• 2 months ago
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 64 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 64 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 65 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 66 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 64 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 64 Completo HD
Papás por conveniencia Capitulo 64 Completo HD
00:00I'm not going to defend myself.
00:03And before I give you my verdict,
00:05I came to tell you that the only thing I care about
00:08is the superior well-being of my children.
00:10If Lila and Emiliano really have a better quality of life
00:14and my son, Emi, will have remarkable progress
00:17in his health and in his condition
00:19because of the treatment there is in the United States,
00:22I am willing to give you the custody and custody
00:26of Lila and Emiliano.
00:34When it comes to the well-being of children,
00:36no matter how much it hurts not to see them every day,
00:39it is better to know them well than to have them close.
00:43Can you tell me what he told you to scare you so much?
00:50He told me that if I didn't do everything I asked him,
00:55he would blow up the bomb in my chair.
01:13How could he hurt you so much?
01:21¿Dónde tenía yo la cabeza como para no darme cuenta
01:25y protegerte, mi hijo?
01:29Es que...
01:35Yo no tengo ni cara para pedirte perdón.
01:40Le abrí la puerta a alguien que te maltrató.
01:43Y seguro todo lo que te hizo afectó tu salud.
01:47Y yo nunca me di cuenta.
01:50Hijo, te juro que yo no sabía nada de esto.
01:53Ni siquiera me lo imaginé.
01:55Yo sé que no, pa.
02:04Fui un tonto.
02:06Confié en Federica cuando apenas la conocía.
02:12Y me dejé llevar porque te salvó en la alberca.
02:17Ahí empezó todo, papá.
02:19Me caí al agua porque me quería esconder.
02:22¿Por qué te querías esconder?
02:24Para que no me cacharan.
02:26Porque sin querer vi a Federica y a Facundo besándose.
02:36Cero, entendí qué pasó entre mi papá y Emi.
02:38Ma, ¿cuál fue la bronca?
02:40¿Por qué mi papá se quiso quedar solo con Emi?
02:43Les pido paciencia.
02:44Lo mejor es esperar a que venga Tino
02:46y les cuente bien lo que está pasando.
02:49¿O tú qué piensas?
02:55¿Y ahora?
02:56¿Por qué están todos aquí?
02:58Ay, Virgen, ya se acabó.
02:59No me digan que se puso mal otra vez.
03:01No, no, no.
03:02No, doña Berta, no se preocupe.
03:03Emiliano está bien.
03:05Qué bueno que llegó.
03:06Necesito que por favor se lleve a los chicos a la casa.
03:08Pero yo venía a ver a mi nieto.
03:10Le prometo que más tarde le explico todo.
03:12Por Emi no sea angustia.
03:14Emi está bien.
03:15Solo que surgió algo de último momento
03:18y es mejor que los chicos no estén aquí.
03:20Ah, pues si usted lo dice.
03:22No se apure, yo me encargo.
03:24Ya oyeron, niños.
03:26Muchachos, vámonos todos al coche.
03:28Ah, pues.
03:40Tú eres la única culpable
03:41de que Tino me haya sacado del cuarto del querubín.
03:44Maldita cara de puñeca.
03:55He conocido gente mala,
03:58de corazón podrido.
04:00Y a ti
04:03no te quiero volver a ver en mi vida.
04:06Y te prohíbo que te acerques
04:08a nadie de mi familia.
04:14No va a ser fácil enfrentar a Guzmán, ¿verdad?
04:18Pero esta vez lo vamos a hacer diferente.
04:20Porque estamos juntos.
04:25Esa Silvana y su egoísmo nos cambió la vida.
04:29¿Tú crees que imaginó que todo este asunto de Pipe
04:31nos uniría como padres?
04:36Ay, no.
04:37No, no, no, ¿verdad? No.
04:40Pase lo que pase,
04:41no podemos dejar que Guzmán nos separe de Pipe.
04:43De cualquiera es la herencia.
04:45Pero alguna opción legal debe haber
04:46para que Pipe esté con nosotros.
04:48No sé cuál,
04:49pero vamos a investigar.
04:51Por lo pronto,
04:52no queda más que seguir luchando,
04:55con amor.
05:01Y son novios,
05:04son novios,
05:06como Danielita y Martincito.
05:14Lo que me tiene...
05:18es que Rudolf haya hecho como que no sabía nada.
05:21Pero de lo que no se dio cuenta el muy imbécil
05:23es que yo vi algo
05:24que me indica que Papo
05:27está ahí.
05:28¿Qué viste, misilán?
05:30El calcetín de un niño.
05:32Ay, Guzmán,
05:33eso tampoco significa nada.
05:34No, no.
05:35Yo estoy seguro que Rudolf está encubriendo a Clara Luz.
05:39hasta parece que no.
05:42hasta parece que te desvives por tu sobrinito, ¿eh?
05:45Pues me alegro que suene así,
05:46porque he estado ensayando
05:47para cuando deba pelear por él en los tribunales.
05:51Pero, ¿cuál es tu plan con todo esto de Pipe?
05:54Él me va a ayudar a desquitarme
05:56de cuatro gentuzas que tengo en la mira.
05:59Ya después,
06:00pues me quedo con todo el dinero que dejó mi prima.
06:07¿No te das cuenta de que mi prima
06:08le metió todas esas cosas a Emiliano
06:10para separarme de ti?
