• 2 months ago
Mark Dunford is joined by Sussex sport guru Steve Bone and a speical guest - Bognor Regis Town joint manager Jamie Howell.
Jamie was on Arsenal and Portsmouth’s books as a young player and played for England Schoolboys and England under-18s. He played for Brighton, Torquay, Bognor and Burgess Hill.

Jamie has managed Burgess Hill, Bognor and Eastbourne Borough and coached at Kingstonian and runs ‘Advanced Football Coaching’ which he set up 12 years ago with his brother in law, the York City and former Worthing manager Adam Hinshelwood.
As we’ll hear shortly, Jamie is now passing on the pro football mantle to the next generation - his teenage son Harry is doing well at Brighton.


00:00Welcome to another episode of the Sussex non-league podcast where we take a look at all the latest
00:06goings on a grassroots football across the county. I'm Mark Dunford and on this edition
00:10I'm joined by Sussex sport guru Steve Bone and another in our ever-growing series of
00:14special guests. Steve and I are both delighted to be joined today by Bognor Regis Town joint
00:19manager Jamie Howe. Jamie was on Arsenal and Portsmouth's books as a young player and
00:24played for England schoolboys and England under-18s. He played for Brighton, Torquay,
00:29Bognor and Burgess Hill and then Jamie has now managed Burgess Hill, Bognor, Eastbourne
00:34Borough and coached at Kingstonian and runs advanced football coaching which he set up
00:3912 years ago with his brother-in-law the York City and former worthing manager Adam Hinshallwood.
00:44As we'll hear shortly Jamie is now passing on the pro football mantle to the next generation.
00:48His teenage son Harry is doing well at Brighton. So Jamie thank you very much for joining us today.
00:54Tell us how you're getting on back in familiar territory at Nyewood Lane.
00:59Yeah it's great yeah I've been uh it's good you know it's uh it's been a sort of funny season
01:05obviously I was there at the start of the season uh with Robbie and um like I say you know
01:10unfortunately with a lot of injuries and things like that and uh you know sort of left a little
01:16bit uh and then and then came back and um yeah it's been good you know it's nice to be back.
01:21I think more we're looking sort of a longer term project you know I think working with Bermy uh I
01:27think it's sort of interesting when it was first muted about doing it with Bermy because obviously
01:33I think he's quite a strong character and he's been a manager in his own right and a successful
01:37one and um and I've done that as well and so the idea of both was doing it we understood how it
01:42would work but um no we've uh we've got on with it really enjoy working together and uh so far it
01:48seems uh it seems to be going in the right place. How does the the double act if you like work are
01:53you good cop bad cop or are you bad cop and worse cop how would you how do you approach how do you
01:59sort of manage the players between you? I think it's really interesting really because I think
02:03when we we sat down with uh with Jack and uh Dickie Pearce and you know we thought about how
02:12is it all going to work and and things like that and actually it was just when we sat down we you
02:17know we've got far more things in common uh than what we you know we we played together for 10
02:23years we know how we're going to play and I think the the biggest common uh thing we had in you know
02:30the common factor together was actually what the club to do well you know to get back to where it
02:35was and and actually you know to rediscover its identity so I think you know the coaching he does
02:41some coaching I do some coaching we we talk about the team we'll always have some disagreement I
02:46don't have too many at the present moment but you know I think sometimes uh I'll go with what
02:51Fermi says sometimes he'll have to go with what I've said today it's like a marriage a little
02:55bit from there it's give and take um but fundamentally with we're very aligned with
02:59what we're trying to do so a lot we don't really disagree with too many things to be honest with
03:04you and you know fundamentally we both want the uh the team to do well yeah it's been a it's a
03:10tough task ahead of you isn't it keeping the rocks up this season is there still belief the
03:14team can beat the drop yeah there is yeah I think we you know I think we're both very positive people
03:20and uh I think we need to be positive and need to instill that belief that that's the case but
03:24I think the club are really good where from the onset they said look it's a three to five year
03:28plan you know we understand where we are you know we might well get renegated this year um but if we
03:35do how can we make sure that when we come back up you know we're we're moving in the right direction
03:40and we can stay there we've got longevity so that takes a little bit of pressure off Birmingham
03:44straight away you know because otherwise you might have tried to get more players for the short term
03:52that will get you out of the situation or potentially we're actually we're using this time
03:57you know to try and plan for for the future we want players that are with the club for the uh
04:01you know for the you know for the longer period I suppose in a way it's similar to when you managed
04:09Bogner before because when when you came to Bogner as joint manager with Dabba in I think it was
