• 2 months ago
1972년 뮌헨, 최초로 올림픽 생중계에 도전한 ABC 방송국 스포츠팀은 무장한 테러리스트들이 | dG1fbVJtWUZWdGpqRE0
00:00ready camera 1.
00:03good morning i'm jim mckay speaking to you live from the olympics in munich west germany
00:08talk me through the day that's a volleyball then there's boxing good it's america versus cuba sure you want to bring in the politics how about politics it's about a mushroom
00:21and we're clear great job everyone
00:31do you hear that? were those gun shots?
00:37what's the situation?
00:39the police are reporting that armed terrorists have attacked the israeli athletes
00:43there's a hostage situation going on right now in the olympic village
00:48abc wants news to take over
00:50your sports, you're in way over your head
00:53we're 100 yards away from where this is happening
00:55we are the only people capable of following it live
00:58this is our story and we're keeping it
01:00what do i tell the cameras?
01:01what do you mean?
01:02i mean can we show someone being shot on live television?
01:06we're on
01:07the piece of what have been called the serene olympics was shattered this morning
01:11the games are still going on
01:13within a few hundred yards nine terrified living human beings are being held prisoner
01:21you need to understand how sensitive the situation is
01:26these are just local cops doing things they have never done before
01:33we're making broadcast history
01:35more people have seen this than watched armstrong land on the moon
01:38now police are on the roof
01:40oh guys
01:42that's a tv
01:44are they seeing what we're seeing?
01:47what are you talking about?
01:48are the terrorists seeing this?
01:55our job is to tell the story of these individuals whose lives are at stake
01:59it's not okay
02:00we made it worse
02:02it's a manhouse down here
02:05they know the whole world is watching
02:07if they shoot someone
02:10on live television
02:13whose story is that?
02:15is it ours or is it theirs?