06:12Créeme, motopapi.
06:13Deja de enredar a la gente con tus historias.
06:16Reconoce que estás mal,
06:18que eres una mujer cruel.
06:20Me das vergüenza.
06:22Martirizaste a un niño indefenso.
06:24No, no, no, no, no, ti.
06:25Mi querubín está confundido.
06:27A lo mejor su condición le hace alucinar cosas
06:29que no son, te lo juro que no.
06:32Fui tan ciego
06:34que cuando el imbécil de Facundo
06:35confesó que eran amantes,
06:37yo te defendí, Federica.
06:39Pero ya sé quién eres.
06:41Y si dices una estupidez más
06:43como la que acabas de decir,
06:44me vas a conocer.
06:50Nadie regala una cosa tan cara
06:52sin pedir algo a cambio.
06:54Guzmán no me pidió nada.
06:55Además, ¿tú qué dices?
06:56Si cuando me quejé contigo
06:57de que se portaba cariñoso,
06:59tú dijiste de que no, no,
07:00era incapaz de hacer algo.
07:02Metías las manos al fuego por él.
07:04¿Y ahora?
07:05¿Por qué tanta desconfianza
07:06de tu amigo o del alma?
07:07A ver, dime.
07:08A ver, sí, es mi amigo
07:09y lo que gustes y mandes,
07:11pero que te regale algo tan caro
07:13no me gusta.
07:15Pues a mí sí, fíjate.
07:17A mí sí me gusta,
07:18porque Guzmán sí ve por mí.
07:20Sí ve que le he hecho
07:21un buen de ganas a la estudiadera.
07:22Me regaló este celular como premio
07:24por estar estudiando tanto.
07:26No como tú,
07:27que me tratas como una vil ratera.
07:29Será lo que sea,
07:30pero ese celular me lo das
07:31hasta que yo aclare eso con Guzmán.
07:35No, no te lo voy a dar.
07:39Y ya que vinieron todo el camino
07:41tan calladitos como tumbas,
07:43¿será que ahora sí se puede saber
07:45qué pasó en el hospital?
07:47Pues real no sabemos.
07:48Todo el mundo estaba muy feliz
07:49de que Emi había despertado.
07:51Llegó la tía Fede
07:52y todo cambió.
07:54Tal cual.
07:55Emi se alteró,
07:56la tía Fede también,
07:57y todo estuvo súper random.
07:59Pues tal vez si mi papá
08:00se pudo haber enojado con ella,
08:03pero pues ni idea.
08:05¿Qué pasa?
08:06¿Qué pasa?
08:07Pulgui, ¿por qué lloras?
08:08¿Qué pasó?
08:09¿Estás bien?
08:12No es eso.
08:14Ella oía todo.
08:17Y pudo pasar algo malo.
08:20A ver, Iscardia, Iscardia,
08:22habla más clarito
08:23que no te estamos entendiendo.
08:24Sí, respira.
08:25¿Qué sabes que no nos has dicho?
08:29Tal vez si nos dices,
08:30nosotros te podamos ayudar.
08:32Es que Emi le tenía mucho miedo.
08:36A la tía Fede.
08:38Y por eso la vio
08:40y se puso malita otra vez.
08:44Pero ¿por qué miedo?
08:45A ver, ¿qué tiene que ver
08:46la tía Fede con todo eso?
08:49Es que ella torturaba a Emiliano.
08:57Ya ha sufrido bastante toda su vida
08:59como para que una mujer
09:00sin corazón como tú
09:02venga a decirme que mi hijo
09:04tiene problemas y alucinaciones
09:07y esas estupideces.
09:08Es que es la verdad.
09:09¡Que te calles!
09:11Soy su padre y conozco a mi hijo
09:12mejor que nadie.
09:14Es un niño inteligente,
09:16es noble, sensible,
09:18y tú te aprovechaste de él.
09:21Federica, lo que hiciste
09:22va a tener consecuencias
09:23muy graves.
09:24Como abogada,
09:25sabes que vas a pagar
09:26por todo lo que le hiciste
09:27a Emiliano.
09:28No, no, no,
09:29es que no hace falta
09:30llegar tan lejos.
09:31¿Para qué?
09:32Yo te voy a denunciar
09:34y vas a pagar por todo
09:35lo que le hiciste a mi hijo.
09:37Es que todo es un malentendido,
09:39De verdad están confundidos.
09:45No te quiero volver a ver
09:46nunca más.
09:48Tienes que escucharme, Tino,
09:49por favor.
09:50¿Qué no oíste?
09:51¡Que te largues!
09:52¡O llamo a seguridad!
10:08Es que...
10:10yo no sé cómo fue
10:11permitir que lastimara
10:12a mi hijo.
10:14¿Cómo lo me di cuenta, Irene?
10:16¿Cómo pasó todo esto?
10:21Si no tenía nada de malo,
10:22¿por qué lo escondiste
10:23y no me contaste
10:24desde el principio
10:25que Guzmán te lo regaló?
10:26No sé, no sé, no sé, mamá.
10:28No, no, es que no hizo bien.
10:30Debió preguntarme primero
10:32si podía hacerte un regalo
10:33y más algo tan caro.
10:35Eso de preguntarte qué
10:36es de 1844.
10:38No seas anticuada.
10:39No, no, no,
10:40no soy anticuada.
