• 2 months ago
Aired (January 15, 2025): Lorena (Rita Avila) refuses to remain idle, convinced that Inno (Joaquin Domagoso) and Meredith (Maricel Laxa) were murdered by the same person. Determined to revive their case, she plans to reach out to Lilet (Jo Berry) for help. Will Lilet join her in reopening the investigation? #GMANetwork #GMADrama #Kapuso


00:00It must be. Sabrina wanted you to find her.
00:15They won't be like this if they're bosses and secretaries.
00:18Sabrina's dead?
00:20I have to go, hon. The hospital is nearby.
00:22I'm sorry, hon. But I need to follow Trixie.
00:26Patricia, wait!
00:27Do you have a relationship with Sabrina?
00:30So it's true what I thought.
00:31You have a girlfriend and it's Sabrina.
00:33You don't deserve my trust.
00:36And you definitely don't deserve me!
00:39Didn't you say that you'll tell me when we meet?
00:43What is it? What will you tell me?
00:48Ate, I don't know how to start this.
00:59Trixie, what will you tell me?
01:03Ate, I'm ashamed of you.
01:07I don't even know how I got the courage to show up.
01:16Because, Ate...
01:19No, Trixie!
01:29I will be destroyed! We will all be destroyed!
01:54And if we will all be destroyed, you might as well tell me.
01:58Yes, I will be the one who will be destroyed.
02:04Because, Ate, your mom's death anniversary is just around the corner.
02:09It's Aterni Meredith.
02:13And it reminded me of all the chaos that happened before.
02:16All the bad things that I did to you before.
02:20Ate, I'm really sorry.
02:24That's why I'm so ashamed to see you.
02:29Trixie, whatever happened in the past, let's forget about it now.
02:37Besides, it's been a long time.
02:39Let's forget the importance of us being okay now.
02:55Ate Patricia, did Trixie come here with you?
02:59No, Lillen.
03:01Trixie didn't know that I followed her here.
03:05I was just worried because she's been down lately.
03:09After she left the house, I came here because she's been so affected by what happened before.
03:19Trixie, don't think about it anymore.
03:25Promise, I won't think about it anymore.
03:29So don't let it affect you.
04:01Well, Sabrina's out of the picture.
04:05I was supposed to be celebrating now,
04:07but the danger that happened again.
04:11Oh, poor Renan.
04:13Well, I guess, Era is still mad at you.
04:17Don't tell me, the great Renan Alon finally lost his touch?
04:27Well, you know, Patricia, it's only natural that she'll die of jealousy.
04:33After all, she is crazy about me.
04:37Well, if she's really crazy about you, then this fight should be over in no time.
04:43But I guess there's a faster way to fix this.
04:47Ah, here we go.
04:49Okay, so what's your big plan this time?
04:53Sabrina is really pitiful, right?
04:57It's good that she has a brother who's filing a case against her.
05:03But Lillet, you're so lucky to have a relationship with Atty. Kurt.
05:07Oh, I was just about to say, there's a miracle that poor Renan is doing.
05:13See, all our guesses are right.
05:17See, I told you.
05:19Wow, you're really good.
05:25But seriously, Esty, do you think that Era will still believe her?
05:33Well, that's what I'm afraid of.
05:37Era loves someone else.
05:39She gives everything.
05:41She doesn't listen to anyone else.
05:44So, for sure, Atty. Alan will make her go around again.
05:48Well, I don't know if it's because your brother did something stupid.
05:52Well, you two are smart, Atty.
05:55But I don't know.
05:58So, what now?
05:59So, the case is closed.
06:01It's over.
06:02Because we already know that Renan's hidden agenda, right?
06:05He has a hidden relationship.
06:08That's it.
06:09But he still doesn't answer when he's asking for money.
06:15And why?
06:17And his relationship with Sabrina.
06:21There are so many stories.
06:22There are so many motives.
06:24There are so many holes in the story.
06:26I have so many questions that I can't answer.
06:28I'll just remind you again, Atty. Matias.
06:33You two, Kurt, be careful.
06:36You're not investigating for fun.
06:40You might get into a fight later.
06:44If it's Atty. Alan or whoever.
06:50Yes, Tina.
06:52But it's not over yet.
06:54I still don't know the truth about what happened to Sabrina.
06:59I believe that at the end of all this,
07:02Atty. Alan will be able to answer all the questions.
07:07The last report you gave me was my wrong.
