• 2 months ago
BMitch and JP welcome Brian Baldinger onto the program and he immediately brings high praise for Jayden Daniels, going as far to say the NFL has never seen a rookie quarterback like him.
00:00Have you ever seen a rookie that play like that plays? No, no, no, I mean, no
00:08I mean, we've been around this game our whole lives, right?
00:10And I can't think of anybody that has come in and played like this to play at this level with as many new
00:18Faces, you know different centers different left tackles different running backs
00:22I mean the roster has changed throughout the year. Nothing. The only thing that hasn't changed is his consistency
00:30And you know outside of getting hit in Carolina, and you know that rib probably bother him for a week or two
00:35I mean the guy has been
00:38He's just been money all year and the thing that amazed me Brian
00:41Honestly why I cut y'all I didn't mean I was just joking with you Brian
00:44But so the thing that's amazing to me is he calls the whole game that the line of scrimmage in a shotgun
00:51And he's on the road in Tampa. It doesn't matter where he's at. I've seen him in Philly play like
00:56It doesn't matter about the atmosphere. He's getting everybody lined up. He's getting the snap on time
01:03He doesn't seem surprised by anything and he's called the whole game like we've never seen anything like this before
01:10It's really listen you're talking we haven't seen anything like this across the entire NFL for Washington fans
01:18They haven't seen anything. I
01:20mean the the quarterback drought has been even worse than the playoff drought and it's um
01:26It's something that really is remarkable and allows for commanders fans. I think to feel
01:32Really really good for the long haul to you know
01:35You know, it's interesting. I remember I called Dan Quinn up during
01:41OT or during um
01:44They had a minicamp in late in early June and it was kind of close to me
01:49If I understand if I could just come I just wanted to watch Jayden talk to Cliff whatever
01:53So you invited me let me come so I remember I met Jayden Daniels for the first time
01:57So I know a nice kid very polite
02:00Soft spoken all the stuff that you've seen and then I remember talking to him, you know, like before
02:06You know one of the games this year
02:07Maybe the bear game whatever it was and he's the exact same guy as he was in June
02:12And that's I think everybody gets that that sort of treatment from him. He's very soft-spoken
02:18Looks you right in the eye like it's he's not doesn't look agitated or nervous or anything
02:25He's just himself and and that's what everybody has said about him
02:29From the very beginning from me when he first, you know showed up at camp
02:34Until now like he's the same guy every day and it doesn't matter how big the game is
02:39How big the moment is like you could see it like he's got a nice little soft smile
02:44They've got when something really good happens, but he generally is in charge
02:50In his own way, and it's just remarkable to watch