10:41Es que tú eres menor de edad
10:42y ese tipo de cosas
10:43se tienen que hablar antes
10:44con los papás, punto.
10:45Pues no que Guzmán
10:46es como mi tío.
10:47Se ha portado súper chido
10:48con nosotras.
10:49No armes un lío
10:50donde no lo hay.
10:53¿Ves por qué no te quería
10:54decir nada?
10:55Siempre exageras todo.
10:56Ay, ¿por qué querías
10:57un celular nuevo
10:58si ya tienes uno?
10:59Me ibas a quitar el chance
11:00de tener algo padre.
11:01Como siempre lo haces, mamá,
11:03No, no, Chófis,
11:04no va por ahí,
11:05pero también si tu papá
11:06se entera de...
11:07No, no, no, por favor,
11:08por favor, por favor,
11:09no le digas nada a mi papá.
11:10Se va a poner peor la cosa.
11:11Tampoco le digas nada
11:12a mi tío Guzmán.
11:13No, no quiero decepcionarlo.
11:16Ya veremos, Chófis,
11:17lo voy a pensar.
11:18Mientras lo pienses,
11:20¿me lo puedo quedar?
11:25No puedo creer
11:27que ella molestó de esa manera
11:29a un niño.
11:30Es una adulta.
11:31O sea, ¿qué le pasa?
11:33¿Cómo molesta así
11:34a un niño tan indefenso?
11:36No, bueno,
11:37yo voy a ir con esa bruja
11:38y le voy a destrozar
11:39todos sus vestiditos
11:40horrendos que usa
11:41y sus botas largas
11:42que se pone.
11:43Pues yo también
11:44voy a hacer lo mismo.
11:46Es que, es que,
11:47yo siento que es mi culpa
11:49porque yo muchas veces
11:50le dije a Tino
11:51que la licenciada
11:52era muy buena persona
11:54y yo pensé
11:55que ella quería a Emiliano.
11:57Cálmese, Bertita.
11:59Mire, lo bueno es que
12:00pues ya sabemos la verdad.
12:02¿Cuántas veces
12:03yo le encargué a mi nieto
12:04con esa mujer?
12:06En vez de cuidarlo yo,
12:08yo que soy su abuela.
12:14Me siento
12:16tan culpable
12:18de haber dejado a mi hijo
12:21tantas veces con ella.
12:24No podías adivinar
12:25sus intenciones.
12:27Ni siquiera yo
12:28que la conozco de toda la vida
12:29sabía que tenía
12:30esa mala entraña.
12:33Te juro que no lo puedo creer.
12:35Y seguro la angustia
12:36que sentía Emil
12:37cada vez que la veía
12:39hizo que se le bajaran
12:40las defensas.
12:42Y eso le afectó a Ede.
12:44Yo soy responsable.
12:46Yo permití
12:47que todo esto pasara.
12:50O sea, según yo trataba
12:51de evitarle sufrimientos
12:52y fui el imbécil
12:55que confió
12:57en la persona equivocada.
13:00Soy el peor papá.
13:04Te voy a contar algo
13:05que escuché sin querer.
13:10Escuché que tú no eres
13:11el papá biológico de Emiliano.
13:16Lo siento.
13:17Fue casualidad
13:18que yo lo escuchara.
13:21Pero eso
13:23hizo que te admire
13:24todavía más.
13:25¿Por qué?
13:27Por estar dispuesto
13:28a sacrificar tanto
13:29por un niño
13:32al que tú no engendraste.
13:35Pero al que te uno
13:36un lazo mucho más fuerte
13:37que la sangre.
13:39Porque todo
13:41lo has hecho por amor
13:43sin pedir nada a cambio.
13:46Sabes que a los hijos
13:47no se les pide nada.
13:50Solamente les das
13:51tu corazón completito y ya.
13:58Ay, me pesa tanto
13:59la posibilidad
14:00de perder a Emiliano.
14:02Es mi hijo.
14:05Como sea, es mi hijo.
14:07Y es parte de mí.
14:09No tengas miedo.
14:11Es un hecho
14:12que Paulina no quiere
14:13vivir con él.
14:14Lo sé, lo sé.
14:15Pero también sé
14:16que es capaz
14:17de quedárselo
14:18y solamente
14:19para seguir teniendo
14:20a Jason con ella.
14:32Aide, me acaba de mandar
14:33un mensaje
14:34de parte de Tino.
14:36Emi ya salió del coma.
14:38Thank God.
14:40Dios escuchó mis ruidos.
14:42Es la mejor noticia del día
14:43y lo mejor es que salió
14:44del coma muy rápido.
14:47Vamos a verlo.
14:49¿Estás bien?
14:50Sí, sí.
14:51Es que me...
14:52Ay, me mareo horrible.
14:53¿Estás segura?
14:54¿Estás bien, mi amor?
14:56Veo todo negro.
14:59Ay, mira, no te preocupes.
15:01Ahora lo más importante
15:02es ver a Emi.
15:04No, no, no, no, no.
15:05Te estás sintiendo muy mal.
15:06No puedes ir así.
15:08Yo me quedo aquí
15:09a acompañarte
15:10hasta que te recuperes.
15:11No, no, no.
15:12¿Sabes qué?
15:13Ve tú, por fa.
15:15Es importante que él vea
15:16que estamos al pendiente.
15:18Ya que yo me sienta mejor,
15:19ya voy.
