• 2 months ago
Federal Minister for the Arts Tony Burke announces $12.7 million of funding for the Princess Theatre and Earl Arts Centre upgrades. Video by Aaron Smith (15/1/25)
00:00Every day there's been a show here for more than, every time it's happened for more than 100 years there's 900 new memories.
00:07900 new memories behind us of comedy, of film, of theatre, of the best of Tasmanian entertainment.
00:18Not everybody's been able to have access to be in the crowd and not everybody's been able to have access to be on the stage.
00:26And you know for a long time when people talked about access in theatres they only thought about people being in the audience.
00:32Never thought about the right to make sure that artists, no matter what their ability or disability might be, that they can be in the spotlight as well.
00:42I'm really pleased to announce that we're contributing more than $12 million to make sure that this dream for the Princess Theatre is a reality.
00:51Because for everything that's exciting about those 900 memories that have happened night after night for so long, we want to make sure that the ones yet to come are even better.
01:01The Council is teaming up with the Federal Government in a way that we can further provide opportunities for our community to get out and express themselves,
01:09to be proud of who they are as Launcestonians, Tasmanians and Australians and it's a really exciting opportunity for that accessibility and that inclusive part of our community.
01:19So far we haven't fully explored opportunities through other funding models but we're really confident at the City of Launceston
01:25that there will be the opportunity for investment to come throughout this project.
01:30It's not up high in the sky, it's not too blue sky ambitious when it comes to the $30 million
01:35but we're really confident in the way in which the Council has positioned itself to be able to further invest into our community
01:41and this grant through the Federal Government is just a fantastic first step towards that.
01:45There will be other opportunities that we do explore throughout but we are really confident at the City of Launceston
01:49that there is full funding mechanisms available to us that will actually get this to fruition.
