• last month
संगमनेरमधील सावरगाव तळ येथील माधव नेहे या शेतकर्‍याने एक एकर शेतात उभारलेल्या शेडनेट हाऊसमध्ये रंगीत ढोबळी मिरचीचे पीक घेतले असून, 25 लाख रुपयांचं उत्पन्न मिळालंय.


00:00I am Madhav Bhavan, from Amar Nagar district of Mukkampur, Savargaon, Taluka Sangam.
00:13I planted one acre of capsicum seeds in one acre of land.
00:18I planted the seeds on 23rd April, 2024.
00:22After three months, the seeds sprouted.
00:25The first sprouted on 20th July.
00:29It cost me Rs. 95.95 per acre.
00:35The lowest rate was Rs. 30 per acre.
00:42The highest rate was Rs. 315 per acre.
00:46In five to six months, I planted 24-25 tons of capsicum seeds.
00:51I have planted 7-10 tons more.
00:55I have produced about Rs. 2.5 million.
00:58I have bought the land for the seeds.
01:02I have spent about Rs. 7-8 lakhs on pesticide and other expenses.
01:10I have taken good care of the seeds.