04:132009 the club was on on a bit of a downward thing then and it actually did take you a little while
04:19to to sort of stabilize things and turn things around and then you came back up much stronger
04:24and eventually of course got to got to National South so there's a little bit of a sort of symmetry
04:29there with with with what's happened at the club before yeah and I think you know different managers
04:35coming at different times and sometimes it can just be an unlucky time and I remember when I
04:40when I first came back to the club um I was coaching Dabba was the uh the manager and we
04:48got relegated we you know the first year they got relegated Dabba took over the club when it was
04:53Jack wasn't very well it was it was a nightmare scenario and they'd done brilliant just to try and
04:57get the club going the next year we got relegated again because that momentum it's hard to break the
05:03cycle of winning or losing you know and we were losing and then I think I was quite fortunate
05:09then because we changed roles a little bit and and that was where Dabba was brilliant he comes
05:14into his it's his forte you know he's a brilliant coach and we could start from scratch and the club
05:19were very good with that where they said you know we had all these young players that that we brought
05:24in we got Dabba to coach them the club gave us time to bring these players through and without
05:31having that pressure over the period of time then suddenly Ollie Pearce we gave him chances to play
05:36Doug Tuck, Dan Kempson loads of these younger players that were playing for us at the time
05:41probably their trade Kane Wills come in you know we were in the what was it the Eastman South at
05:46the time there but he played 100 games or you know two seasons and then suddenly you know 18, 19
05:54really feels you know really feels confident and then can move forward so that's where the club's
05:58good and I think that's where we're trying to get at the present moment with Dabba and I to
06:02sorry with Birmingham and I nowadays to make sure that actually we can move forward with the
06:08young players and and got a good future for the football club. So the bringing through of the
06:13young players you know whether they're local or they come to Bognor from elsewhere that that is
06:19again a key part of what you're looking to do. I think it is. It has to be for a club like Bognor
06:25I suppose. Yeah I think if I'm really honest about it I think we've we've fallen behind a
06:30little bit to other clubs the 3G pitch which you're trying to get through at the present moment
06:38has been a real sort of game changer in regards to training bringing local players through a
06:44little bit because you've got a pathway you've got revenue streams that come in and we haven't
06:48done that because we've got this lovely pitch at Bognor which is you know it's been one of our main
06:53assets for many years but you can't play on it because you want to keep it pristine and that
07:00causes problems with training bringing younger players through so we're losing players to other
07:06clubs that can offer these sort of opportunities for younger players and so then we've had to try
07:11and you know source players externally which costs more money and also I don't think they've got so
07:16much of a a love for the club you know local players are worth their weight in gold because
07:22they want to be there they want to play they've got parents and friends of family watching the
07:27game so it means more to them and they're the type of people that we want to attract to the football
07:31club. And you've talked about the the long-term plan the three to five year plan is it possible
07:38to say where the club sees itself sort of at the end of that three or five years you know has the
07:44club got a level that it thinks it should be at because you've been up to National South a couple
07:49of times and that's proved difficult. Hits Me In Premium is maybe the club's natural level I don't
07:55know is that is that how the club sees it? I think that would be a fair assumption yeah I think that
07:59would be from there and I think that's that's the level we we'd like to be playing at obviously I
08:03think Birmingham and I would definitely like to be playing Conference South and you know get the
08:08club to that level and I don't think there's any reason why we can't aspire to that and maybe get
08:12to that level in in years time but you know we are where we are now and we're going to try and
08:18steady the ship and see where this season takes us but you know if it's next year and we're in
08:24the South or whatever league we're in there we need to try and be challenging now and get up
08:29there as soon as possible and then make sure that we've got a sustainable team that can challenge
08:34we've got good people instead of unfortunately when you've got players that you keep chopping
08:38and changing every year it's very hard to have any sort of continuity and you look at most
08:43successful teams they've got players that been with those managers and the other players for
08:47some period of time so they understand each other and they've got continuity and they know what the
08:51coach is asking them to do. Yeah so your son Harry has been making a few headlines at Brighton this
08:58season I think only last week he was named Premier League two player of the month for December
09:03how long has he been at Brighton and what are his prospects do you think?
