• vor 2 Monaten
Die drei erwachsenen Geschwister Eve, Maggie und Nick hadern in Millers in Marriage alle drei sowohl mit ihrer Ehe als auch ihrer Kunst. Eve gab ihre Karriere als Indie-Rock-Sängerin auf, um Mutter zu werden, denkt aber seit dem Treffen mit einem attraktiven Musikjournalisten über ein Comeback nach. Ihre Schwester Maggie streitet dauernd mit ihrem Ehemann über ihre erfolgreiche Autorenkarriere, während er selbst nicht zu Papier bringt. Währenddessen ist ihr Bruder Andy unsicher mit der Beziehung mit seiner neuen Freundin Renee als seine Exfrau Tina zurückkehrt.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/millers-in-marriage


00:00Everyone has that story of their first tiny New York apartment.
00:05The cockroaches and the mice.
00:07Oh my God, and the rat.
00:08I went with Nick to get the trap.
00:09He kicked out of there.
00:11The moral of the story is, sometimes it's better to live with the rat.
00:17You two are so lucky.
00:19I always wish Scott and I had something like you two.
00:21You want to explain why I haven't heard from you in over 48 hours?
00:24I texted you when I landed in Sacramento.
00:26Three days ago.
00:27What do you think of Renee?
00:29She seems nice.
00:31I'm just thinking of Tina.
00:32She, don't be.
00:33I want a new chapter.
00:34I was 25 when we started dating.
00:37You're such a good writer.
00:38It's a big deal.
00:39You got one bad review.
00:40The dream is to write the book.
00:42Sadly, I'm coming to the conclusion that it's not going to happen.
00:46Did you ever think about making a change?
00:49It's just a little hard to imagine now.
00:52Do you ever fantasize about getting divorced?
00:55That kind of makes it sound like a good thing.
00:58Maggie Miller?
00:59Hey, how are you?
01:00Good, I recognized your truck.
01:02So it's just the truck that caught your eye?
01:06Hey, it's Johnny.
01:07I was wondering about doing that interview.
01:11All I'm looking for is a stable relationship with a sane woman who's approximately my age.
01:17I finished your book.
01:19It's good, Max.
01:20You're always good.
01:28What if I told you I think I made a mistake?
01:30Come on, really?
01:32I've been thinking about all the things I gave up for you.
01:35I'm not going to do it anymore.
01:36She only wants to get back together with you because you're with me now.
01:39You did inspire me.
01:41I wrote the first song that I've written in years.
01:43It's about fresh starts, second acts.
01:46The promise of new beginnings.
01:48You meet a lot of unhappy women up here.
01:50Who sings I'm Unhappy?
01:51You're here.
01:52I'm here.
01:53I'm here.
01:54You meet a lot of unhappy women up here.
01:55Who sings I'm Unhappy?
01:56You're here.
01:57Aren't you?
01:59So what's this guy's deal?
02:00He has slept with nearly all the women in this town.
02:03But not me.
02:05He just delivers the word.