07:12Suspicious car that passed by the house where Ino brought Evelyn.
07:19But until now,
07:20you still don't know who was driving that car?
07:25Julia, come on.
07:27You've been investigating for this case for a long time.
07:33There's still no update?
07:36I'm sorry, ma'am.
07:38The car really doesn't have a license plate.
07:41And when they saw the car, it was already far away.
07:44You know, I'm trusting you because you've been handling this case for so long.
07:50But don't wait for me to replace you.
07:55Don't worry.
07:57I won't stop investigating, ma'am.
08:00I'll go ahead.
08:02Don't worry.
08:04I won't stop investigating, ma'am.
08:07I'll go ahead.
08:18How long are you going to continue this, Lorena?
08:23I've lost my career.
08:28No law firm will hire me.
08:31Because I'm the father of a murderer.
08:34No TV station will trust you.
08:38And all our savings is almost gone.
08:42Are you going to waste what's left just because of this investigation?
08:46We have drained all our resources just to fund this obsession of yours.
08:53We still have properties to sell.
08:55And even if we run out of money, even if we have a hard time,
09:00I won't stop until Eno gets the justice he needs.
09:06I just hope that the little money we have left is being spent wisely.
09:12Because you're just wasting it on your investigator.
09:16Maybe you're right.
09:18Maybe that's why I should be the one to act now.
09:22A private investigator can only do so much.
09:27What do you mean, Lorena?
09:30That's why I'm rattling the people who wants this case buried.
09:36If no one will bring up the truth,
09:39then I'll do it.
09:42Just like how Trixie reacted when I talked to her.
09:47I can't hear this anymore.
09:50I can't hear this anymore.
09:54Stop it, please.
09:59I'm sorry.
10:04Trixie almost cried in front of me.
10:08Like she's guilty.
10:12I don't know if she's hiding something
10:16or she already knows what happened to Eno.
10:33can we talk?
10:37I thought, no.
10:39I expected that you would tell Lil at everything.
10:44But you didn't.
10:46You kept quiet.
10:50And that tells me something.
10:52That deep down inside,
10:55you still can't stop me.
11:01You know, son,
11:03I know you're still mad at me.
11:08You may even hate me right now.
11:11But I'm still your mother.
11:15Thank you for not giving up on me.
11:24I know I've hurt you.
11:27I know I've done terrible things
11:31that you won't understand.
11:36But believe me, son,
11:39everything I did
11:40everything I did
11:42was not only for me,
11:45but for you and your dad,
11:48for our family,
11:51to give you a life
11:53that you wouldn't have to fight so hard like me.
12:00when you become a mother,
12:03you'll understand everything I'm saying.
12:07No, Mom.
12:10If I become a mother like you,
12:13I could never make my child feel whatever you're making me feel right now.
12:20Because this is like a curse that I can't get rid of.
12:40Let me get this straight.
12:42This is your way to re-emerge into society after our hiatus?
12:47To show up to people who cut ties with us?
12:50To re-calculate the case of Ino and Meredith?
12:55So this is your plan?
12:57To save our reputation?
13:00Is that it?
13:02Not necessarily.
13:04But I want to make it clear
13:07the name of our child
13:09and my sanity, Cons.
13:12And who exactly are these people that you're planning on rattling
13:17to be in your plan?
13:20Who else?
13:22She has every reason to dig in her mother's case.
13:27And Meredith's child.
13:31We have been silent for too long, Cons.
13:34Now is the time
13:36to make some noise.
13:43How can I change the spelling of my name to my birth certificate?
13:48That's also what will be used in the document
13:51to get the disability benefit of the SSS.
13:55Ms. Susan, where did you get your diary?
13:58Here, enjoy it.
14:00I got this after I was blessed
14:03to work as a bus conductor.
14:07That's good and easy, Susan.
14:10That's also what I thank God for.
14:13Well, you know Ms. Susan,
14:16if there's something wrong with a birth certificate,
14:19for example, a name,
14:22what's important is
14:24the minor changes, not the whole name.
14:28For example, the spelling of a name,
14:31or the birth year,
14:35or anything under the list of court petitions,
14:41you can make these changes.
14:43If you want to change something in an affidavit,
14:46the lawyer can do it.
14:48And in this affidavit,
14:50it should be stated that you and the person in the affidavit are the same.
14:55So once you do this,
14:56you will now go to the Civil Registry.
15:00You will now request for a correction for the Civil Registries of the entries.