15:20¿Estás segura?
15:22Cualquier cosa que necesites,
15:23te llamas de inmediato.
15:25Sí, sí.
15:26Yo estoy bien.
15:27Ve, mi amor.
15:39Paulina sabe
15:40que yo estoy muy en cariño
15:41con Emiliano.
15:43Ella es capaz
15:44de quitarme a mi hijo nada más
15:45para tener contento
15:46a su marido.
15:48Y lo que me da miedo
15:49es que ella va a terminar
15:50maltratando a mi niño igual
15:52o peor que Federica.
15:54¿Piensas eso porque ahorita
15:55estás alterado
15:56por lo que pasó con Federica?
15:58Paulina no es
15:59la mejor persona,
16:01pero Jason no permitiría
16:02que algo así sucediera.
16:05Me da, me da mucho miedo
16:06pensar que yo mismo
16:07les dije a Jason y a Paulina
16:09que estaba dispuesto
16:10a cederles la custodia
16:12de mis hijos
16:13con tal de que Emi tuviera
16:15una mejor calidad de vida.
16:17Tino, no pierdas de vista
16:18lo importante.
16:20Si consideraste
16:21esa posibilidad,
16:22fue pensando
16:23que a tu hijo
16:24lo trataran los médicos
16:25de allá,
16:26en los Estados Unidos.
16:28Lo que pasó con Federica
16:29no puede hacerte dudar
16:30de algo fundamental
16:32para la salud de Emiliano.
16:34Sí, para mi hijo
16:36está la salud de mi hijo.
16:39Y tienes toda la razón.
16:41Lo de Federica
16:42me metió mil dudas
16:43en la cabeza
16:44porque te juro,
16:45no, no entiendo
16:47cómo confié
16:49en la persona equivocada.
16:52Pero no todos son como ella.
16:54Al menos yo confío en Jason,
16:56no en Paulina.
16:58Pero sé que él, como nosotros,
16:59verá por el bien de Emiliano.
17:02Espero que sí,
17:03espero que sí.
17:07a pesar de todo eso,
17:09si mis hijos se van
17:10con Jason y con Paulina,
17:14yo viviría con ellos.
17:18Yo, pues,
17:19no podría vivir sin ellos.
17:25A ver,
17:26no los voy a dejar solos
17:27con unos desconocidos,
17:28¿estás de acuerdo?
17:33me duele tanto verte así.
17:38Voy a dejarte solo un momento
17:39para que...
18:03¿Qué haces aquí?
18:05En cuanto vi tu mensaje,
18:06vine para saber
18:07cómo sigue Emiliano.
18:09Por suerte está mejor.
18:11Percibo que vibras muy bajo.
18:13¿Qué tienes, qué te pasa?
18:15No me gusta verte así.
18:17En medio de todo lo que me pasa,
18:19acabo de sentir un nuevo,
18:22no sé si miedo o dolor.
18:28Tengo tanto miedo
18:29de que Tino se aleje de mi vida
18:31y la de mis hijos.
18:38yo estoy aquí para ti.
18:43Hay una oscuridad
18:44que te quiere absorber,
18:46pero yo no voy a permitir
18:47que eso suceda.
19:04Te prometo ayudarte
19:05a recuperar esa luz
19:07que es solo tuya.
19:12En la noche voy a salir un rato.
19:13Necesito hablar
19:14con ya sabes quién.
19:16¿Me quiere contar algo?
19:18¿La chamorro?
19:20No sé si sea buena compañía
19:21en este momento,
19:22porque es muy cercana
19:24a ya sabes quién.
19:26Voy a irle con el chisme.
19:27Mejor cítala aquí.
19:29En una de esas chalequitos
19:30anda merodeando.
19:32No salgas.
19:33Es que si le pido
19:34a ya sabes quién que venga,
19:35la voy a involucrar en...
19:39No quiero que piense
19:40que soy malagradecida
19:41por salirme de su casa
19:42sin avisar.
19:43Y como van las cosas,
19:44van a necesitar
19:45el apoyo de ya sabes,
19:46de todos.
19:47¿De qué hago?
19:48¿De qué?
19:51Le toca correr por mi celular
19:52porque lo olvidé en el baño.
19:53Ándale, ándale.
19:54Ay, no.
19:56Ay, bueno.
19:57Venga, chaparrín, venga.
20:01Corre, que lo necesitamos.
20:05No sabemos
20:06si el hermano Cervantes
20:07o Guzmán hicieron la denuncia
20:08de la desaparición de Pipe.
20:10Y si sí,
20:11somos sospechosos,
20:12sobre todo tú.
20:16Sí, otra vez yo.
20:18Y estoy atacada
20:19porque ahora sí temo
20:20que me demanden
20:21por maltrato infantil.
20:22Así que aplícate
20:23y busca un amparo
20:24o algo para contrarrestar
20:26esa demanda
20:27que no tarde en caerme.
20:31Constantino Guevara Barajas.
20:33Ese es el que me va a demandar.
20:35Y de abogada a abogado,
20:36te ruego que te apures
20:37para ganarle.
20:40Sí, ya va, shh.
20:45¿Cómo pudiste hacerle
20:46cosas tan nefastas a Emi?
20:48¿Estás loca o qué?
20:50Ay, sobri de mi vidis.
20:51No hagas caso a esas mentiras.
20:53Mira, escucha...
