• last week
जिला विकास समन्वय एवं निगरानी समिति की बैठक में छाए रहे पत्रिका में प्रकाशित मुद्दे, रात साढ़े 8 बजे तक चली बैठक


00:00People don't stay in the government.
00:02There is corruption in the government as well.
00:04You know everything.
00:06But don't get involved in other people's affairs.
00:08Do your job properly.
00:10Don't delay the MQP.
00:12The head of the committee is also there.
00:14And the head of the committee sits in the Lok Sabha.
00:16And you know that you don't know the privilege of the head of the committee.
00:20I have seen in the Privilege Committee,
00:22in the Radhastan Committee,
00:24that the P.S.D.D. sits outside
00:26and searches the court.
00:28They say, sir, we are joining hands.
00:30There is no such thing in life.
00:32So you don't even do this,
00:34that you call the M.T. and ask what it is.
00:36Don't get involved in other people's affairs.
00:38Do your job properly.
00:40Stay with the district.
00:42I have no interest in sitting with you.
00:44I have a different type of interest.
00:46My purpose is not that I call you
00:48and ask you to do something.
00:50But whatever happens every day,
00:52or if there is an attempt,
00:54not all people can escape.
00:56The two roads that we have brought in the city,
00:58this is the first district in Rajasthan.
01:00The government of Delhi has invested
01:0260 crore rupees in Nagore.
01:04Nagore, in which no one has voted.
01:06I have done it.
01:08The roads have increased.
01:10After the roads have increased,
01:12the condition will be such that it cannot be stopped.
01:14The investigation committee has written
01:16that the road should be broken and built.
01:18A little bit of breaking,
01:20and the roads will be built.
01:22If you do this work every day,
01:24you will not be able to do anything.
01:26You should visit us from now on.
01:28In the last 5 years,
01:30there has been so much money
01:32from the district and state in Nagore
01:34that no work can be done.
01:36The money has not come from the roads
01:38so that the people of India
01:40can take their homes and
01:42then ask for a ticket in the elections.
01:44We don't even want that.
01:46They will continue the corruption.
01:48This is my message to you.
