• 2 months ago
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 123 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 123 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 123 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 124 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 125 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 123 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 123 Completo HD
00:00There's a lot of it as a singer
00:05They've even tried
00:08Simple pencil case I got to incapacitate or pursue solo. No, so this to me or complete. Oh
00:15So to a traitor
00:18That's come a young son. No, no repeat. Oh, okay. See you. Oh, no, no take it. Okay
00:23It's no take it. Okay. It's L confessed. Oh, you know, so the cabbie say yes or no, sir
00:27I'm a pro to my test. Yeah, those personas to holla selga tío y matas ya dos personas no que es que está fuera de proporción
00:33tú tú tú tú con tu comparación
00:37Lo único que me importa en este momento es deshacerme del imbécil de ángel y de manera permanente
00:43de esa manera ganó el ena de nuevo es broma verdad
00:48Ya nunca te va a querer
00:51Ya deja de lloriquear como el estúpido de tu padre
00:55Romantizando el rechazo y un amor que nunca se les va a dar ya madura
01:03Ya te lo cico o te lo cierro
01:06lo cierro
01:09No vuelvas a hablar mal de mi papá estoy de humor
01:19To be sharp
01:38Demian no quiere que te maté pero no me da órdenes
01:54Que quieres escuchar tu voz asesina pronto nos volveremos a ver jezebel te lo aseguro
02:14Ya no vas a decir porque te desmayaste
02:17Nada más te haces la interesante que es lo que te pasa
02:20No entiendo de verdad a que estás jugando yo en tu lugar
02:23yo ya hubiera llevado a un juez a la casa y obligado a que ángel firmara tu matrimonio por bienes mancomunidad
02:30te pasa eso y tu madre
02:32la estúpida de lena me corrió de la casa
02:35si se enteran de todo lo que estoy haciendo antonio me va a desherdar me voy a quedar sin nada nada
02:40voy a perder el amor de ángel estamos a punto de perder todo
02:46No me te voy a dar
02:48te voy a dar todo el dinero que quieras mucho una fortuna
02:53si me ayudas a sostener mi mentira hasta el final
03:08We can win okay, yeah, yeah, I stay been in cuanto recibe tu mensaje
03:14Don Antonio
03:16No quiero ver a nadie
03:18quiero estar un momentito a sulas
03:21Pero en el mismo tiempo también quería sentir vida a mi alrededor
03:25el vida energía
03:30De a todos están disfrutando de la key en la hora sin pensar en el dolor del pasado
03:40Lo salgo con don antonio
03:44Está pasando tantas cosas mi amor
03:48Julio César se fue de méxico para siempre no lo pude detener
03:54Y mira ahorita estoy con antonio pero está insiste insiste que nos casemos
04:00y nada más de pensarlo me da miedo me hace recordar mi juventud
04:07la iglesia contigo en brazos esperan
04:14Justo por eso decidiste darte otra oportunidad con él para superar esa herida cerrar ciclos y
04:20empezar una nueva historia
04:22Sí, sí, lo sé
04:25Mira ahorita en este momento lo que siento es que estoy dividido entre dos amores si te entiendo tanto
04:34Es que te va a contar julio césar fue
04:39Mi compañero mi confidente
04:44Ese hombre que me regresó el deseo de amar fue mi esposo
04:50Antonio Antonio se hace primeramos ese amor lleno de ilusión de ternura
04:59Lo que no sé y me estoy preguntando si esta es una nueva oportunidad para poder vivir lo que no fue
05:06mira madre
05:08Los dos son muy buenos hombres con sus errores como todos
05:12Pero de valores firmes y eso es lo importante
05:14Tú sabes que quiero mucho al señor antonio
05:17salí también los respetos
05:19Pero lo que realmente quiero es que tú seas feliz al lado del hombre que amas
05:26Por eso quiero saber
05:28Lo que tú ya sabes
05:30Yo sí sí quién es quién es sí aquí en verdaderamente más al señor antonio julio césar
05:41Yo amo
05:45Yo amo
05:48Yo amo
05:50Yo amo
05:52tú me que hacerlo mamá
05:54si no me inventaba algo tan grave como un cáncer
05:57Angeliano va a estar conmigo
05:59Pero eso es muy grave vamos ni yo me hubiera atrevido a fingir algo así
06:03No te vaya a caer el karma eh, toca madera
06:05Yo que tú le hubiera hecho creer que estaba embarazada y luego perdí al niño así de fácil
06:10No seas estúpida mamá
06:12Think about it.