20:54No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
20:55no me trates de envolver
20:56porque ya no te creo.
20:57¿Cómo pudiste torturar a Emi,
20:59el niño más bueno del mundo?
21:01Me duele que des crédito
21:02a esos chismes que inventaron.
21:04Si lo creo
21:05es porque me di cuenta
21:06que todos los consejos
21:07que me dabas
21:08no eran por mi bien,
21:09sino para que me fuera fatal.
21:10¡Eres una persona horrenda!
21:13Pero no soy una tonta niña rica
21:16Ay, no.
21:17Más bien,
21:18una tonta niña pobre.
21:20Porque de rica ya no tienes nada.
21:25¡Ya no!
21:27y saca a esta perra de aquí!
21:29¡Pero ya!
21:46Aiden told me
21:47that Emiliano had woken up
21:49and he's running to see this champion.
21:51¿Y Paulina?
21:52She's a little weak.
21:54That's why I couldn't come,
21:55but she sent you her regards.
21:57As soon as she recovers
21:58she'll be here with you
21:59and she'll come see you.
22:00And I hope it's before she goes to the United States, right?
22:06What is it, son?
22:07Jason told me you were going to let me go with them
22:09so I could see a doctor there.
22:11Yes, that's right.
22:13So they can treat you
22:14with a much more advanced technology.
22:17Very good.
22:18Because even so,
22:19they don't even cure my tumors
22:21and they don't have to operate on me again.
22:24I was talking to the hospital manager in Seattle.
22:27He said there were very good results
22:29with the treatment they'd give you.
22:32Would you come with us, Dad?
22:35I'd do everything I could
22:37to be close to you and your sister,
22:40but I don't want to lie to you.
22:43I can't assure you of that.
22:45Why, Dad?
22:49She's your aunt
22:50and you owe her respect, Chata.
22:52Is that how you show
22:53the education they gave you?
22:55No, Tino and Aydeucha
22:56are going to be very close to you.
22:58If you don't know, don't give me an opinion.
23:00I think my parents will congratulate me
23:02for what I did.
23:03Federica is a woman of the worst.
23:05And please, even if she's a Czech dad,
23:07don't meddle in what she doesn't care about.
23:08Chale, Chale, Chale, Chale.
23:09Stop right there.
23:10If you don't respect your family,
23:12I do.
23:13Because I'm an adult.
23:14And because I don't see a reason
23:16for you to come here
23:17and make a big deal out of this, ma'am.
23:19And who are you?
23:20An employee
23:21that never leaves his job
23:22and makes copies?
23:25Poor guy.
23:26Having a dad like you
23:27is nefarious.
23:32I swear I'm going to do my best
23:34to be with you in the United States.
23:36But first,
23:37the most important thing
23:38is that you're healthy, son.
23:40I don't know.
23:42I'll see what I can do
23:43to get you there, okay?
23:45If not, don't worry.
23:47I'll see what I can do
23:48to help your dad.
23:50So he can be close to you
23:51and your sister.
23:54I couldn't be away from you, Dad.
23:56Or my grandma.
23:57Or Lina.
23:59Or my siblings.
24:04May I?
24:07Excuse the interruption.
24:09I was just passing by
24:10to say hi to Amy.
24:12May I?
24:16How do you feel, little friend?
24:18Much better, thank you.
24:19That's good.
24:20I have to go back home
24:21to talk to the kids.
24:24They must be very upset
24:25with everything that happened
24:26to Federica.
24:29I'm very happy
24:30that you're doing so well, Amy.
24:32And that it's all over now.
24:34You're very nice
24:35to worry about,
24:37to support Aidee.
24:39Because you're going to take her
24:40home, right?
24:41I mean,
24:42because now you're
24:43her help,
24:44her light,
24:46her driver.
24:47Everything, right?
24:49Yes, everything.
24:53Answer me, Mom.
24:55Please, answer me.
25:02What happened, honey?
25:04What do you think?
25:05Amy just got out of the coma.
25:06She's awake.
25:08Yes, I found out a while ago.
25:10But I couldn't go to the hospital
25:11to see him
25:12because I felt very bad.
25:14Take some medicine
25:15and go see him.
25:16Something horrible happened.
25:18Right now is when Amy
25:19must know
25:20that we love him very much.
25:22Why are you crying, honey?
25:23What's wrong?
25:24I can't tell you
25:25because I'm jealous.
25:27But something horrible
25:28happened to Federica,
25:29my dad's silly friend.
25:31What could be so terrible?
25:32What did that woman do?
25:34I need to see you.
25:36I want to hug you
25:37and you hug me.
25:39I want to be with you, Mom.
25:41Don't cry anymore.
25:43Right now I'm going to take you
25:44to Tino's house
25:45and then we'll go to the hospital.
25:48Even if I have to take
25:49several pills
25:50to feel better
25:51and not feel bad again
25:52on the way.
25:53No, I don't want you to get sick.
25:55No, I don't care.
25:57If something so serious
25:58happened to your brother,
25:59my duty as a mother
26:00is to be with you.
26:01Thank you, Mom.
26:03Amy and I need you.
26:05And I need you
26:06to do me a favor, sweetie.
26:16I thought my grandma
26:17wouldn't give me permission,
26:19but when I told her
26:20we were going to see Amy,
26:21she changed her face.
26:23That's good,
26:24because she wasn't in the mood
26:25to argue with her.