09:07He's been Brighton since I think about seven so yeah probably about nine years now straight
09:13and yeah he's loving it he's enjoying football it's hard you know like I say there's
09:20lots of really good football players at Brighton and he's gone into the
09:2421 this year and really enjoyed it so yeah I think it's like every young aspiring football
09:30player they want to do well they want it all now which is difficult and needs to be patient
09:36but yeah he's working really hard and you know just hope and pray that he gets a lucky break
09:41further down the line. Yeah do you fancy getting him on loan at Bognor? Yeah yeah I don't think he'd
09:47yeah I don't yeah I'll let Bermie manage him to an extent he won't listen to a word I say but
09:51uh yeah no he's he's really enjoyed it but he he's been at Bognor for you know he used to come to all
09:57the games um you know he was a ball boy and you just want to come and kick football and be around
10:03the football club so I think that's that experience has probably worked well for him because he's
10:07quite grounded he understands that you know all these fantastic facilities that they've got at
10:13the Amex and other you know training facilities up in the other country for these young players
10:17is not really where a lot of people will end up you know and uh yeah they're very fortunate with
10:23that and actually the Bognors, Lewis, Eastbourne, Worthings that type of places you know they're
10:28if you can play that level of football for a long period of time then you're very lucky and I know
10:33um Jack Inchwood's very similar obviously so he followed Adam a lot went to Worthing all the time
10:38just wants to be around it and you can see that you know he's done brilliant but he's very very
10:42grounded and I think that comes from seeing all these non-league grounds seeing you know non-league
10:48players that are really good have to go to work work really hard so I think he's wary of um how
10:53lucky he is and just hope and pray he can uh continue to uh to form a career. Are Brighton
11:00very good at sort of managing the all these youngsters because they you know they've got
11:04a lot of young players on their books sort of under their care are they are they good at that
11:09you know do they sort of manage expectations and do they give them the best opportunities that there
11:14are? Yeah from from our experience I think they've been they've been brilliant I think you know with
11:18the with the highs and the lows that these young players go through I think you know it's trying
11:23to keep a an even keel with them uh which is difficult because they are young young players
11:29you know and uh and they're young men and um we even have it like say a Bogner difficulties with
11:36the young lads especially if they come out of the pro game um trying to sort of figure out where they
11:42are you know do they have to get a job do they continue trying to go down the football route
11:46it is difficult for these young players but um yeah I think I couldn't speak highly enough what
11:50Brighton do I think they've got a lot of good experience of dealing with younger players um
11:54they know the process they know when to put them in when to bring them out and I think you just have
11:59to um trust the process really which is which is important. Yeah sorry all right well I was just
12:07going to say we touched earlier on the fact that you run the academy you run advanced football
12:11coaching um what sort of age group do you cater for there and and do you know there's an element
12:17of what Brighton do that you have to do as well you have to sort of be realistic with different
12:22players about their abilities and you have to manage their expectations a bit? Yeah I think
12:26it's I'm very fortunate you know I watch a lot of Harry's videos you see what Brighton are doing
12:31to see some of the coaches and like with any good coaches you you need their best ideas so you
12:36select Nick Dabber's coaching sessions all the time and uh and they will get you know really
12:41good people that you admire and and um you look at their sessions and you try and implement yes
12:45obviously ability wise you might have to taper it but yeah I think we've got really good players
12:51coming through we do five to eighteens you know sort of help uh Dave Jordan uh Nick and Matt and
12:58Russ with the under 18s at Bognor and we're trying to form a real pathway for players that come all
13:06the way through from Bognor that if they are good enough that they can understand how the first team
