• 2 months ago


00:00Rahul Ghali has made a statement that RSS and BJP are occupying all the institutions.
00:09Today he said that along with RSS and BJP, India State is also involved in this.
00:21He has said that the government is also fighting with the government, leaving RSS and BJP.
00:31What do you have to say on this?
00:33After the independence of the country, who ruled the country the most? Congress Party.
00:38Today in the name of Indira ji, Jawaharlal Nehru ji, Rajiv ji, you will see everyone.
00:49They did not let anyone leave their families and go to the institutions.
00:53You will only find people from the Gandhi family.
00:56So, the mistake that they have made, the Indian People's Party, everyone's support, everyone's development,
01:04no one's interest, no one's expectation.
