• 2 months ago
ভোগালী বিহুৰ আনন্দৰ মাজতেই যোৰহাটৰ তিতাবৰত বিধ্বংসী অগ্নিকাণ্ড । এটা ঘৰ ভস্মীভূত, জীৱন্তে অগ্নিদগ্ধ এজন ।


01:00I was on my bike when I heard the sound of a fire.
01:06I thought I was going to die.
01:09I thought I was going to die.
01:12I thought I was going to die.
01:15I thought I was going to die.
01:18I thought I was going to die.
01:20I thought I was going to die.
01:22I thought I was going to die.
01:24I thought I was going to die.
01:26I thought I was going to die.
01:28I thought I was going to die.
01:31I thought I was going to die."
01:34Burned almost all the house down.
01:42Only the fireplace salvage left.
01:46People were hungry.
01:50They did not have anything.