26:26And even less
26:27after knowing
26:28everything that Federica did.
26:30I don't understand
26:31how that woman
26:32dared to do something like that
26:33to my beloved child.
26:35I still can't believe it, Mom.
26:37I assure you
26:38that I will do something
26:39for that woman
26:40to pay for all the bad things
26:41she did to a being
26:42as innocent as your brother.
26:43Just imagining
26:44how bad she was,
26:45I feel horrible.
26:48And I didn't help her.
26:50It's not your fault.
26:52I'm the oldest sister,
26:53and I didn't do anything
26:54to take care of him.
26:56But it wasn't your responsibility,
26:57my love.
26:58That's a task
26:59for the elders,
27:00not yours.
27:01Tino and your grandmother
27:02shouldn't feel bad.
27:04They neglected Emiliano
27:05and allowed that woman
27:06to hurt him so much.
27:09and what was so important
27:10that I had to do
27:11for you?
27:13Look, daughter,
27:14Jason is calmer now,
27:15but a few days ago
27:16he was very angry with me.
27:19Well, for several reasons.
27:21The point is
27:22that I need you to support me
27:24because he always wanted
27:25to have a daughter
27:26as his firstborn.
27:28Could you do it?
27:30And what do I have to do, Mom?
27:32It's very simple, daughter.
27:34Just don't argue with him.
27:36Don't argue with him.
27:37Be more sweet.
27:39All that will help me a lot.
27:41My love,
27:44I love Jason
27:45and I don't want to lose him.
27:48And you can support me
27:49so that he continues
27:50to be happy with me.
27:52Do you promise me
27:53that you will do it?
27:54Yes, Mom.
27:55I promise you.
28:01as soon as I saw your message,
28:02why did you leave the hotel?
28:03Did you feel bad?
28:04I found out
28:05about something horrible
28:06that happened to my son
28:07and I had to see him.
28:08He just went to his room
28:09and he's asleep.
28:12We'll be back in a little while
28:13so you can see him.
28:16don't get mad at my mom.
28:18She's so nice
28:19that she didn't mind
28:20being very sick
28:21just to see my brother.
28:29And since Lila told me
28:30that Mom was taking her
28:31to the hospital,
28:32I let her go.
28:33That's good.
28:34And I was going to be very happy.
28:39I know it's been a difficult day
28:41but is there any other reason
28:42for everyone
28:43to be so quiet?
28:44Did something happen?
28:45I do have something
28:46to tell you.
28:48I'm very proud
28:49of what I did
28:51but I was so angry
28:54I hate injustices.
28:56And what my ex-aunt Federica
28:57Emiliano did to her
28:58was that.
28:59A super mega injustice.
29:01What did you do, daughter?
29:03I went to Maxi Click
29:04to see my aunt Federica.
29:06I complained to her
29:07about everything
29:08Emiliano did to her,
29:09about the terrible advice
29:10he gave me before,
29:11about all the times
29:12he tried to put me
29:13against you
29:14and he threw a jug
29:15of water in her head.
29:17How cool.
29:18Wait, wait, wait, wait.
29:19Let's see.
29:20I understand that you had
29:21reasons to be very angry
29:23but that was not correct.
29:24So please
29:25don't celebrate it.
29:27I respect your mom's opinion
29:28a lot, Circe,
29:29but as Emi's grandmother,
29:31of course I understand you.
29:33And I would have done
29:34the same thing
29:35because that damn lawyer
29:37deserves a beating.
29:38I agree,
29:39but the punishment
29:40should be given
29:41by the law,
29:42not us.
29:43That's why I hope
29:44you don't report her
29:45as soon as possible.
29:46I'm sorry,
29:47but I'm not sorry.
29:48I don't regret anything
29:49I did to Federica.
29:52What was fatal
29:53and I shouldn't have done
29:55was to be so rude
29:56to Chico's dad.
29:59And that's how Pancho
30:00ended up making Circe
30:01my daughter.
30:03A little girl
30:04from Chamuco.
30:06What I don't understand
30:07is why she behaved like that
30:08if she gets along
30:09with your aunt.
30:10Who knows?
30:11But what she did
30:12has no name.
30:13Federica is her aunt.
30:14It's obvious
30:15that Circe's girl
30:16doesn't know how to respect
30:17her elders.
30:18That's why I'm going
30:19to ask you
30:20not to see her anymore.
30:23you're exaggerating
30:24for two.
30:25Calm down.
30:26Let's see.
30:27No, Chico.
30:29I'm telling you the truth.
30:30I don't want you
30:31close to her
30:32because besides
30:33the things she did
30:34to her aunt,
30:35with me,
30:37she was also
30:38very rude.
30:40And I'm not even going
30:41to tell you
30:42because honestly,
30:43that girl
30:44offended me a lot.
30:45So if you want
30:46me to stop seeing her,
30:47tell me what she told you.
30:52I'll tell you later.
30:53I'm just going to get
30:54another Coca-Cola
30:55without sugar
30:56and I'll tell you.
32:32Soy yo.
32:33Pasale, amiga.
32:34Come in, come in, come in.
32:36Thank you for coming, friend.
32:42I know you took a risk, but...
32:44No, don't worry.
32:46I took extreme precautions to get here.
32:48I'm not that gay.
32:50Hey, hey.
32:52Obviously I know how to defend myself.
