• 2 months ago
Why You Should Be Using Straps for Heavy Muscle-Building Exercises | Building Blocks | Men's Health
00:00What I like to do for the row, again we want an exercise we can safely
00:04progressively overload and that is going to be this incline bench row. So let me
00:09get a warm-up set here. I like about a 30 degree incline on a bench and what we
00:17get to do here that we don't get to do on a standard dumbbell row is I don't
00:23have to worry about my lower back at all. We're trying to hit our rhomboids and
00:27our lats, this muscle group right here and then the muscle group that kind of
00:30sits in between our shoulder blades and we want to get to focus on that, focus on
00:35something called mind-muscle connection while still going heavy. If I have to
00:38worry about my my lower back on a bent over row or something like that I'm not
00:42as effectively going to focus on that good squeeze but on an incline row I
00:48can focus on that. So just like I did on the RDL we're gonna wrap on this
00:53exercise. If you have straps use them right so you're gonna hear a lot of
00:57confusing stuff when you go to LA Fitness or CrossFit Box or something
01:01like that and they're gonna be like don't don't use straps because it
01:03affects your grip strength. Newsflash though I'm not really here to train my
01:06grip strength I'm trying to build muscle. I'm trying to hit the large muscle
01:10groups. If I really want to build my forearms I will do forearm exercises and
01:14this exercise too should be a pretty heavy row for you. You want to think
01:19about in the long term working up to doing eight to ten reps at 75-80% of
01:26your body weight. You want to do three sets here.
