• 2 months ago
Check out the Officer Bonds Trailer for Dynasty Warriors: Origins, an upcoming installment in the legendary muso hack-and-slash franchise developed by Koei Tecmo Games. Players can get the opportunity to form bonds with many of the officers throughout the game. Through these relationships cultivated in the game, more can be revealed than surface-level subjects as the bonds grow deeper and deeper.
00:12Hey you
00:13He's gonna be here soon. You know unless you take off now. You're gonna be worked to the bone, too
00:19That's good advice. Just go home and forget about training today. I don't want to see another poor soul broken
00:27The punishment he dealt to King soldiers who pillaged during the fighting of Shu province was so severe
00:32I dare not even speak of it
00:35He shows no leniency in his training either, and it's about to begin now
00:39Each session is more traumatic than the last
00:48Seriously do you enjoy that kind of thing I mean I won't stop you, but it will be intense
00:56Just don't say we didn't warn you and don't run away crying once things start heating up no matter what
01:03No one said to slack in your formations fix them now
01:08Sir, yes, sir returning to formation
01:17What are you doing here mixed in with my soldiers if you wish to partake in my drills then join the formation properly
01:27Time to commence the drills prepare yourselves
01:40You have most impressive stamina and agility cultivated through many years of strict training I imagine
01:54I've said nothing but the truth
01:56You do not fear me. Do you?
01:59Surely you've heard of the rumors of my harsh treatment of chin soldiers
02:03stemming from a personal grudge
02:10And you're not concerned about that in the least
02:14My former leader Lord Baoshan was slain by yellow turbans who had come down from chin province
02:21They say my bitterness led me to dole out harsher punishments than necessary
02:26To chin soldiers who failed to maintain order
02:30Pillaging is a serious offense. My judgment therein is simply a matter of course
02:36personal grudges and the like do not factor in whatsoever and
02:40I must continue to ensure proper discipline moving forward as well
02:43It is the role I play and my very convictions require me to do so
02:49You must keep the details of this conversation private if the soldiers knew they would grow lax
02:57Come by again next time you're up for an intense challenge
03:01I'll help you focus both your body and mind
