• 2 months ago
A woman patiently caught a mouse in her kitchen using a Tupperware box. She took care of the little mouse afterward.
00:17Got it!
00:19Under the fridge.
00:22I did it! I caught him!
00:26Alright, it is 11pm.
00:30Mouse is trapped.
00:33Should have put the peanut butter on something.
00:37So now I have to do like the whole spider thing where he decides what to do to me.
00:41And he's going to be my new pet, at least until tomorrow when it's a little warmer.
01:00Good boy.
01:02Good boy.
01:04Mom, you want to help me?
01:07I don't think he's going to run out.
01:10But I want some support.
01:14I just want you to hold this and then close it once I take him in.
01:37You are so cute.
01:39And you're so stressed.
01:41I'm so sorry you're so stressed. I'm gonna...
01:44And then I'll clean the floor.
01:46That's why.
01:48Get the peanut butter off the floor.
01:50You're a very great mouse.
01:53Here I come.
02:09She's mad she found him first.
02:14He's got a strawberry and a cracker and then some chunky peanut butter,
02:21which is what lured him out from under the fridge.
02:24That's how he got him.