06:13And that was never going to work with Angel, for God's sake.
06:16I need you by my side for once in your life.
06:18You have to support me.
06:20I'm going to marry Angel.
06:21I'm going to give you your money,
06:22and then I don't want to see you ever again in my life.
06:25I'm going to have to think about it very well,
06:26because what you're asking for can be very expensive.
06:29Okay, perfect.
06:30Think about it. You have a second to decide.
06:33Yes or no?
06:35Yes or no?
06:36Okay, I'm going to support you.
06:43Oh, no, not that, Mom.
06:45My mom's not going to be crying for anyone.
06:47No, Mom, don't cry for anyone.
06:49You forget your sorrows when you're dancing.
06:53A roll like that to get to the floor, please.
06:56What a mess.
06:57Come on, let's go.
06:58Come on.
06:59Ah, all the way down.
07:02Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
07:04No, how do you think I'm going to dance like that?
07:07No, I'm not my age anymore.
07:10A roll like that to get to the floor.
07:13To what?
07:14To get to the floor.
07:16That's it, that's it, that's it.
07:19That's it.
07:20Ah, ah.
07:24What are you doing?
07:25What are you doing?
07:26Let's see.
07:28There's the rhythm.
07:29Feel it.
07:32No, no, wait.
07:33Wait a minute.
07:36Let's go.
07:39Oh, look.
07:40Can you play something from my time?
07:45That's it.
07:48Let's go, let's go, let's go.
07:51I don't know you.
07:55Are you going to dance?
07:56Come on.
07:58Ay, mama.
08:01What will it be, what will it be?
08:03Come here.
08:05Come here, come here.
08:06Why don't you fall in love?
08:11What are you doing?
08:12What's up?
08:13You rocked.
08:14What's up?
08:15Yes, I like it.
08:16I got the forbidden ones.
08:17What do you say?
08:19Another one, right?
08:20No, son, no.
08:21One more time.
08:24No more, no more, no more.
08:26Oh, my love.
08:28I love you.
08:29I love you.
08:30I love you and I thank God for so much love in my life.
08:35This is what I wanted.
08:36Dance like this.
08:37Without shame.
08:40Enjoy the moment.
08:41Scratch the floor.
08:42Scratch the floor.
08:43Another one?
08:44Another one.
08:46One more time.
08:47There it is, look at her.
08:48She moved her mind.
08:49Ay, daddy, I love you.
08:50I love you, son.
08:51Here, slow down.
08:53Like this.
08:54Let's go.
08:55Turn around.
09:05I hug you so you realize what you are missing.
09:10Because my family and I are great with hugs.
09:18No, mom.
09:20I love you.
09:22I love you.
09:23I love you.
09:24I love you.
09:25I love you.
09:26I love you.
09:27I love you.
09:28I love you.
09:29I love you.
09:30I love you.
09:31I love you.
09:32I love you.
09:33I love you.
09:34Ya, ya, ya, mama.
09:35How long?
09:36I'm alone.
09:37I said I'm alone.
09:40I love you.
09:41I love you.
09:49I love you.
09:50I love you.
09:51I love you.
09:52No, Yesevei, no.
09:55I killed Aline and Elvia because they wanted to hurt us.
09:59Okay, okay, okay, Mom.
10:06I killed your dad
10:08because he was a piece of shit who only turned you into a baby.
10:12You're a camper.
10:14Understand that.
10:15No, no!
10:23But Dad...
10:28But Dad...
10:31I love you.
10:51What are you doing here?
10:52You and I need to talk.
10:55I have nothing to talk about with the maid's daughter.
10:57You shouldn't be in my room.
10:59Get out.
11:00I'm not the maid's daughter.
11:03I'm your cousin's sister.
11:05The owner of half of this house.
11:10Even if it's hard for you to believe it.
11:12Cousin of my brother.
11:13We need to talk because...
11:15I don't think you're as bad as you look.
11:19Honestly, I want to ask you not to fight with your cousin anymore.
11:24I love her a lot and I know you two can love each other too.
11:28As cousins, give yourself a chance to love my brother.