13:11want to play our sort of identity and um you know we're really trying to push that forward
13:16we know the 3Gs a massive step for that but I think hopefully we can have a lot more players
13:21from the sort of Bognor to just uh Littleton and Worthing areas that can play for Bognor if they
13:27can't play higher and that's what we're trying to do. Yeah I was just going to ask obviously we
13:31mentioned in the intro that you were a youngster at Arsenal and Portsmouth how how are the academies
13:37different now to when you were sort of an academy player and that at pro levels? I think they're
13:44they're miles different you know yeah I think football is is football's changed a lot I think
13:50in especially in my generation I feel old nowadays but I think it's just you know it's it's
13:56what was expected the style of play but also I think all the other things that go into
14:01playing such as their diet, strength and addition all the other the mental side of it a little bit
14:07you know that's come on leaps and bounds and um it's good and you know I think there's there's a
14:13lot of um really important um you know help for these young players to know to be the best version
14:22of what they can be but uh you know fundamentally the slight issue is that when they see Instagram
14:29social media and things like that wasn't there football is a tough tough industry and you have
14:35a lot of knockdowns and and we're just talking to a couple of friends you know this morning about
14:40you know you couldn't I couldn't tell you who would be the best player I see people you know
14:46my boy's brilliant because he scores 20 goals in the Aaron Sussex football league and you're saying
14:52well he's seven you know let them try and enjoy it and and encourage them and find you know put
14:59an environment where they're learning and that's what I would encourage and then you know you can
15:04never tell who's going to actually make it because it's really comes down to luck at the right time
15:09when they get to 17 18 or whatever they get their first uh first opportunity yeah absolutely
15:16brilliant right thanks for that insight uh Jamie we're now going to look at um the Sussex
15:20non-league teams across the county and how they've been getting on in the early weeks of 2025 we'll
15:25start in the National League South and we've been saying all season how our two step two clubs have
15:29been having similar seasons is that still the case Steve it is really yeah so Eastbourne Borough and
15:35Worthing um they've they've they've had not identical seasons but very similar um they've
15:41both been up there or thereabouts um for most of the season if not all of it and that's still the
15:46case now Eastbourne Borough um are a particularly good run at the moment they haven't conceded a
15:51goal for I think it's six and a half games about 10 hours which is phenomenal really any level of
15:56football um so they're they're up to third in National South Worthing not too far behind them
16:02Worthing a seventh so they're in the playoff spots as well and actually with with games in hand on
16:06all the teams around them um so I I think at the moment we're looking at both teams being really
16:11good bets uh for the playoff spots I think the title might just be a little step too far for
16:16either of them but you know they're to be proved wrong on that point um but it's good to see um you
16:22know good great for Sussex to have two teams at that level doing well um and I think we were just
16:27going to ask Jamie obviously Jamie a few years ago now but you were at Eastbourne Borough uh do you
16:32still you know it's very different sort of set up there now and different people there do you
16:35still keep an eye on how they're doing and pleased to see them doing very much so you know really
16:40nice club Eastbourne Borough you know they've got some really nice people there and and they're a
16:44good football club and um I think obviously they've had investment and they're really looking
16:48to push on um yeah so I you know it's great for Sussex football I hope they do well I hope they
16:53get to you know get promoted and the same with Worthing I know they're sort of our rivals but
16:58you know I speak to Aggie a lot and you know I think he's a brilliant young coach and they've
17:02got some really good players down there as well so yeah you hope that um you know they both can
17:08can get promoted this season. And for those who don't know obviously Adam Hinsherwood is your
17:13brother-in-law um do you speak to him much is he still keeping an eye on Worthing do you know?
