• 2 months ago
00:00In Modi's school, after studying for a day, I am thinking that maybe I am sitting in PM's place today, so I can also do something for my country.
00:14How did you get the idea that Modi ji studied in a small village, in a small school, worked hard and became the Prime Minister of the country?
00:27As we have been told, we have seen in the documentary, that the Prime Minister studied very hard here.
00:39After that, he saw many ups and downs in his life.
00:43After that, he reached such a great position.
00:47So, I am also learning from him that we should also work hard.
00:52I should also learn from him that no matter how many problems we face in life, we should not stop, we should keep doing our work.
01:04We should always do our work without any desire for results.
01:22For more information, visit www.osho.com
01:53Tell me your name and where are you from?
01:56Sir, my name is Simran Sharma and I am from Udhamsing Nagar, Uttarakhand.
02:00Tell me, the campus where you have come to study, where Modi ji studied in a primary school,
02:12Modi ji himself was a Prime Minister from a small village, small town.
02:17You have come to learn something from him.
02:21What is the value, what is the history, what have you come to learn and what will you learn?
02:26Sir, first of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that India has 65% youth.
02:32And India has immense potential, but our mistake is that we are not getting the opportunity to fully show this potential.
02:44But with the help of Prerna Utsav, such children who have talent but do not have resources,
02:50they will be able to present their talent and will be able to enhance their talent.
02:56Secondly, the way the Prime Minister has emerged from a small village like a global leader,
03:04we are not from a big city, we are from a small city.
03:08And after seeing his journey, we have gained a lot of confidence that if he can do it, we can do it too.
03:14And I want to become an IAS.
03:17And after coming here, I have got so much motivation that I can say with certainty that
03:22even though I am from a small city, one day I will become an IAS.
03:28What is the value, what is the history, how do you believe that you will make your own value here?
03:34Sir, we are being taught a lot of values here, like innovation.
03:39Innovation has become so important in this contemporary world.
03:44We are all seeing this.
03:463D technologies are coming.
03:48Development is happening.
03:50Secondly, there is a lot of difference between a literate and an educated person.
03:55And Prerna Utsav is helping us to become literate and educated.
04:02It is giving us values, like awareness.
04:05Awareness means cleanliness.
04:09Before coming here, my aim was to become an IAS.
04:14But now, the values that these people have inculcated in us,
04:18have changed me to become not just an IAS, but a corruption-free IAS.
04:23I want to become an unbiased IAS.
04:26So that all the sections of our society can get equality.
