• 2 months ago
हरियाणा में आज फिर शीतलहर के साथ झमाझम बारिश होगी. मौसम विभाग ने प्रदेश के कई जिलों में घने कोहरे का अलर्ट जारी किया है.


00:00Right now, we are in Faridabad and as you can see, there is a cloud of dust in the air.
00:06You can clearly see the cloud of dust.
00:09The visibility in Faridabad has been zeroed.
00:13Because of that, people are burning the headlights of their cars.
00:19And you can clearly see, people are burning the firewood with the help of fire.
00:24Because burning the firewood is a good thing.
00:27We have some people with us, let's talk to them.
00:29Swaminath Prasad.
00:30Swamiji, how cold is it? What will you say?
00:33What is the benefit and what is the loss?
00:35If you look at it from a cold perspective, it is beneficial.
00:36But the minimum temperature is cold.
00:37There is no special cold.
00:38To avoid this cold, we should wear warm clothes, drink warm water.
00:43For our elders, there is a lot of loss.
00:46They should stay at home.
00:47If the wind is strong, they should not go out of the house.
00:50To avoid this cold, burning the firewood is necessary.
00:53Otherwise, it should be cold.
00:54If it is not cold, then there will be no wheat production in the country.
00:59This is natural.
01:00This tradition has been going on for a long time.
01:03How much loss is being told to the elders?
01:06What happens to the firewood?
01:08In this, it is necessary to save it.
01:10Either with the help of fire or to throw away our clothes.
01:13This is necessary for the elders.
01:15Otherwise, going out is more harmful to the firewood.
01:19Go out according to the time.
01:21If the sun rises, then go out at the right time.
01:24If you have to take a bath, then take a hot bath.
01:27Wear warm clothes.
01:28To avoid this cold.
01:30If there is fog, then the driver should drive slowly.
01:34Because it is visible ahead.
01:36The biggest loss for the driver is in the fog.
01:40Because there is a fear of an accident.
01:42That's why the driver should be very careful.
01:45You can clearly see the people who are supporting the firewood.
01:50We have some other people with us. Let's talk to them.
01:52What is your name?
01:53My name is Parunath.
01:55It is cold, but you are supporting the firewood.
01:58If it is cold, then we need the support of the elders.
02:02Because if there is no fire, it is very difficult for the elders.
02:08And if it is cold, it is more beneficial for the farmers.
02:15The wheat that is grown will become thicker.
02:19It will grow.
02:21And that's it.
02:23Cold is beneficial for the elders.
02:26And it is also beneficial for the farmers.
02:28But the DC has given the order.
02:32If you take a car on the road, then drive with your headlight on.
02:36And do take the support of the firewood.
02:38From Ballamgarh for ATB Bharat, I am Prem.