17:19Yeah I think he would do I think it's natural you know I think to be honest with you that they're
17:22so busy up in York at the present moment I think they've settled really well and um but I think
17:27he's you know he's so busy with with family in York and everything like that there but um yeah
17:33I think he's I think he's come down I think he's watched a few games and um yeah I think he's
17:37always going to follow Worthing yeah. Yeah he could be a football league manager this time
17:42next year couldn't he so yeah. I think he will be yeah he's I think that just shows you know
17:46you've got an opportunity there and he took it and um you know he's taken Worthing so well and
17:51same with York so you know it's a great opportunity for young managers to get an opportunity to do
17:56well and and that's what you want to see. Yeah absolutely. On to the Eastman Premier now and it
18:01continues to be a tough tough time for some of our six sides in the division but one has broken
18:06into the playoffs in the past week what's the latest Steve? Yeah um so Horsham uh going really
18:12well now up to fifth place uh a couple of months ago they were 14 15 they were behind on games but
18:18they were mid-table they were a bit inconsistent uh they've now just won seven games in a row
18:23which is like Eastbourne with their clean sheet record to win seven games in a row that in that
18:29league is very difficult and so Horsham deserve a lot of credit for that so they're up to fifth
18:35place at the moment uh not that far off top spot either uh five points behind Dover who are the
18:41leaders so it'll be interesting to see how they go from here I think they'll continue to do well
18:46I think they've hit form at the right time uh you've then got Chichester City doing exceptionally
18:50well not too far behind them um you wouldn't really have tipped Chichester I don't think many
18:57people would have tipped Chichester to be in the top half um at any point this season but they've
19:02got up there Myles Rutherford is saying we still need to make sure we don't get sucked into a
19:07relegation battle even though they're seventh um you've got Lewis who are mid-table uh they've
19:14slipped a bit from they had a flying start and they have slipped a bit they need to turn things
19:18around and there's a game coming up this weekend that we'll mention later that will give them the
19:22chance to do that um but uh you know Jamie might want to just close his ears here but unfortunately
19:29Bogner Hastings and Whitehawk we've got three of the bottom four in Sussex at the moment which is
19:34a real shame Bogner had a great win uh a sort of out of nowhere win 4-3 at Dulwich Hamlet
19:42um a couple of weeks ago last time out actually last time they played they were 3-1 down played
19:46with 10 men somehow pulled a win out of the bag and I just think that might give them a little
19:51platform to to move forward uh and to improve and to maybe go on a little run
19:57Hastings as well Hastings were a couple of games behind they've had their last two called off but
20:01they're in the bottom four but with still with time to get out of it uh and the same with Whitehawk
20:06um and and I mean Jamie you you it's such a dog-eat-dog league isn't it um you know there
20:13are teams at the top that that can't guarantee they will they will stay there and at the same
20:18time the teams at the bottom will all you know they're not adrift um anything could happen
20:23in the last few months I think it is a very doggy dog league to be honest you and everyone can beat
20:29everyone and that's where I think you know I think you mentioned Horsham there I think
20:34they're for me the standout team they've got good experience they've been there for some
20:38for some time you know Tom's got them playing well I think they're a little bit more victim
20:42of their own success with the FA Cup and that's why they were maybe a little bit of a false
20:45position but they're excellent but you know I think it's that's what gives us a bit of hope
20:50that you you can beat anyone and it's just a bit of bit of form you know Whitehawk were
20:53struggling you know a little bit then Sean's gone back in there they've won quite a few games so
20:58if you can put a little run together it does give you an opportunity to climb the table and
21:02I think that's what everyone's hoping at the present moment of their team could do that
21:06yeah I just I'm just interested do you you mentioned all the managers like Sean Saunders
21:11and Dom and that do you all speak to each other like during the week and stuff have you got a
21:14little whatsapp group or anything not so much in the week largely I think we're all pretty
21:18fairly busy if that's what it is from my perspective you know most of the Sussex managers
21:26you know yeah you see on the circuit and most everyone gets on pretty well to be honest with
