• 2 months ago


00:00This morning, around 5 am, after the police station in Ambargatte,
00:07Madam Herbalkar and her brother, MNC Chandra Jyotivedi,
00:16had to come to Belgaum from Bangalore.
00:19In the middle of the way, some animal came in the way,
00:25they went to rescue it.
00:27In front of them, a heavy vehicle was passing by,
00:31they went to rescue it.
00:34The driver, by mistake, entered the service road.
00:39In that situation, a tree branch hit her.
00:43This is a dangerous incident.
00:48Now, Madam is admitted in Vijaya Hospital,
00:53Belgaum Trauma Centre.
00:57I have spoken to the doctor.
01:02She had minor injuries.
01:05L1, L4 hairline fractures,
01:08and C1 and C4.
01:14Subluxation means incomplete dislocation.
01:19The doctor said that they are giving treatment for both these injuries.
01:25She will be in the hospital for 1 to 2 days.
01:31For observation.
01:33The MLC has minor head injuries.
01:39That is why she came here,
01:41took treatment,
01:42got discharged and is at home.
01:45The driver and the gunman also had minor injuries.
01:49They were admitted here,
01:52they were in a critical condition,
01:54they were also discharged.
01:56Sir, were they in Bengalapada?
01:58Did the MLC give any information?
02:00Yes, all our superiors and the government
02:03gave us all the information.
02:06Sir, were they in Bengalapada?
02:08They were, but they were a little ahead.
02:11They were in the back,
02:14between the vehicle and the Bengalapada.
02:19Was it a government vehicle?
02:20Yes, a government vehicle.
02:22A government vehicle and a government driver.
02:24Did the MLC give any information?
02:26We are drafting a complaint at the Kithoor Police Station.
02:30We will take the necessary steps.
02:32How long will she be in the hospital?
02:34The doctor said that she will be in the hospital for 1 to 2 days.
02:38They have already spoken to the doctor.
02:42Depending upon further requirements,
02:46they will see to it.