32:54Did you forget I was a security guard?
32:56I know several techniques to subdue anyone.
32:58No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
33:00Better sit down.
33:04No, really, really, thank you for coming.
33:06No, man.
33:10The truth is that I wanted to see you in person too
33:12to offer you an apology for the way I disappeared.
33:14I did it so as not to get you involved in my problems.
33:16Even if you hadn't come, I would have understood.
33:20Well, yes.
33:22Don't forget I'm a mom.
33:24And I understand what one is capable of for their own.
33:26Thank you, Litchioks.
33:28And I hope you mean it.
33:30I hope you mean it.
33:32Don't go running to tell the rat Guzman I came to see you.
33:34Don't even think about it.
33:36But sooner or later he's going to hit you
33:38and things are going to get complicated.
33:40I know.
33:42But you said it.
33:44You're a mom.
33:46You understand I couldn't stay without seeing my son.
33:48Because Guzman...
33:50Wait, wait, wait.
33:52Right now I don't even know what to think about him.
33:54I'm going to show you what I told you to bring me.
34:00And that cell phone?
34:02It's pro, right?
34:04How's my brother doing?
34:06He's resting.
34:08Don't wake him up, okay?
34:14And Iso told me you weren't well.
34:16I didn't know you were with Lila.
34:18I went to look for her.
34:20And she told me what happened to poor Emiliano
34:22and that Federica.
34:24And although I don't feel very well,
34:26I wanted to come see my son.
34:30I can't believe
34:32how low that woman is.
34:34It's incredible that a woman
34:36can be so ruthless
34:38to an innocent child, right?
34:40It's also incredible that no one noticed.
34:42The important thing here
34:44is that she's never
34:46going to be close to Emiliano again.
34:48And I'm going to report her for abuse.
34:50You can do it tomorrow
34:52taking advantage of the fact that it's the final hearing.
34:54Because I suppose
34:56she's no longer your lawyer.
34:58No, of course not.
35:00She's not going to be close to us anymore.
35:02Never again.
35:04Oh, my love, my baby.
35:06Although some doubt it,
35:08you are very important to me.
35:12Well, there you go.
35:14And I promise you that this has nothing to do
35:16with the mess I have with Guzman.
35:18No, I really need a friend's advice
35:20because I don't even know what to do anymore.
35:22Well, I think
35:24maybe you should first
35:26talk to Guzman.
35:28You know, talk to him, see what he has to say.
35:30Ask him directly
35:32why he gave Chofis such an expensive gift.
35:34Because, I'm sorry,
35:36but even if he thought he was Uncle Protector's role,
35:38it's not normal for a man his age
35:40to spend money on a gift for a girl.
35:44You're a mom.
35:46You're a woman. Use your instinct.
35:48I'm not telling you
35:50to make a scene,
35:52but find out.
35:54I learned that from Pipe.
35:56You, turn on the alarm
35:58and the radar of the red flags.
36:00Yes, yes, I'm going to do that.
36:02Hey, girl, don't think
36:04I want to influence you in a bad way.
36:06No, no, man, I'm not going to take it to heart.
36:08Really, it's what I needed to hear,
36:10the truth.
36:12Thank you very much.
36:14I'm glad I brought you some light.
36:18I'm leaving.
36:20I'm leaving.
36:22Don't tell Guzman you talked to me.
36:24No, no, I won't.
36:26You haven't seen me.
36:28I wasn't here.
36:34When I saw the mask,
36:36I remembered a lot of things.
36:38Poor Poli got scared.
36:40I imagine it was
36:42a very painful memory.
36:44If it weren't for therapy,
36:46my dad's support, and you,
36:48I don't know how I'd be right now.
36:50Being able to talk
36:52to the three of you about this secret
36:54that I used to feel
36:56that drowned me,
36:58makes me feel calmer.
37:00It changed my life.
37:02It gives me so much peace to hear you say that.
37:04And I know that
37:06the one who has supported me has given you destiny.
37:08I am very grateful
37:10to your dad for that.
37:12And I want you to be very clear
37:14that now more than ever you count on him
37:16and me.
37:18I know it's a difficult part,
37:20but it's very important
37:22to report Facundo.
37:24Mom, I remember how things were,
37:26but I can only report Facundo
37:28because he has a mask just like the one I remember.
37:30I know.
37:32Just like you, I know it's a very serious accusation.
37:34But I think we should consult
37:36a lawyer to guide us and represent us.
37:38It's a very delicate issue
37:40for the family because
37:42your aggressor is Scarlett's father.
37:44I know.
37:46Poor Pulgui.
37:48I don't want your sister to suffer.
37:50We have to be prudent for her.
37:52But still,
37:54you have my support to report her
37:56because a crime like the one they committed
37:58against you cannot be left
38:08I didn't tell you, Aide,
38:10but my mom stayed to take care of Emia
38:12in the hospital.
38:14I'm going to the hearing.
38:22But I don't see the lawyer on your side,
38:24Mr. Guevara.
38:26No, we had a problem.
38:28So, with your permission, I will represent myself
38:30with the support of a lawyer,
38:32Mr. Morales.
38:34Are you sure?
38:36Totally, ma'am.
38:38In fact, I've made a decision
38:40that could change the course of this trial.
38:42Excuse me for interrupting.
38:44Your Honor,
38:46Ms. Paulina,
38:48the mother of the children,
38:50would like to speak.
