• 2 months ago
ବନ୍ୟଜନ୍ତୁଙ୍କ ସୁରକ୍ଷା ପାଇଁ ଏବେ ବନ ବିଭାଗକୁ ସହଯୋଗ କରିବ ପୋଲିସ । ଏଥିପାଇଁ ଗଠନ ହୋଇଛି ସ୍ୱତନ୍ତ୍ର ଟାସ୍କ ଫୋର୍ସ ।


00:00As you know, in November there was an incident, and on December 12th, there was a search and seizure at Udala Police Station.
00:11Tiger teeth, bone and skin were seized by the Forest Department.
00:21And on January 11th, the receiver was arrested at Udala Police Station.
00:26This incident was a case of Wildlife Protection Act 1972.
00:32And in Udala Police Station, there was a case of Arms Sector.
00:35Because in this incident, arms and ammunitions were seized.
00:42So there was a case of Arms Sector in Udala Police Station.
00:46So basically, to assist the Forest Department, to protect wildlife and wildlife-related offenses,
00:55we provided the Police Force, APR of Mahebhan Village.
01:02They were missing.
01:04So we provided them with active patrolling and flag march.
01:10So that is the reason.
01:13Our motto is to safeguard wildlife.
01:17And our approach is towards zero tolerance to wildlife offences.
01:23The APR Force consists of 40 Police Officers from the Forest Department.
01:28We provided armed training to Mahebhan District.
01:32And we also provided training to 50 Police Officers in Bagdi Firing Range.
01:38They are trained by police and they are also armed with weapons to protect the wildlife.
01:47Now they will use arms and they will missing.
01:52The Police Department will patrol and protect the wildlife.
01:57Basically, to protect wildlife offences.
02:01In modern technology, AI cameras and infrared trap cameras have been installed in more than 180 locations.
02:13To detect wildlife offences.
02:18To prevent them, we have modernized IT tools and technology.
02:24We have empowered them and multiplied the force.
02:27We have used them in the Police Department and Forest Department.
02:32Basically, Home Department, Government of Odisha...
