• 2 months ago
मध्य प्रदेश के जबलपुर सीएम राइज स्कूल में एक अनोखा प्रयोग किया जा रहा है.यहां छात्रों को 21 संस्कारों की शिक्षा दी जा रही है.


00:00I am at the CM Rise School in Adhartal, Jabalpur.
00:15This is a class of 10th standard.
00:17It is a class like any other government school.
00:20There are boys and girls in this class.
00:23There is a general opinion about CM Rise School or any government school
00:27The problem is that there is no proper education here.
00:30There is a lack of facilities.
00:32There is a government school here.
00:34But we are seeing something else here.
00:36This is not happening even in private schools.
00:40Jabalpur is a Sanskrit school.
00:42This is a government school.
00:43And they are teaching Sanskrit here.
00:45This is a completely new pattern.
00:47Principal Prakash Paliwal has made a format here.
00:53There are 21 Sanskars here.
00:56And the important thing is that this is self-declaration.
00:59This form has been given to these children.
01:02These children fill this form.
01:04This is their honesty.
01:06And what I found here is that they have crossed some of the Sanskars.
01:10If they are not able to do it, then they are crossing it.
01:13This is a good thing.
01:14If these children are following those Sanskars,
01:19then they are sticking a yes in it.
01:21And if they are not doing it, then they are crossing it.
01:23They are crossing it.
01:24This is the education of honesty.
01:26They are saying that we have 22 Sanskars.
01:29We have some children with us.
01:30We will ask them.
01:31Which Sanskars have been given to you?
01:36Sir, many Sanskars have been given to us.
01:39Like we have to wake up before sunrise.
01:41And we have to bow down to Mother Earth before waking up.
01:44And we have to take blessings from our parents as soon as we wake up.
01:48When we wake up in the morning, we don't drink water.
01:51We have to drink 3-4 glasses of water in the morning.
01:54And we have to study.
01:59Has there been any change in your daily routine after their arrival?
02:05Yes, sir.
02:06Do you follow them?
02:08Yes, sir.
02:09Or do you lie to them?
02:10No, sir. I follow them completely.
02:12I drink water in the morning.
02:14And I take blessings from my parents.
02:17And I bow down to Mother Earth.
02:20Does this make any difference in your education?
02:22Yes, sir.
02:23What is your name?
02:24Sir, my name is Abhay Singh Jaiswal.
02:26Abhay follows this routine.
02:29There are students here as well.
02:30Tell me, what has changed in your life after the arrival of these Sanskars?
02:37Sir, a lot has changed.
02:39I didn't wake up in the morning.
02:40But now I have started waking up.
02:42And I bow down to Mother Earth.
02:44I also do Yoga.
02:46Yes, sir.
02:47So, does this help in your studies?
02:51Yes, sir.
02:52Now I also feel like studying.
02:54And what were the other problems?
02:56For example, if you don't follow these Sanskars, what difference did it make?
03:02Sir, earlier we used to wake up late.
03:05And we didn't do all this.
03:07And we used to get up, get ready and go to school.
03:10And we didn't even take blessings from our parents.
03:13It's not that you have to do it because the school says so.
03:15No, sir.
03:17Otherwise, you have to give blessings.
03:18Why not?
03:19Sir, this has brought a lot of change in our lives.
03:22What do you have to say to your family members?
03:24Are you getting any benefit from this?
03:26Yes, sir.
03:27So, the education of Sanskars used to be a form of political education.
03:32But practically, it is being used in the form of self-declaration of children.
03:38And the effect of this is seen in the work of these children.
03:42Why was this used?
03:44We will ask the principal.
03:46The education of Sanskars is different from normal education.
03:49Why did you come up with this idea?
03:51Did you feel the need for this?
03:53We have with us the principal of CM Raiji School, Mr. Prakash Paliwal.
03:56Mr. Prakash, why did you come up with this idea?
03:59Look, I have been in this school for almost two and a half years.
04:03And I have seen that the children who come from the surrounding villages,
04:09I have seen some shortcomings in their Sanskars.
04:14When we take periods and talk to them,
04:17we feel that there is some family environment or something like that,
04:23due to which such Sanskars are not coming in them.
04:28So, thinking about this, I prepared a complete list of about 28 Sanskars.
04:35And I published it in a format.
04:40After publishing it, I gave it to all the children.
04:45And I told them that you have to be honest in this.
04:53Whatever you are doing, you have to do.
04:55Whatever you are not doing, you do not have to do.
04:57And I made it month-wise.
05:01When the children read it, there was not a single point that they could not do.
05:07That you have to get up early in the morning.
05:10You have to bow down to your parents.
05:12You have to bow down to the earth.
05:14You have to make your own bed time.
05:16You have to not leave the utensils in the plate.
05:18You have to get up in the morning and drink hot water.
05:20You have to not gossip about each other.
05:22So, when the children read it, they felt that this is such an ordinary thing,
05:27but why are we not doing it?
05:29And when we saw the feedback after 4-5 days,
05:33and we had a parent's meeting,
05:35we saw that when the teachers discussed it,
05:39the guardians told us that they were very surprised
05:41that how our child was bowing down to us.
05:44Today, who has bowed down to the mother earth?
05:46Then when we discussed it, they saw the Prapatra.
05:50So, gradually, those things developed in the children.
05:55Then when we take that form in the month,
05:58where the child crossed or did not do anything,
06:01we ask, why didn't you do this?
06:03What were the reasons?
06:05They say, sir, we did not get time in the morning, so we did not exercise.
06:08So, we make them understand that if you get 15 minutes of time, then meditate.
06:13So, in this way, the children are taught.
06:16Why is Sanskar important in education?
06:18Sir, I think Sanskar is very important in education.
06:22Today, no matter how much education we give the children,
06:27and if we are not able to give them Sanskar,
06:30or if we are not able to teach them behavior,
06:32then our education will be called incomplete.
06:35Along with education, it is our ethical responsibility
06:38to make them behavioral and to make them cultured.
06:42This is different from the government system.
06:44What do you think?
06:45Like there are good results coming out of this,
06:47should this be used elsewhere?
06:49It should be, sir.
06:50I mean, I had shown this in my presentation,
06:54so everyone appreciated it.
06:56Our District Education Officer, Mr. Soni, also appreciated it.
07:01He put it in all the groups and also instructed everyone
07:04that every school should adopt this.
07:07In education, Sanskar is something like gold.
07:11But when it becomes jewellery, then its value increases.
07:14Similarly, Sanskar is in education.
07:16If an educated person is also cultured,
07:18then he can do more good for the society.
07:20So, in Sanskardhani's government school,
07:22the use of Sanskar in education is very successful.
07:25And if other schools also adopt it,
07:27then it will benefit a large community.
07:30Vishwajit Singh, ETB Bharat, Jabalpur.
