• 2 months ago
UAE-made satellite launches into space on SpaceX rocket

A UAE-made satellite is launched into space on Jan. 14, 2025 aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The UAE's MBZ-SAT was built at its Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) agency, with officials hailing the satellite as a 'milestone' for the UAE's space exploration. The satellite will be manned from mission control at the MCRSC.


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00:00T-minus 15 seconds.
00:0710, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Ignition.
00:21Flaps off.
00:30Vehicle is fishing downrange.
00:36Stage 1 propulsion is nominal.
00:51We are now 32 seconds into flight. Falcon 9 has cleared the tower at Space Launch Complex 4 East.
00:57And we're currently throttling down to prepare for Max Q, which is the point of maximum aerodynamic stress on the vehicle.
01:08Power and telemetry are nominal.
01:14Falcon 9 is supersonic.
01:26Main engine cutoff.
01:29Stage separation confirmed.
01:37And back ignition. Stage 1 boost back startup.
01:55Today's landing burn attempt will be a three-engine landing burn where engines 1, 5, and 9 will relight to really quickly slow down the vehicle before touching down.
02:09Stage 1 transonic.
02:26Stage 1 landing burn.
02:29Start of landing burn.
02:37Stage 1 landing will deploy.
02:46Stage 1 landing confirmed.
02:48And as you saw and heard, we had successful first stage landing at landing zone 4.
02:55Which marks the second landing for this specific booster, which previously supported NRL 126.
03:25NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
