• 2 months ago
00:30me on a regular basis.
00:31And very clearly, we have told them not now,
00:34umpteen number of times, saying that there is audit objections
00:38from the accountant general of over 300 crores.
00:42There have been violation of fake bills.
00:44There have been violation of GST payments.
00:46There is violation of by quoting exorbitant prices for more
00:54than the market price for electronic goods.
00:57And the audit para is extremely clear,
01:01saying that this has happened between 2019-20,
01:0521-22, 22-23 financial years.
01:08And yes, the previous BJP government.
01:11And if when there is an audit objection raised
01:15by the accountant general, BJP wants
01:17me to make payments to their vendors
01:20because it happened during their time.
01:23And we have already formed a committee
01:25under an IAS officer who is looking into the matter.
01:29And he also has said that there have
01:30been gross violations in procurement
01:35of electronic goods.
01:36And why shouldn't that not be probed?
01:38How can I give taxpayers money at the whims and fancies
01:43of BJP when there is an audit objection?
01:46Let the BJP come out clean and actually tell us
01:49how these violations happened, who
01:50allowed these violations to happen,
01:52how much did they make out of all this?
01:54Are you making an allegation on the BJP, sir?
01:57I am not alleging on BJP.
02:00The accountant general is alleging
02:04with facts and figures of over 300 crores,
02:09saying that these goods have not even
02:13been delivered in some cases.
02:15So it is not the Congress party, the Congress government,
02:19or Priyank Hargay making these allegations.
02:21There are objections raised by the audit committee.
02:27And if the BJP has a problem with this,
02:29they should come out clean.
02:30And why did they allow vendors to violate these norms?
02:36Why wasn't the Transparency Act followed?
02:38They are the ones who have to answer, not me.
02:40Now the same vendors have written to the press.
02:42No, see, like I said, they have been
02:45in touch with the association.
02:47But they have been in touch with the chairman.
02:49They've been in touch with the officers.
02:51Now when there is an audit objection,
02:53how can I make payments when there are audit objections?
02:57Should that not be probed?
02:59It is 300 crores only by a bird's eye view.
03:03When our own internal finance team is doing things,
03:07it's coming more than 500 crores.
03:09So they have bought a TV, which is 1 and 1 half lakhs,
03:12close to around 6 lakhs.
03:13Should we allow that?
03:14They bought printers, which are worth around 12,000 rupees,
03:17close to around 50,000 rupees.
03:18We should allow that.
03:20300 crores is the audit objection.
03:21BJP should come clean on how they
03:23allowed this to happen right under their noses.
03:26How much did they get?
03:28But now the same vendors, they are
03:30saying that we are, in the name of investigation,
03:32we are confusing Sharath Bachigar and two others.
03:35There are four years of audit, four years of financial years
03:40that need to be done.
03:41I cannot hurry up this investigation,
03:43because we need to figure out what
03:45is the price for these electronics goods,
03:49where they were supplied, how they were supplied.