11:38I was calling you that night.
11:43What happened?
11:45They killed Elvia.
11:53They say it was a passionate crime with another woman.
11:56In Edgar's bar.
11:59Edgar Bautista.
12:00Edgar Bautista?
12:05How did they kill Elvia in a passionate crime?
12:09What happened?
12:11You love to fight with me.
12:13I'm in a good mood to ask you what happened.
12:16And why do you react like that?
12:18A woman died, Isabel.
12:20It's not to take it as gossip, as an anecdote to talk about.
12:24Let's see, but not just any woman.
12:26A woman who was with Antonio...
12:28Enough, enough, please, yes, please.
12:30Save your comments.
12:31We're talking about a tragedy.
12:36And did they take Edgar under arrest?
12:38Because it was in his bar, right?
12:40Well, they didn't mention that he was under arrest.
12:45And well, Edgar had a lot of information about so many people.
12:51The two investigators who took my son's case are now dead.
12:56This is terrible.
12:57Yes, it was very horrible.
13:00As good as it was.
13:03Antonio, can you accompany me to my room?
13:15Damn you, Edgar.
13:18Edgar, how could you do this to me?
13:23Maybe you think I don't understand these things.
13:27But I do realize the courage they have.
13:30They're going to end up very badly.
13:33I don't want my brother to die.
13:37You're not too young to be talking about death.
13:40Your brother started it.
13:42He started all this, okay?
13:44He took my girlfriend from me.
13:46Your brother, just like you say, got into my company.
13:50And he got in like a dog.
13:52And he took advantage of my aunt and...
13:55He won her affection.
13:57Your aunt is her mother, Demian.
14:00How can you say that?
14:02If Angel hadn't appeared in our lives,
14:05all the affection of my aunt would be for me.
14:09Elena would be here with me, she wouldn't have left me.
14:12Believe me, Angel is the bad guy.
14:15Neither you nor my brother are bad, Demian.
14:18If you gave him a chance, you'd realize that Angel is really cool.
14:23They'd even get along really well.
14:26What? You never wanted to have a brother?
14:37Thanks, Ada.
14:38You're welcome.
14:41My love.
14:43I'm glad you're here.
14:47Ada, do you know where my dad is?
14:49No, miss. Mr. Antonio left early.
14:53I hope he doesn't take long.
14:55Because he stayed to accompany us to the doctor.
14:57Yes, don't worry. Maybe he had something urgent to attend to, but...
15:01I'm sure he'll reach us soon.
15:03Yes, you're right.
15:04I'm going to the library quickly because I'm going to talk to my mom.
15:07Are you waiting for me?
15:08Yes, come on.
15:24Can we talk?
15:25Yes. Yes, of course.
15:30I don't want you to feel that I'm attacking you.
15:34Yesterday I was still very hurt because I discovered more lies about Demian and...
15:40I understand and I'm also very sorry.
15:43And for the whole situation with Briana.
15:44I don't know if it was clear, but I'm really sorry I didn't believe you.
15:49I offer you a sincere apology.
15:52Yes, it was very clear to me and believe me, I will never blame you for anything.
15:56My love.
15:59What did I miss?
16:01You tell me.
16:03Did you help Demian edit Angel's videos?
16:10I don't understand what you're doing here.
16:13Don't you have to clean rooms or something?
16:15Get out. Get out of my room.
16:18I came to tell you what no one tells you.
16:20I grew up in the neighborhood and with a lot of honor.
16:24That taught me that in life, one is better as a group.
16:29Taking care of each other as a family.
16:31That's just what you want, Demian.
16:34I know because, forgive me, but your mom is a witch.
16:39And you just spread ugly things.
16:43With us you have the opportunity to surround yourself with people who will take care of you.
16:49To have the brother you never had.
16:53Is it worth killing like dogs and cats?
16:57I'm not going to repeat it to you, Anita.
16:59Get out of my room.
17:01I'm not in the mood to talk to you.
17:04You called me by my name.
17:06And you told me please.
17:07That's an advance.
17:10I hug you so you realize what you're missing.
17:16Because my family and I are great with hugs.
17:37I'm not going to allow any more lies to separate us.
17:41I have nothing to do with that.
17:44Elena, you are determined that I am responsible for everything that Demian did to Angel to make me look bad.
