfect killing machine.
03:05It comes as no surprise to me that props or costumes
03:08from Alien would make this list of most prized props.
03:11The chestburster, the adult xenomorph,
03:14Ash's head or murder magazine,
03:16even a taxidermy Jonesy.
03:18It is bizarre to me that the costume
03:20that delivered the massive $204,000 price tag
03:24was in fact Ripley's space suit.
03:27I guess that's cool.
03:28When you've made your wife angry again
03:30for buying more Spirit Halloween animatronics,
03:32you can slide into your space suit
03:34and try to blow her out of an airlock.
03:35That may be a personal one,
03:37but survival is worth a hefty price tag.
03:39In marriage, no one can hear you scream.
03:42This can't be happening.
03:44This can't be happening.
03:48This is definitely the most shocking revelation
03:51of this list to me.
03:53I grew up on the trilogy of Terror,
03:55a made-for-TV anthology horror film
03:57that has Karen Black playing a myriad
03:59of messed up characters in three short films,
04:02the most famous of which is Emilia.
04:05The story begins when Emilia is on the phone
04:07with her very rude mother,
04:08explaining how she bought a small wooden warrior statue
04:11for her anthropologist boyfriend.
04:13Tale as old as time.
04:14As long as the golden bell remains on the doll's waist,
04:17all is good.
04:18Of course, it falls off immediately,
04:20and the Zuni fetish doll begins to hunt this poor woman.
04:24My mother loved this movie,
04:26and we would watch it all the time.
04:27There's a famous scene where Karen Black
04:29runs into the bathroom and locks herself in.
04:31The doll takes his knife
04:33and is running it under the doorframe.
04:35My mom would use this as a parenting tactic
04:38on us constantly.
04:39If we were in our room being too loud or throwing things,
04:42a butter knife would wiggle under the door
04:44to scare the hell out of us.
04:45If we were in the bath splashing too loud,
04:47she would wiggle that knife under the door
04:49to scare us into submission to act right.
04:52My mom used horror movies for parenting effect,
04:55and I don't know that it worked.
04:57You be the judge.
04:58I am stunned to know how many other people
05:01love this movie too,
05:02but to think that this prop sold in 2019
05:05for a mind-blowing $200,000
05:08is a fact I can't wrap my mind around.
05:11Pre-auction estimates were hopeful
05:12that it would fetch $12,000,
05:14which this doll eviscerated.
05:16I'm just going to assume
05:17it was my mother that bought this doll
05:19to continue to terrorize me and my children
05:22to keep this family tradition alive.
05:34There are so many horror movie murder weapon props
05:37I would love to own.
05:38Freddy's claw, Ash's boomstick, Hellraiser's puzzle box,
05:42the phallic guitar drill from Slumber Party Massacre 2,
05:45that is rad.
05:46Of all these wild weapons,
05:48it is the simple axe from The Shining
05:50that chops someone's wallet to bits,
05:52earning a $209,000 price tag in 2019.
05:56An interesting tidbit about this prop in particular,
05:59some guy bought this from the set in auction
06:02to use as an actual axe to chop normal wood.
06:06I guess someone must have yelled at him
06:07and he got it through his head
06:08that this would be valuable someday,
06:10but imagine if this prop had been destroyed
06:12by actually just chopping wood and not human beings.
06:16That would have been pitiful.
06:18Hanging Jack Torrance's axe above your mantle
06:20feels like it justifies this price tag.
06:23Even though some of the other stuff
06:24is more visually interesting,
06:27this axe perfectly encapsulates
06:29what makes The Shining so cool.
06:31That's it for this list of most valuable horror movie props.
06:35Hopefully this video blows up
06:36and makes me rich enough to buy the camera from Peeping Tom.
06:39Until then, I'll just keep filming selfies on my iPhone.
06:42Fingers crossed.
