• 2 months ago
00:00Let's uh, let's talk about Jimmy Butler for a second. I'm about fed up to here with this guy like
00:08Honestly, what a cancer he's become. Did you see hero sandwich when they went on the road?
00:15He's like we just want to get away from it all and be a band of brothers that play ball and get back to ball
00:22And and winning we got enough here already and that's a nice way of saying we don't need him
00:27This guy is
00:29Such a prima donna. Can you imagine him trying to show up Pat Riley Pat Riley's dealt with Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul Jabbar
00:38worthy and
00:39Titles and he's got to put up with his brother who never stops with me me me I I I I'm sick and tired of it
00:46He's not even worth it, bro
00:49Yeah, and and Shaq and LeBron and only way and Chris Bosch
00:55I mean this guy's dealt with everyone Riles and folks. I want you to say something
01:01It's not the first time he did this in Chicago. He did this in Minnesota
01:07He did this in Philadelphia simply put folks Jimmy Butler wants to get paid
01:14Simply put if Riles gave him the extension in the summer
01:18We wouldn't be talking about it, but Riles said you got to show up and play
01:22We're not giving you an extension and here's the reason why Riles holds some of the cards here
01:28he can let this play out and
01:30Then when Jimmy Butler becomes a free agent
01:33Member folks only one team could sign up to a max deal. I think that's Brooklyn
01:38He's not going to Brooklyn. So Riles can just let this play out. Jimmy's gonna do his little dance
01:43He's gonna take bad shots. He's gonna change his hair colors. He's gonna try and be a new version of Dennis Rodman
01:50Without the rings. So at the end of the day, listen Riles holds the cards and yeah, they're gonna get rid of him
01:56but Riles may send him to somewhere like uh, I don't know Portland or somewhere like that where he could just
02:03That'd be great. Send him to the uh
02:07To the Shanghai Ducks, you know of the CBL, you know CBA send him over to Chinese Basketball Association Jimmy Butler
02:13I'll calm down with that mess
02:15It's never worth it