38:52Fine. It's irregular,
38:54but it surprises me that she wants to speak.
38:56So, you have the floor.
38:58I wouldn't interrupt, Tino,
39:00if what I have to say wasn't important.
39:04Don't be mysterious.
39:06For reasons that I have witnessed,
39:08that my own daughter has told me,
39:10don't stand out.
39:12What I want to tell you has a lot to do
39:14with Lila's custody.
39:20Before, I didn't like having a brother
39:22with his disability and in a wheelchair.
39:24Or sometimes I just did it
39:26because I was jealous
39:28that my dad would only pay attention to him
39:30and not me.
39:32Let's see, Lila.
39:34About Emi and her disability.
39:36It's very ugly that you say it
39:38but Emi is much more than a wheelchair.
39:42And about your dad and attention.
39:44Your brother needed a lot more time than you.
39:46But your dad adores you.
39:48I know.
39:50And now I understand
39:52that he felt that I was very strong
39:54and that he didn't need
39:56as much protection as Emi.
39:58That he needs more care.
40:02Besides, Emi is smaller.
40:06And now,
40:08with what happened
40:10to Federica,
40:12I feel horrible
40:14for what she did to my brother.
40:16My dad feels worse.
40:18I'm a terrible sister.
40:20If something had happened to Emi,
40:24I wouldn't forgive myself.
40:26Okay, enough.
40:28What happened is over.
40:30Now, talk to your dad.
40:32Tell him how you feel about Lila.
40:34That will help you and him.
40:36I know.
40:40I congratulate you, Chulis.
40:42Guzman got it right
40:44by giving you a chance.
40:46You are, as I say, a diamond.
40:48But with a shine,
40:50you will shine.
40:54More than me, thank Guzman.
40:56Has he always been so generous
40:58with all the people?
41:00Always. Especially with those
41:02like you.
41:04I'm asking because
41:06he gave my daughter
41:08a very expensive cell phone
41:10and it made me think.
41:12What's wrong with that?
41:14I'm not saying he's mega, ultra generous.
41:16You're an example of what I'm saying.
41:20Don't be silly.
41:22Don't look for trouble.
41:24If Guzman put his eyes on you,
41:26it's probably because
41:28you're a good student.
41:30You've done a lot in your career.
41:32When you finish college,
41:34this will give you a job.
41:38Don't let him be your daughter's godfather.
41:40That's why,
41:42now that I've spent more time with my children,
41:44I've realized the special needs
41:46Emiliano has.
41:48But that doesn't justify
41:50Tino's total neglect of Lila.
41:52My daughter is an intelligent,
41:54sweet girl
41:56who has had to become tough,
41:58stubborn, and withdrawn
42:00because her father condemned her to oblivion.
42:02On the other hand,
42:04with Jason and me,
42:06Lila could have a comfortable life
42:08full of love and care
42:12my husband always wanted his firstborn
42:14to be a woman.
42:16Your Honor,
42:18Ms. Dorado has not yet finished her statement,
42:20Mr. Guevara.
42:22I know, but what I want to tell you
42:24will help you determine.
42:26I don't know what to say.
42:30I don't think I can defend myself
42:32from what I'm saying.
42:34I'm not going to defend myself.
42:36And before I give you your verdict,
42:38I came to tell you that the only thing I care about
42:40is the betterment of my children.
42:42If Lila and Emiliano
42:44really have a better quality of life,
42:46and my son Emi
42:48will have remarkable progress in his health
42:50and in his condition
42:52because of the treatment there is in the United States,
42:54I am willing to give them
42:56custody and custody
42:58of Lila and Emiliano.
43:18Oh, no, they're not Circe's photos.
44:22¿De qué se trata?
44:24¿Cambió toda tu actitud?
44:26No le doy más vueltas.
44:28Hablé con Clara Luz.
44:34Facu no está. Está en España.
44:36¿Cuándo se fue?
44:38A ver, perdón, ¿tú quién eres?
44:40¿Qué haces aquí en su casa?
44:42Yo soy Iker. Iker de la Vega.
44:48Nada, he cambiado de piso con Facu
44:50porque estamos haciendo un swap.
44:52Perdón, ¿un qué?
44:54Una marca nos patrocina
44:56para cumplir un reto.
44:58Así que yo me he venido a vivir a su casa
45:00y él se ha ido a la mía, así que va a estar un mesesito viviendo en España.
45:06De pie, por favor, voy a dictar sentencia.
45:10El menor
45:12Emiliano Guevara Dorado
45:14permanecerá bajo
45:16la guarda y custodia de
45:18su padre,
45:20Constantino Guevara Barajas.
45:24En cuanto a la menor,
45:26Lila Guevara Dorado
45:28será sometida a pruebas psicológicas
45:30antes de tomarle declaración
45:32sobre cuál es la decisión que ella quiere tomar,
45:34ya que debido a su edad
45:36puede decidir libremente
45:38con quién se quiere ir,
45:40si con su padre o con su madre.
45:48Quédate con tus hijos,
45:50dales confianza.
45:52Proteger a los niños y niñas de la violencia sexual
45:54es nuestro deber.
45:56Hay que mantenernos atentos
45:58a cualquier signo de alerta,
46:00incluso familiar,
46:02y llamar a este teléfono.
46:04Ojo con esto.
46:18CC por Antarctica Films Argentina
