• 2 months ago


00:00When they did the terrorism, we showed that we are capable of going inside and hitting
00:08We have done the surgical strike that we will destroy your training camps if you do these
00:12activities in our nation.
00:14So a strong nation should be capable of protecting its citizens and also give the reply to our
00:22enemy like Pakistan, who is otherwise never going to learn from this.
00:27Defence Minister, there are many of the terrorists who are entering from Pakistan and then you
00:31also spoke about the war between India and Pakistan that was fought in Akhnoor in the
00:35year 1965 and then how India succeeded and defeated Pakistan in all the wars that have
00:42been fought today in history.
00:43And also there is received cross-border terrorism, what you spoke about.
00:47So how do you see that in these growing times, how are you satisfied with the Defence Minister's
00:52statement and how do you see the terrorism during these times?
00:58So terrorism actually, you know, it started, it's a kind of policy of Pakistan.
01:04They cannot face Indian Army directly, right?
01:06So the way they do, it's like a proxy war through terrorism because, you know, they
01:11also get into the society, they take help of some locals and also they want to kind
01:16of, you know, destabilize our country.
01:20You know, the only way to deal with them, to finish all the training camps, ensure that
01:25nothing, no such training camps are being run on the soil of POK and Pakistan.
01:31Second, making our border so that they cannot cross over, right, even if they are training,
01:35but it's a difficult thing.
01:37You know, in J&K our borders are very porous, right, there are mountains, there are kind
01:42of, you know, falls and all, where terrorists just come in.
01:46But we need to ensure that, you know, we destroy their camps and also make, seal these
01:52The third thing which is important, bringing that awareness within our society, right.
01:58If our society is aware and each citizen of the country is taking the right step that
02:05no terrorism can come into India.
02:07And for that, we always need to remember that we have to honor and respect our veterans.
02:14I work very closely with the Civil War veteran and some of these soldiers still have to go,
02:21you know, door to door for their issues like pension.
02:24So there may be very minor issue, but somebody who fought for the nation and he still need
02:30to go, you know, different departments and all just to get his correct pension is not
02:35He should be served and it should be the example for the entire society and nation that how
02:40do we treat our brave heart who fought for the country and given their blood or given
02:45their life.
02:46I think that will make a huge difference how our country, you know, shape up from here.
02:52So anything that with these times for the veterans, for the armed forces veterans should
02:58be changed or some new rules that should be bringing to for making their life more better
03:04or some changes that need to be done in the society?
03:08Yeah, definitely.
03:09So there are two parts.
03:10One thing is from the society, a land of free will remain a land of free till the time it's
03:16a land of brave, right?
03:17So we need to ensure that there are continuously next generation looking at armed forces as
03:24a right option, as a right career option, right?
03:27Otherwise, who will join army?
03:29Every mother will say, why will I send my children to the army, right?
03:32So one, we need to ensure that it's a good career option also for the young generation.
03:38And second thing, the respect and the honor which is given to the veterans, because everyone
03:44sees that you fought for your country.
03:47You given your life, you given your blood, you become disabled, how you are being treated.
03:52So first is about society.
03:54Society at large need to have that, you know, kind of dedication that we salute you for
04:00your service.
04:01We thank you for your service.
04:02And second is very important initiative from the governments.
04:06As I told you, war veterans who fought in different wars are still fighting cases for
04:13very small things in their, you know, different courts for getting their right pension.
04:19It's a shame.
04:20No veterans, a war veteran should be given his due, right?
04:25He should not be, he's anyway disabled.
04:27So this is something and that may be a very, very small percentage, right?
04:31I'm saying 99% is fine.
04:34But even these 1%, they become like a case where our entire society is looking at them.
04:39So their government need to be more proactive that these veterans, they are not forced to
04:45go to different courts and for their right, for their right amount of pension, they are
04:50or the facilities they are supposed to get that should be given to them at any cost.
04:55I think that will change the way our veterans are being seen.