21:32you so if I've got an issue you can always ring up Sean or Dom and have you played this team and
21:36they're quite willing to help and and that's what we do and you know we're that you know it's Miles
21:42and Dabra like at Chichester local rivals but you've been friends for 25 years so you're always
21:47going to you know try and help your mates out and fundamentally I think I said earlier on you
21:51want the Sussex teams to do well you know obviously we're not really playing them but
21:55the majority is anything you can do most managers are pretty decent fellas and they'll do anything
22:00to help anyone that they can help really yeah that's interesting yeah we're now we're on to
22:06the Eastman South East division which is just beginning to stretch out a little in terms of
22:10who's challenging and who's struggling which of our Sussex teams at step four have big weeks and
22:14months ahead of them Steve yeah um so the nice thing is that we've in each of these divisions
22:19we've got at least one team that is pushing for promotion and in Eastman South East Eastman South
22:24East it is Burgess Hill um it's going really well had another win good win in the week one two one
22:30at Erith on Tuesday night again after a couple of postponements and sort of set them back a little
22:35bit so they're up to fourth place uh the interesting thing about them is they've got a lot of games in
22:40hand they've got two three four games in hand on all the teams around them um and despite that
22:46they're fourth so you just kind of think that if they can carry on the same sort of path that they're
22:51on they should be in the playoffs at the end of the season which would be great for them
22:55they would like to go back up to um Eastman Premier I'm sure you look at that table and
23:01you're probably thinking that Ramsgate and Sittingbourne are going to take some catching as
23:04the top two Ramsgate very close to it last year just lost out at the very end and they lost a
23:11try in the playoff semi-final but Ramsgate Sittingbourne a little bit ahead but four or five
23:17teams including Burgess Hill right behind them and in with a chance and then looking at the other
23:22Sussex teams further down you've got Broadbridge Heath and Eastbourne Town still doing quite well
23:25in mid-table three bridges and East Greenstead are kind of catching those two up now um three of our
23:32Sussex sides are looking over their shoulders a little bit Lansing have improved in recent weeks
23:36Sam Morgan manager there now they've put together some good results but you heard Bay last weekend
23:41Little Hampton Town are the ones who could do with a little run they could do with finding sort of
23:46two or three wins together they're in the bottom four now and Stenning are still bottom but again
23:52not that far behind um again with with two or three wins uh in a in a short period of time
24:00they could still get out of that so um yeah very competitive division like the Eastman Premier
24:06really anybody can beat anybody on their day with the possible exception of the of the top two and
24:11just coming back to you again Jamie obviously as a player and manager spent some time at Burgess Hill
24:16so you'll be pleased to see them doing well again could they get up and could they do okay do you
24:22think at step three? Yeah definitely I saw them the other week they played Brighton in the senior
24:26cup and uh I watched them play there and I was very impressed with them they look strong
24:31experienced you know they pace you know they look a team that were full of confidence and I'm sure
24:37that they could go up so um yeah I think and if they did they'd hold their own quite comfortably
24:43you know they look like they've got a real team and good infrastructures going in at the football
24:47club and yeah I think that's a club that's gonna definitely moving moving in the right direction
24:52Excellent um yeah uh finally we'll have a quick look at the SCFL and the weather has prevented
24:57much action in the past couple of weeks so is it as you were Steve in terms of those battling at
25:01the top and bottom of the Premier and First Divisions? It is really yeah not been much
25:05movement since we last talked about them all um obviously you get more postponements down there
25:11and I think there was one weekend where there was only about three games in the whole league
25:14played because of um wet pitches and then frosty pitches after that but Hassox um Hassox had a
25:20little bit of a blip over Christmas one draw one defeat uh they finally got going again in midweek
25:27this week had a good win 3-1 at Wick which has taken them 11 points clear again at the top
25:32and when you're into mid-January and you're 11 points clear you kind of think it's yours to lose
