• 2 months ago
जयपुर और जोधपुर के बाद अब अलवर में भी एग्रो प्रयोगशाला स्थापित की जाएगी. इससे फसलों को कीट से बचाने में किसानों को मदद मिलेगी.


00:00The area has been selected.
00:03In the areas where these facilities are given,
00:06it is possible that soil testing lab is already running in that area.
00:12These labs will be made with them.
00:14And there is also a lab in Alwar,
00:18which is selected in the same area as the Agriculture Joint Office.
00:23This building will be constructed by the Marketing Board.
00:27And in this, like,
00:30Mridavya Shishak will eat,
00:33there will also be a Farmer's Specialist,
00:36and there will also be a Farmer's Kit Scientist.
00:39And the farmers will bring their crop here,
00:43in which they will be tested for infection,
00:45and they will be told the results.
00:47It is like this.
00:48And there is a budget of up to 11 lakh rupees to make this,
00:53so that will be made by the Marketing Board.
00:56As soon as the work will be done,
00:58this is not a very big project.
00:59After that, the staffing will be done.
01:00Soil Science, you come here,
01:02and two of your Agricultural Scientists,
01:04and they will do it.
01:06And the staffing will be done.
01:08In the staffing, as I said,
01:11one is your Farmer's Specialist,
01:13if the soil is running in our area,
01:15then they will take the responsibility of the Soil Specialist.
01:18And a Farmer's Kit Scientist,
01:20if it has to be drawn,
01:21then these things will be given to the farmers in their own fields.
01:27So, this is our station road,
01:30which is the office of our Agricultural Department.
01:32In that, the location has been selected.
01:35And I think,
01:37this will be ready by the end of the bus.