15:05After this,
15:07the Civil Registry will take this
15:10and make a new corrected birth certificate.
15:14Ah, so that's how it is.
15:16Thank you, Atty.
15:18No problem.
15:20Good luck.
15:43I know I messed up.
15:46I know your anger won't disappear overnight.
15:50Honestly, I don't blame you.
15:53I just,
15:57I wanted to let you know that I kept everything a secret from you because I love you.
16:05And I can't lose you.
16:13Anyway, everything's ready for our wedding.
16:18All that's left is for you to go to the altar.
16:27But I won't force you to marry me, babe,
16:31if it's really heavy inside of you.
16:35So it would be better if you leave me first.
16:46Do you want to go to Eira?
16:50I feel like she needs a lot right now.
16:52So what?
16:54Are you going to run away again?
16:56Maybe your attorney will find you again.
17:16can we talk?
17:26Ever since you stopped talking to me,
17:30my heart has been hurting.
17:36Even my knees are hurting again.
17:40Sometimes I don't know what to do.
17:46I'll go to our province first.
17:49There's a doctor I trust.
17:53I just,
17:55I thought I'd let you know.
17:57You know, why don't you get cold first?
18:01And stay away from Eira.
18:04You're safe now,
18:06since Sabrina is gone.
18:09What if she still doesn't accept me when I come back?
18:12What are my plans for her?
18:15That is simple.
18:18It means, she never really loved you.
18:20But if she does,
18:22then absence makes the heart grow fonder.
18:27She'll miss you even more when you're not around.
18:32Women crave what they can't have.
18:35Show Eira that she can't live without you.
18:38That's what happened to Ramir and I
18:41when he left me.
18:43I wanted him even more.
18:45Even more.
18:47And one more thing,
18:49so that they won't be jealous of you.
18:52Let them stop investigating Sabrina and you.
19:09Like I said,
19:11I can't lose you, babe.
19:14So on the day of our wedding,
19:16I'll be there,
19:18waiting for you,
19:20in front of the altar.
19:27If you don't go,
19:29then I'll have to admit to myself that
19:32there's no hope for us anymore.
19:43I love you.
20:14We haven't heard from you for a long time.
20:18We thought you're from another country.
20:23You're all talk.
20:26You're all
20:32But no one
20:34came to us
20:36to ask how we are.
20:38We're all quiet.
20:40So who will come to us
20:43after all that happened?
20:49You'll do everything, right?
20:51You'll accept,
20:53you'll forget
20:55so that you can move on.
20:58And you all
21:00moved on so quickly.
21:03So effortlessly.
21:06While I
21:10I'm carrying every moment,
21:13every question,
21:15every injustice.
21:18It's better that you're far away from everything.
21:24What's better?
21:28For the real killer
21:30who walks free
21:33while we are staying silent?
21:35Let's not talk about what happened.
21:40We'll just make it hard for ourselves.
21:43We'll just get hurt.
21:46I've been hurt for a long time.
21:51I can't take it anymore.
21:54I'll just leave the case of Ino,
21:57of Meredith,
21:59of your mother.
22:04Kalorina, I'm talking to you.
22:09Do you think I don't know the risks?
22:13If Ino's case is brought to life,
22:16the secrets will also be brought to life.
22:19Including who killed your mother, Ile.
22:23You've answered my question for a long time.
22:25Who killed my mother?
22:27We both know that.
22:29I know, yes.
22:30But do you believe me?
22:33Do you believe the answers given to you?
22:36Because it was easier?
22:38Because it's comfortable?
22:42Because it's quiet?
22:44Because I, Ile, I don't believe it.
22:48And maybe,
22:50you too.
22:54It's not just Ino who hasn't been given justice, Ile.
22:58Even your mother.
23:01Do you ever think,
23:04that maybe not everything can be answered?
23:08That in one week, you didn't kill my daughter or your mother?
23:21I heard about the departure of Atty. Alon.
23:24Is that why you came here?
23:25Because you want to see me suffer?
23:28Or just to laugh at my misery?
23:30So, are you happy now?
23:32Lillet, why did you call?
23:34Can we meet?
23:36I want to talk to you personally.
23:38Where's Patricia?
23:40She said that she will meet Lillet.
23:42It's weird that mom didn't tell us that she will meet Atty. Lillet.
23:46Or at least she should have told you, dad.
23:48You, you're making me nervous.
23:51Lillet, did I do something wrong to you?
23:53Mom, I just want to ask you something.
