• 2 months ago
নিষিদ্ধ স্যালাইন কাণ্ডর প্রতিবাদে স্বাস্থ্য ভবন অভিযান করলেন শুভেন্দু অধিকারী সহ বিজেপি বিধায়করা। এদিন মমতা বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়ের বিরুদ্ধে বিক্ষোভ দেখিয়ে একাধিক দাবি করেন শুভেন্দু

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00:00After the incident in Medinipur, Maldas and Ekathik hospitals saw the use of unfertilized saline, not only that.
00:11After the disaster, the use of unfertilized saline in various hospitals for stock clearing has also come to light.
00:19And this incident in West Bengal across the Poonarai.
00:22On the occasion of the use of unfertilized saline, the BJP MPs announced Wednesday's health policy.
00:28On this day, BJP MP Shubhendu Adhikari, leader of this special committee and Nandigram's BJP MP,
00:35went to Shastrabhavan and hit Shubhendu in the face.
00:38He has also taken the responsibility of giving government jobs to the members of the Bhukta Bhogi family.
00:44On the way to Shubhendu Shastrabhavan, the police blocked the road.
00:48Then he was seen with the police in the presence of the BJP MPs.
00:52Shubhendu and other BJP MPs hit him in the face.
00:57After that, the BJP MPs went to Shastrabhavan.
01:00But those who stay in Poonarai Bikkhup after leaving Shastrabhavan.
01:05At the end of the meeting of the BJP MPs on the occasion of the use of unfertilized saline,
01:11the opposition leader took a handful of claims from the state government.
01:16I have seen from my mobile that on January 8, I posted 12 times.
01:24In two 48 minutes, the MSVP CMO has sent a message to the deputy CMH.
01:31Then yesterday, on January 14, I saw the copy of his newspaper.
01:35He is telling such big lies that if you do not give it to him, he will not be able to answer.
01:42And we are saying that there are two children.
01:45Prasuti Ma has been killed by Mr. Mamata.
01:48You have to take responsibility for the household.
01:56We have asked for three people.
01:58At first he said critical, then he said under treatment.
02:01We know that the biggest crime committed by the three MSVPs in the past month
02:10This saline, which has been given to the cows, their kidneys can be destroyed in the future.
02:16Doctors are saying, experts are saying, I am not saying.
02:19We have come to Talika.
02:21Talika should be illuminated and their treatment should be taken.
02:25Otherwise, six months later, you will say that the kidneys have failed because there was diabetes.
02:29You say creatinine is more, the kidneys have failed.
02:32Listen to these people.
02:34More than a month, a few lakh mothers, patients, all government hospitals.
02:41They have injected this saline.
02:45Their Talika should be illuminated.
02:47Shubhendu was very angry with the state administration.
02:51He raised his head and said,
02:54Then, with a poster in his hand and a placard in his hand,
02:59Shubhendu and other BJP ministers and their supporters.
03:04In this whole incident, Shubhendu himself took Mamata Bandhapatha to the court.
03:10Mamata Bandhapatha is a Minister of Health and a police minister.
03:13But Shubhendu says that he has been burdened with all kinds of responsibilities.
03:19On this day, Shubhendu left the government building and went to the Electronics Complex Station.
03:24There, in this incident, he filed a complaint against the health officer.
03:29In the meantime, Mamata Bandhapatha and the health officer have been accused of corruption.
03:34On one side, the whole of Bangla has been swept away with Arjikar Kanda.
03:38After that, the picture of the riot in the health sector has been cleared in various places of the state.
03:44Finally, in the government hospitals,
03:47One person has died, five people are fighting with death, and three more are sick.
03:54The responsibility of the lives of ordinary people in the state is in question.
03:58Bureau report, One India, Bangla.
