• 2 months ago
00:00I was just looking at the outline of Shri Radha Madan Mohanji Mandir Parishad.
00:45I was just looking at the outline of Shri Radha Madan Mohanji Mandir Parishad.
01:15I was just looking at the outline of Shri Radha Madan Mohanji Mandir Parishad.
01:45I was just looking at the outline of Shri Radha Madan Mohanji Mandir Parishad.
02:15Friends, on this occasion, I am also remembering the most revered Gopalakrishna Goswami Maharaj.
02:34His vision is attached to this project.
02:43His unwavering devotion to Lord Krishna is attached to this project.
02:52Today, even though he is not here physically, we all feel his spiritual presence.
03:11In my life, there is a separate place for his love and devotion.
03:25When he got the popularization of the world's largest Gita, he invited me for it.
03:42And I also got that holy offering.
03:47On the occasion of Shri Prabhupada's 125th birthday, I got his presence.
03:59I am happy that today I am witnessing his one more dream coming true.
04:14Friends, the followers of Shri Krishna, who are spread all over the world, are bound by the thread of devotion to Shri Krishna.
04:28There is another thread that keeps them all connected to each other, which shows direction to every devotee 24x7.
04:48This is the thread of Shri Prabhupada's thoughts.
04:54On the occasion of Shri Prabhupada's 125th birthday, I got his presence.