17:54Angel, I feel very bad.
17:57I have to go to bed for a moment.
17:59No, no, no, Briana.
18:00You're not going anywhere.
18:02I'm not going anywhere.
18:03I have to go to bed for a moment.
18:05No, no, no, Briana.
18:06You're not going anywhere.
18:08Please, Briana.
18:10Tell me the truth. Did you help Demian with the videos?
18:13Tell me.
18:14I also need to know, Briana.
18:15Angel, how can you doubt me?
18:18Don't you realize that...
18:20Elena, all you want is for you to leave me.
18:22Don't believe a single word she says.
18:25Briana knows nothing but lying.
18:27I'm dying, Elena.
18:29And all you want is to destroy me?
18:32Stop pretending, Briana.
18:35You're going too far with this and as soon as we find out the truth,
18:39you're going to lose us all because no one is going to lose you.
18:41Let me go.
18:42You're crazy.
18:44You only make me feel worse, Angel.
18:46Please, I beg you, get me out of here.
18:50I'm telling you that if it were for Elena, I would be dead.
18:54No, Briana.
18:56You're not going anywhere until we clear this up.
18:58Please, Elena.
19:00This is not the time.
19:02Elena needs to rest before she goes to the doctor.
19:04Let's go.
19:05Your camera.
19:06I'll go with her and come back with you.
19:07No, no, Angel.
19:08Stay with me.
19:10Elena only wants to brainwash you with more slander against me.
19:14I'm going to show you that they're not slander.
19:17And that you're the only one lying here.
19:20Dr. Mendiola needs to clear this up.
19:28Don't you think it's a coincidence that Briana is seriously ill
19:33as soon as you wanted to end your engagement with her?
19:38Let's see.
19:39I feel very bad, I feel like I'm going to faint.
19:41Come on, calm down.
19:42I need a lot of air.
19:43Sit here.
19:45Calm down.
19:47Elena, I already talked to the doctor
19:48and he told me that Briana has multiple myeloma.
19:52Angel, I would be the first person to support Briana
19:56if she were really sick.
19:59I would respect your commitment to her
20:01and I would stop fighting for your love if her illness were real.
20:05But since I'm sure she's lying,
20:07I'm not going to allow any more lies to separate us.
20:11It will be a great honor for us to have you,
20:13such a distinguished woman.
20:15And world-famous.
20:18And with so many soap operas in your favor.
20:20A queen of television, right?
20:23Yes, of course.
20:24And if she agrees to be our godmother of so many things.
20:27Besides, now she's the most envied mother-in-law.
20:30And we want a lot of Angelito, right?
20:34Okay, I just warn you that there will be press,
20:36because people love to see me at events
20:39where I cuddle like this with people like you.
20:48Where is it?
20:54Ylvia, the investigator, dead?
20:57No, it can't be.
20:59Give me a second.
21:04I can't believe it!
21:05The defendant, Ylvia, dead!
21:07Don't distract yourself, Güelca!
21:09Shut up!
21:12That bitch must be around here.
21:14Hurry up, because she can come back at any moment.
21:16Hurry up!
21:18She must be around here.
21:23It's golden!
21:25I found it!
21:29What did you find?
21:31What did I find?
21:33Well, this...
21:35This lamp!
21:37Look, Pelancha,
21:38isn't it just what we were looking for for the house?
21:41Isn't it?
21:42The living room would be very nice.
21:45Men, these hotels in La Hague
21:47always have the best decoration for the place, right?
21:50Yes, darling, but let's go before you break something
21:53and get us into debt.
21:54Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Patricia.
21:56We're leaving and we'll leave you in peace.
21:58We were waiting for you.
21:59We'll wait for you at the wedding.
22:01Don't forget what you asked for.
22:03Just before you leave,
22:05give me back the USB you took.
22:08Why did you take it if it wasn't you?
22:12Well, don't even tell me.
22:15I'm sorry.
22:16What do you know about this?
22:18And please, don't lie to me.
22:20What do we know about what, exactly?
22:23Oh, nothing.
22:24Please, let me go.
22:26I'm in a hurry.
22:27I'm in a hurry.
22:28I'm in a hurry.
22:29I'm in a hurry.
22:30I'm in a hurry.
22:31I'm in a hurry.
