• vor 2 Monaten
Der designierte US-Präsident hat eine Reihe von Vorwürfen gegen den kalifornischen Gouverneur Gavin Newsom erhoben, der Trump seinerseits vorwarf, "menschliche Tragödien zu politisieren". Was stimmt daran?


00:00Faktchecking Donald Trumps Claims about the California Wildfires
00:08The deadly wildfires in California have sparked a political spat between President-elect Donald Trump
00:14and the Democrat Governor of the State of California, Gavin Newsom.
00:19In this Truth Social post, Trump claims Newsom failed to sign a water restoration declaration
00:25that would have secured additional water supply to the affected region, suggesting this hindered firefighting efforts.
00:33Newsom's office responded by pointing out that such a document never existed.
00:37Trump's team says he was referring to his 2019 proposal to redirect water from the northern Californian delta
00:46to farms and urban areas further south, a proposal Newsom's administration challenged in court
00:53due to concerns over endangered species in the delta.
00:57But several experts have said Trump's water diversion plans would not have had any impact on the supply of water available for firefighting efforts.
01:06Trump has also said that there is no water in fire hydrants in the affected areas.
01:12This is partly true.
01:14The L.A. mayor has said that at one point last week, 20% of fire hydrants went dry
01:20with the affluent L.A. suburb of Palisades most affected.
01:24Governor Newsom has ordered an independent investigation, saying that while the hydrants are not designed to extinguish such widespread fires,
01:32the lack of water could have impaired efforts to protect some homes.
01:36Finally, Trump has claimed that there is no money in FEMA, the government agency for emergency management.
01:44FEMA, however, says it has $27 billion in its disaster relief fund
01:49after a temporary funding bill was passed.
01:51While this may not be enough to cover California's needs,
01:55Trump's claim that there is no money left in the pot is unfounded.
