• 2 months ago
भिलाई में ट्रक ट्रेलर ट्रांसपोर्टर एसोसिएशन ने अनोखी पहल की.कार्यक्रम में ड्राइवरों को जागरुक करने के साथ हेलमेट वितरण किया गया.


00:30and how to keep the drivers papers valid
00:32and how to keep the transporters aware
00:34Mr. Durga RTO and
00:36Mr. T.I.
00:38have come there
00:40they have given a lot of guidelines
00:42on how to drive the vehicles
00:44and how to stay safe
00:46and keep the people safe
00:48Our association, Bhilai Truck Tailor Transport
00:50has been working on
00:52keeping the drivers aware
00:54on their health check-ups
00:56and distributing helmets to the people
00:58so that the people stay safe
01:00we have been doing this
01:02we are also doing this
01:04on the road
01:06health check-up, blood donation
01:08eye check-up
01:10and distributing helmets
01:12we are making people aware
01:14to stay safe
01:16women are also
01:18becoming aware
01:20and they also manage the vehicles
01:22they also drive the vehicles
01:24very well
01:26in this way, women are not behind
01:28that is why
01:30for road safety
01:32helmets have been distributed
01:36women are the head of the family
01:38women have a very big contribution
01:40how to raise the children at home
01:42rules and
01:44conditions, laws
01:46along with the residents
01:48and the outsiders
01:50all the responsibility lies on the women
