• 2 months ago
Halesowen and nearly £2000 worth of damage caused by a pot hole at Tesco, lead to a man blocking that entrance to the car park for a period.


00:00OK, we're here with Craigie motorist Ben Day, outside Tesco Express in Hales Owen.
00:08On the day that £204 million has been announced in the West Midlands to fix potholes, an increase
00:15nationally of £1.6 billion in 2025, you've got a story to tell on your almost brand new
00:22car, the Nissan X-Trail, which is over there.
00:24I have, yes.
00:26What happened yesterday?
00:28So I came into the car park to get some groceries, noticed a pothole, tried to dodge it and I
00:35My car wheel got stuck inside the pothole, it scratched all my alloy, my tyre and my
00:41And you've shown us the invoice for the damage, you've already had it done but it's over £1,900
00:48isn't it?
00:49That's right, yeah, that's right.
00:51And you're planning to protest, or you're talking about protesting here, other motorists
00:56we have been in and asked in the shop have complained about it.
01:01What do you think about this particular pothole, it's obviously a big one.
01:05This is ridiculous, this is crazy, you know, there's so much money floating around everywhere
01:09and potholes like this need to be fixed, need to be repaired, because it's damaging brand
01:12new cars, old cars, classic cars, any cars, it's damaging them, it needs to be fixed.
01:18And do you find generally there's a lot of potholes that need to be fixed around?
01:22There's loads now, loads.
01:24Any road you go onto, there's loads, any road.
01:27I mean how much did you pay for your car if you don't mind me asking, you only bought
01:30it in December last year.
01:31Only December, yeah, so I mean, I don't really want to say how much I paid for it, but a
01:35large amount of money was paid for that car, a large amount.
01:40OK, thanks for talking to us today.
01:42So Ben, you've got the car there now, blocking the entrance, I presume just to stop it happening
01:49to anybody else here?
01:50Exactly, you know, what should it happen to anybody else, it's going to cost me almost
01:54a few thousand pounds to get it repaired, and they're willing to do nothing about it.
01:57So I'll help other people and stop it from happening to them.
02:01So you took your bill in, what was the response that you had from the people in store?
02:06Private landlord, nothing we can do, and they weren't going to give me details of the landlord
02:10or anything.
02:11So you can't even write to the landlord to complain?
02:14OK, interesting, interesting.
02:15So yeah, you just, I guess you feel you're doing a service here, if you don't block it
02:19then someone else is going to...
02:20My other argument is that there is no signpostage on anywhere outside Tesco stating that this
02:26is privately owned.
02:28You've spoke to three or four people here, they've initially come to come out the exit
02:32here, you've explained why your car's here.
02:34That's right, yeah.
02:35What have they said?
02:36Have they been angry at you, or have they understood?
02:38No, they've said that's fine, you know what you've got to do, you understand, you know,
02:41it's got to be done about it.
02:42Yeah, yeah.
02:43It's crazy.
02:44And there was one lady you chatted to, she looked quite shocked when you said the bill
02:47it had cost you.
02:48That's right, yeah.
02:49But she said that her car's gone down a few times as well, and she's spoke to them, but
02:52they're not willing to help her or speak to her about it.
02:54Yeah, yeah.
02:55OK, cheers boss.