22:32I'm in a hurry.
22:33I'm in a hurry.
22:34I'm in a hurry.
22:35Please, let me go.
22:36I'm in a hurry.
22:37I'm a very requested actress.
22:39I hope I can go to your wedding,
22:40but I don't promise anything.
22:43see you later.
22:52I'm going to the office.
22:53I have to talk to Glorio,
22:55to Aquiles,
22:56about everything they know.
22:58Are you okay?
22:59You look tired.
23:00Did you wake up?
23:02Yes, I woke up.
23:03I've been talking to Ángel
23:04until dawn,
23:05that's why I'm tired.
23:08You don't know how well
23:09he made me talk to him.
23:10Ángel is so loving.
23:14I have something to tell you, Antonio.
23:18Julio Cesar left Mexico.
23:22Well, from the bottom of my heart,
23:24I tell you that I hope
23:25wherever he goes,
23:26he finds happiness.
23:29Me too.
23:33What's wrong, honey?
23:35No, nothing's wrong.
23:36I think the best thing
23:37is to hurry up.
23:38I have to talk to these guys.
23:45Look, honey.
23:49It hurts that Julio left.
23:54Are you sad for him?
24:06I never imagined
24:07that your cousins
24:08would have grown so much.
24:09The last time I saw them,
24:11they were just kids
24:12and now they're all young.
24:15If they're my age,
24:16how did you expect to find them?
24:19I don't know, in my head
24:20they were exactly
24:21how I left them.
24:23But you're right.
24:25Time goes by
24:26and you don't even realize it.
24:28I didn't even remember them.
24:31I only remember
24:32that I went with Filippo
24:33to look for hedgehogs.
24:34With my brother too.
24:37He loved coming to Italy.
24:40But your mom hated him, right?
24:44She always complained
24:45that he ate a lot
24:46because my aunt Mariela
24:47kept serving him
24:48pasta, pizza and bread.
24:52That's true.
24:53That's true.
24:54Mariela did it
24:55to take care of us.
24:57Yes, yes.
24:58So much so
24:59that she thought
25:00that it was
25:01to make them fat,
25:02but no.
25:04She reminded me a lot of...
25:06Ah, I know.
25:07Mrs. Esperanza.
25:10She's just like her.
25:12But she was always
25:13giving us food
25:14and wouldn't let
25:15the plate empty
25:16because she was
25:17serving us again.
25:21Yes, there's no doubt
25:22that Italians and Mexicans
25:23are very similar.
25:25I miss my other family a lot.
25:28What do you mean?
25:29My Mexican family.
25:31Almost all of the
25:32members of the corporation
25:33were like brothers to me.
25:36Especially Gloria and Aquiles.
25:38Thanks to them
25:39I was able to recover
25:40after the coma.
25:41I don't understand.
25:43I also miss Mrs. Espe
25:45and Mr. Pepe La Hierba.
25:47Maggie, Cassandra.
25:50But the one I miss the most
25:51is Rolas.
25:52With Rolas
25:53I felt like I had a little brother
25:55that I could take care of.
25:57And I felt very identified
25:58with him when
25:59what happened to his dad happened.
26:01Believe it or not,
26:03I also miss Aurora a lot.
26:06I miss her a lot too.
26:10This place is beautiful
26:11and maybe that's why
26:12I remember her more.
26:13Everything reminds me of her.
26:16If I see a bouquet of flowers,
26:17I would like to give it to her.
26:20If I go into a chapel,
26:21I would like her
26:22to be with me
26:24and look at those beautiful paintings.
26:27And if I eat something,
26:28I would love for her
26:29to try it.
26:30It's like being here too.
26:33why did we leave Mexico, Dad?
26:35It's useless to be
26:36on the other side of the sea
26:39if your heart stayed there
26:41with Aurora.
27:01You are clinging
27:02to an illusion of the past.
27:04You are holding Aurora
27:05back by force.
27:07No way.
27:09Top Secret's mission
27:11Maybe we didn't get
27:12the USB today,
27:13but it wasn't a failure.
27:14Mrs. Patricia
27:15got very nervous
27:16and asked us
27:17if we knew anything.
27:18That means
27:19that if there is something
27:20in particular
27:21that we don't know,
27:22we can find it.
27:23We can find it.
