• 2 months ago
Oprah invites legendary actress Angela Bassett to The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures to discuss her recent, well-dese | dG1fS1J3MUp5Q3duS0k
00:00Queen Ramanda, I mean, did that feel like a gift?
00:03It did. It did. It did. Ryan Coogler called me up, and I'm sitting in my kitchen,
00:08and this young director, I'd seen his first movie, Fruitvale Station. This young director,
00:14you know, Ryan, he wants to call you up. I was like, okay, I want you to play,
00:17and I was just floored. Had you even seen the script?
00:20No. No? No script? You know,
00:24some of these places are so secret. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:26Marvel at the scripts, but he told me, he said queen, and I think for years I had been saying,
00:32you know, when you're asked, what else would you like to play? I want to play a queen. I mean,
00:36I'm just talking smack, you know? I mean, kind of in there, but I manifested it, evidently,
00:43because I hadn't seen it, and it's not queen for me. It's queen for us. We are queens. My mother,
00:50my auntie, you, we all are, and so often we're at, you know, black woman has been
00:57considered at the low end of the totem. Yeah. No. No. No. Oh, you brought the queendom. Yes.
01:02You brought the queendom. You brought it down. That's who we are.
01:06You lifted it up. That's who we are.
01:08You took us there. So last year, I'm in my house. We're all in our pajamas,
01:11watching you on Oscar night. You're wearing purple. Yes.
01:1430 years after you were nominated for what's love got to do with it, but didn't win. So I just
01:21knew your name was going to be called. And then when they didn't, I was beside myself.
01:31We were beside ourselves in our house.
01:33Was gobsmacked.
01:35Were you gobsmacked? Were you gobsmacked? And so Angela Bassett face became, like,
01:41all over the internet because, and I thought you actually handled it really well because people
01:46are saying your disappointment showed, but I thought you handled it very well. What did you
01:50Thank you. I thought I handled it very well also. And that was my intention, was to handle
01:55it very well. It was, of course, a supreme disappointment.
01:59A supreme disappointment.
02:01And disappointment is human. So I thought, yes, I was disappointed and I was,
02:06and I handled it like a human being.
02:08I thought you did. I thought you did. So I didn't get the whole Angela Bassett face. I thought,
02:13wow, you can see that, oh, well, I expected another thing, but you were still as gracious
02:22as a queen would be. Yes, you did.
02:24Absolutely. For myself and for my children who were there with me.
02:28Yes. Yes.
02:30I know a pastor who says technology's different. People are the same.
02:34I think that's great.
02:35And it's like, there are going to be these moments of disappointment
02:39that they are going to experience. But how do you handle yourself in the midst of them? So
02:47we're going to smile. We're going to be gracious. We're going to be kind. We're going to party.
02:51Yes. And you know what's interesting? That actually teaches your children more than
02:55anything you can ever say about what you're supposed to do.
02:59Is how you behaved in that moment. Yes.
