• 2 months ago


00:00More than 100 times the constitution was amended during this time.
00:05And this emergency reminds everyone.
00:09When Srimati Gandhi took part in the elections,
00:16and the court dismissed her,
00:22they dismissed the constitution overnight.
00:25And put an emergency in the country.
00:30So the Congress Party amended the constitution for their own benefit.
00:38They even dismissed the governments that were in power at that time.
00:46So those who have no respect for the constitution,
00:53today they are carrying the constitution in their pockets.
00:58Even the chairman of the assembly, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar,
01:06was humiliated for the rest of his life.
01:10He was humiliated for 21 years.
01:15All the places that were connected to him were also humiliated.
01:22He was never respected.
01:26But when the Prime Minister Narendra Modi became the BJP government,
01:34the constitution was also respected.
01:40And the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also respected.
01:45You have seen how the constitution is bowed down.
01:54The constitution is bowed down.
02:00The world has seen it.
02:04So today the Indian people have decided
02:09that by the 20th of this month,
02:17we will also have a meeting
02:22so that the country can know the truth.
02:27Who is respecting the constitution?
02:30Who is humiliating the constitution?
02:33The country should know this.
02:35The people of this country should know this.
02:38So this is a small beginning of that.
02:42The people of this country have donated money.
02:46And 75 years of the constitution are coming to an end.
02:51There is a program for that.
02:55People should know about it.
02:59Yes, of course.
