• 2 months ago
लापरवाही के चलते आंगनवाड़ी सहायिका की मौत हो गई. समय पर न तो मदद मिली न एंबुलेंस पहुंची.


00:18We came to Panpenis near Bhagat Singh Chitrakoot
00:24There was a E-Rix driver who was sitting in the car
00:28He was hit by an auto car
00:30The woman came under the E-Rix
00:33The auto driver ran away
00:36I followed him till Ghadi Chowk
00:38After that I didn't see him
00:40I got to know his car number
00:45It happened at 3.20pm
00:48The ladies were here for 10 minutes
00:51She didn't come for 10 minutes
00:53She took a private car to the hospital
00:56You didn't see the police or the ambulance?
00:59We didn't see the police
01:01The police didn't come yet
01:03It's been 20 minutes since the accident
01:05You didn't see the ambulance?
01:07We didn't see the ambulance
01:09I was coming from the front
01:12As soon as the signal was about to go off
01:14A car came and an auto was crossing
01:17The auto driver tried to go from there
01:22But the driver was in such a hurry
01:24That he hit the woman who was going from the side
01:27She was suffocating
01:29The woman was walking?
01:31Yes, the woman was walking
01:33When the driver stopped the auto
01:35The auto fell on her
01:37She was seriously injured
01:39She had a head injury
01:41Blood was flowing from her ears
01:44We didn't get help from the police
01:47Nor did we get an ambulance on time
01:49We stopped a car
01:51To take her to the hospital
01:53You were trying to stop the public
01:55And many auto drivers
01:57Did anyone stop you?
01:59No, no one was stopping
02:01I was shouting for help
02:03To stop the car
02:05So that we can take her to the hospital
02:07We called out to the ambulance
02:09But they didn't stop