25:37really uh they're more than halfway through the program now they're in so they're 11 points clear
25:41of Roffey they're 13 clear of Hayward's Heath who have got a game in hand on the top two so Hayward's
25:47Heath will probably still be thinking if we can put a run together we can still threaten but I
25:51think after Hassox I think the rest of them are playing for the playoffs you've got Roffey, Hayward's
25:55Heath there, Kroeber, Petersfield, Crawley, Downgate, Gatwick who we'll mention uh in FA Vars terms in
26:02a little while as well um you could probably go down as far as Peacehaven and Eastbourne United
26:08in terms of teams looking for playoffs so it's still a very open race but but not a very open
26:12title race I don't think uh and at the other end of the premier Little Common, Steel Bottom, Saltdene,
26:18Lingfield, Shoreham just ahead of them uh and probably far enough ahead of them to stay that
26:23way um Little Common four points adrift which again you know get two wins in a row you can you
26:29can you can make up that gap so so that they'll take some heart from the fact that they have
26:35sort of had the odd win here and there uh and in Division One Seaford and Forest Row head
26:40neck and neck at the moment uh and well clear of the rest it'll be interesting to see how those
26:44two go Seaford I think have been top most of the season uh at the bottom not again nobody adrift
26:51but all fold a bottom Montpelier Villa, Copthorne, Banstead are the ones just ahead of them still
26:56with a bit of work to do so a lot of games to be played there still um they'll all be hoping that
27:01the weather improves and that they can actually get the Saturday games on so they're not looking
27:05at sort of three games a week at the end of the season but yeah some interesting battles ahead
27:11yeah it's looking like the weather should be all right this weekend I think hopefully so fingers
27:15crossed um and as traditional with our non-league podcast we finish by picking our games of the
27:19coming weekend mine is as Steve gave a little preview there's Crawley Down Gatwick versus
27:25Fleet Town in the FA Vars last 32 the Anvils are the only Sussex side left in the competition
27:30the game was due to be played last week but it was called off because of the frozen pitch
27:34so um yeah they're flying the flag for for Sussex and hopefully they can get a bit further in the
27:40competition who knows do what Leo Lampton did um a couple of years ago and get to Wembley but um
27:45it's a long way to go yet a few more games but um that's where I'm going for a shame actually
27:50because obviously last week Crawley Town didn't have a game so it would have been great to get
27:54a load of fans out there so yeah yeah they would have got a bigger crowd last week but you never
28:00know um we'll see how it goes what's yours Steve well seeing as Matt Pohl is not here to name
28:05Horsham as his game of the weekend I'm gonna I'm gonna name Horsham as my game of the weekend
28:10I'm gonna go Lewis against Horsham um I've just got a little feeling for the Hornets I think they
28:17if I was putting money on somebody to win the title in the Istvan Premier it would be on Horsham
28:21I think just because of the way they've gone over the last couple of months and because the squad
28:25they've got but I think Lewis away could be tricky Lewis really need a win haven't won since the end
28:31of November um they've been close a couple of times they've been sort of two on up going into
28:36injury time and then have conceded an equalizer so I think it might be on us even this weekend
28:41I'll go for a 2-2 draw but uh it should be it should be a great game there'll be a load of
28:46Horsham fans there and a crowd probably of over a thousand I would think yeah and finally Jamie
28:52we assume you're going to be picking Rock's visit to Craig Valley PM as the um the highlight
28:56how do you see that going is it going to be another great comeback against like you did at Dulwich
29:01hopefully it won't be a great comeback I think we start a little bit better this time I'm not
29:05gonna play a centre-back for 15 minutes and go 3-1 down but no it's it's a good game we're looking
29:10forward to it you know we played in pre-season sorry in midweek at a sort of a little friendly
29:14against Stenning uh for a run out for both teams and that went well so yeah we're going in with
29:20confidence and uh hopefully we can reproduce another win for this weekend brilliant well
29:26that's it for this episode our thanks to Jamie for joining us and don't forget to keep checking
29:30out sussexworld.co.uk forward slash sport for all the best coverage of local football plus your local
29:35Sussex weekly papers joining us again soon join us again soon for another look at things to all
29:40things happening in Sussex league football thanks guys thank you all good