27:24We can find it.
27:25We can find it.
27:26We can find it.
27:27We can find it.
27:28We can find it.
27:29That means
27:30that there is something
27:31important in the memory.
27:32We will try again,
27:33but now we will
27:34work as a team.
27:36Are we going to recover
27:37that USB
27:38or should I stop calling
27:39Pilar Remedios,
27:40Esperanza Castro
27:41del Calvario?
27:52What's up?
27:53Why did you call me?
27:54Did Miss Brenda
27:55get sick?
27:56No, Doctor.
27:57I called you
27:58because I need to know
27:59the truth about
28:00Brianna's case.
28:02My sister doesn't believe
28:03that I'm very sick, Doctor.
28:04You have to explain
28:05to her, please,
28:06what's happening to me.
28:08Explain to me, Doctor,
28:10why did you ask
28:11for those tests
28:12to diagnose the disease
28:14if you're not a specialist?
28:16He's my first contact
28:17doctor, Elena,
28:18and he can give
28:19a preliminary diagnosis
28:20very well.
28:22But obviously
28:23my oncological treatment
28:24will be taken by a specialist.
28:26It's true, I'm not an oncologist
28:27and the first thing
28:28that's done
28:29in this type of case
28:30is to ask for
28:31platelet analysis.
28:33Dr. Rubio,
28:34a specialist
28:35in hospital oncology,
28:36Aria's director,
28:37is worried.
28:38And why is she worried, Doctor?
28:41Because the studies
28:42required by Miss Brianna
28:43are being taken
28:44by another doctor
28:45from the hospital
28:46without consulting
28:47Dr. Rubio beforehand.
28:49So it's another doctor.
28:51Isn't Dr. Rubio
28:52the one who's taking
28:53your disease, Brianna?
28:59If it's not you,
29:00then who is the doctor
29:01who's taking the clinical case?
29:04Maybe they got it wrong
29:05in their diagnosis.
29:07I don't know,
29:08with all the confusion
29:09and Brianna doesn't have
29:10that damn disease.
29:11No, they got it wrong.
29:13Sister, I came for you
29:14and we can't keep waiting.
29:15Edgar, help me, please.
29:17Can you believe
29:18that Elena thinks
29:19I'm watching my disease?
29:22Who would play with that, Elena?
29:23Don't be silly, please.
29:25In fact, I'm here
29:26because I'm going to send you
29:27to Houston.
29:28You have to receive
29:29the treatment
29:30with the best doctors.
29:31And I already got you
29:32an appointment.
29:34Don't worry.
29:43What are you going to do, man?
29:46I asked for a wish, Dad.
29:47Wait for me.
29:50I hope it's not
29:51what I imagine, right?
29:53Let's do it here.
29:56I want to go back, Dad.
29:59I don't have anything
30:00to do in Mexico anymore.
30:02We agreed
30:05to start a life
30:06together here,
30:08near your mother's family.
30:11Aurora and Antonio,
30:12well, they are
30:13for each other
30:14and I, well,
30:15what I have to do
30:16is accept it.
30:18It's been hours
30:19since time went by.
30:22Forgive me, Dad,
30:24but you know
30:25I don't share that idea.
30:27If I'm here
30:28it's because you're my dad
30:29and I want to be by your side.
30:31That's why
30:32I'm going to tell you
30:33what I think.
30:35What Aurora and Antonio
30:37was a love
30:38that went through tragedy.
30:40They didn't have
30:41the opportunity to conclude.
30:43I've always thought
30:44it's not love, Dad.
30:45It's an illusion.
30:48But what I'm sure of
30:49is that you
30:51have been Aurora's partner.
30:53The adult woman,
30:54not the memory
30:55of the little girl.
30:57She married you, Dad.
30:59And she divorced me.
31:01No, you divorced her.
31:03And you did it
31:04because you knew
31:05she needed to clarify things
31:06in her heart.
31:08That's fine,
31:09but you don't have to leave.
31:13But she would also
31:14have to look for me
31:15and tell me
31:16what she feels.
31:18No, no, Dad.
31:20She needs to realize
31:21that Antonio is someone else
31:23and that you
31:24are the man of her life.
31:26Don't leave her, Dad.
31:28You love her, right?
31:30With all my heart.
31:33But hey, we're here
31:34to make a new life,
31:36to establish
31:37a new home.
31:41if you wanted a house,
31:43you would have already bought it.
31:45It seems to me
31:46that you don't want
31:47to stay here either
31:48and that you're still
31:49thinking about coming back.
31:53I don't know.
31:57Well, for now,
31:58let's go.
31:59Your uncles
32:00must be waiting
32:01for us to have dinner.
32:03Let's go.
32:11I just found out
32:12what's wrong with my sister
32:13and I'm not going to leave her alone.
32:15Little sister,
32:16don't worry,
32:17you're going to overcome this.
32:18I'm going to support you
32:19in everything you need, okay?
32:21If you'll excuse me,
32:22I'm leaving.
32:23I'm going to talk
32:24to the doctor
32:25who leads Briana's studies.
32:28Eduardo, it's okay.
32:29Let's go.
32:31If Ángel decides to leave me
32:32when I'm about
32:33to start a treatment
32:34against cancer,
32:35it's his decision.
32:37I can't force you
32:38to fulfill
32:39the commitment you have with me.
32:41You'll know
32:42if you show
32:43the kind of man you are.
32:47it's not about
32:48finishing anything.
32:49We just want to be sure
32:50that they're not cheating on us
32:51and that...
32:52I'm not cheating on you, Ángel.
32:55The thing is,
32:56Elena is putting ideas
32:57in your head
32:58and you don't realize it.
32:59And she thinks
33:00I'm playing with my illness.
33:02the thing is, little sister,
33:03I know you very well.
33:05And I know you'd do anything
33:06to get rid of Ángel,
33:07just like you did
33:08with the videos.
33:10your own brother
33:11was the one who helped me
33:12manipulate those videos
33:13to make me look
33:14like an interested person.
33:15Let's see,
33:16I don't owe you
33:17any explanations, okay?
33:19I helped you
33:20because Demian hates you.
33:21And that was the only way
33:22to separate you from Elena,
33:36It hurts that Julio is gone.
33:41Are you sad for him?
33:48I can't blame you
33:50if your tears
33:51are for Julio Cesar.
33:52Much less
33:53I'm going to deny
33:54what you felt for him.
33:56Let me tell you,
33:58when I was
34:00married to Elena's mother,
34:02I cried
34:03for you
34:04many times.
34:05I cried for what I did.
34:06I cried
34:08because I lost you.
34:09And, well,
34:10the only thing
34:11I could do
34:12was try to pull you
34:13out of my heart
34:14to start a new life.
34:15I took full responsibility
34:16for what I did.
34:17I knew
34:18I was going to live
34:19the rest of my days
34:20carrying her.
34:22but I always kept
34:23the hope
34:24of finding you again
34:25and paying off
34:26the debt
34:27I had with you.
34:28I don't want to talk
34:29about that.
34:30I know,
34:31I know,
34:32but we have to talk about it
34:33because life has been
34:35good with us.
34:36There we are together
34:39I'm asking you, honey,
34:41I'm asking you
34:43to forgive me
34:45for whatever you want.
34:48Let's not let
34:49anything or anyone
34:50separate us from each other.
34:54What are you doing,
34:55Antonio Morrieta?
34:59You're clinging
35:00to an illusion
35:01of the past.
35:03You're holding
35:04Aurora back
35:05by force.
35:08I'm sorry, Antonio.
35:09I'm a little late.
35:10No, no, no,
35:11it's not late.
35:13It's not late to...
35:16Late to what, Antonio?
35:42I'm sorry.
35:43I'm sorry.
35:44I'm sorry.
35:45I'm sorry.
35:46I'm sorry.
35:47I'm sorry.
35:48I'm sorry.
35:49I'm sorry.
35:50I'm sorry.
35:51I'm sorry.
35:52I'm sorry.
35:53I'm sorry.
35:54I'm sorry.
35:55I'm sorry.
35:56I'm sorry.
35:57I'm sorry.
35:58I'm sorry.
35:59I'm sorry.
36:00I'm sorry.
36:01I'm sorry.
36:02I'm sorry.
36:03I'm sorry.
36:04I'm sorry.
36:05I'm sorry.
36:06I'm sorry.
36:07I'm sorry.
36:08I'm sorry.
36:09I'm sorry.
36:10I'm sorry.